FS2 WebUI Standalone

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The WebUI standalone was created by SCP member Eli2 to enable *nix machines to run a standalone FS2 server.

How to Use

Just add the -standalone command line option to your startup script, or run the game with the Standalone option enabled from wxLauncher, etc.


The following items are specific to the *nix <fs2_local_data_folder>/data/multi.cfg file, where the local data folder is likely ~/Library/FS2_Open/ for OS X or ~/.fs2_open/ for other *nix platforms. The rest of the file should work like a normal Windows standalone. An example file can be found below.


  • Set this value to wherever you have placed the webui document root. If you don't have it, and you did not download the code and make the build yourself, you can grab it by running the svn command svn checkout svn://svn.icculus.org/fs2open/trunk/fs2_open/webui in the directory you would like to store the WebUI pages. So if you run this command in your home folder, your setting might look something like:
+webui_root /home/username/webui


For FS2NetD connectivity, you will also need to define +use_pxo, as you probably don't have the ability to run the GUI and turn on the PXO checkbox in the game when running the standalone on a headless server.


+name WebUI Test
+datarate 1000000000
+max_players 12
+pxo #autoselect
+pxo_login chief_standalone
+pxo_password password
+webui_root /home/chief1983/webui