Operation Ten-Go

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Chanticleer Mission 9
Location: Sol-Delta Serpentis Jump Node


The climactic battle of the war takes place at the Delta Serpentis jump node.


You'll emerge from subspace with six Izra'il fighters, the Narayana-class frigate Decatur, a Sanctus cruiser, and both AWACS in front of you. Off in the distance in front of you are the Federation's superweapon and another Narayana. To your right is a full-scale fleet battle between three Karunas and four Deimoses.

Your only concern is the Izra'il fighters. Do not take these ships lightly - they're durable, relatively maneuverable, and carry ten guns. Once the Izra'il fighters are downed, Hannah will jump in with the bombers. The Chanticleer and the GTCv Zagreus (another Deimos) will jump in as well. Let the bombers and capital ships take care of the AWACS and capital ships. Around this time, six more Izra'ils will come your way. Take them down before they can snipe your bombers.

Once both AWACS have been destroyed, the UEF beam jamming is gone. Stand back and watch the fireworks as the GTD Atreus and Serkr Team warp in and take down all three Karunas in short order. The UEF launches one wing of Lao Tze fighters and one wing of Vajra superheavy bombers against the Atreus. They arrive too late to save the fleet, but they buy enough time for the Federation superweapon to get away.

After some dialogue, approach the Chanticleer fighter bay to end the mission.


  • The mission is named after the historical Operation Ten-Go, the Imperial Japanese Navy's last-ditch attempt to stave off defeat in World War II.