Evacuation Day

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The following information has not been confirmed by Volition
and is therefore not canon for the FreeSpace universe.
Campaign Walkthrough Next Mission

Chanticleer Mission 0
Location: GTVA Neptune Headquarters


The date is December 4, 2387, 2 1/2 years into the Sol-GTVA war. GTVA Admiral Steele has ordered the exposed Neptune fortifications to be evacuated. The GTD Carthage task force and its depleted air wing is covering the evacuation of Neptune HQ. After the brutal Battle of Saturn, the Carthage's task force is in desperate need of a refit, and its pilots know it.

Two wings, including Lt. Cmdr. Ned Mozingo, launch to guard an evacuation convoy led by the GVC Pepi. A fleet-sized Federation task force warps in, led by the UEFg Serenity and two artillery frigates, the Vikrant and Toreador. A major battle is imminent. Carthage control orders Mozingo's wing to jump out with the transports, while the other escort wing is reassigned to cover the Carthage. Mozingo and his wingman ask to stay behind and fight. The request is denied; Mozingo's wing is ordered to stay with the convoy and cover its retreat to Artemis Station. He and his wing jump out reluctantly.


This mission is a cutscene.
