Mission design

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Revision as of 19:44, 2 October 2008 by TopAce (talk | contribs) (perhaps this should be merged with List of FRED-related topics, a. k. a. FRED Tips)
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Welcome to the mission design section. This section covers almost everything a mission designer should and must know about the mission editor FRED and about the missions that are to be done. If you read everything in here and forget less then fifty per cent of what you have read, you will really become a professional mission designer.

5 Easy steps towards your FREDucation - Covers the basic and some intermediate skills every mission designer should have. Describes the process from starting the mission to initializing the final testing phase! A must to read for all novices.
Backgrounds - Discussing the possibilities you have to improve the looking of your mission. Tells you about the basics and lets you know about Skyboxes, an SCP feature that allows you use a large image as your background.
Battle of Endor-syndrome - This section tells you about the setbacks of making large battles with the FreeSpace Engine and give you an external source to read.
The FRED Academy - A community effort to help novice Mission Designers get started.
List of FRED-related topics - Anything a FREDder should know, from beginner to advanced level is located here! Plenty of advice located beyond this link.
Mission Chatter - A section that helps you develop in-mission chatter between pilots, warships and Allied Command! Everything about content and style.
Plot Development - Very detailed description and hints for scripting the plot of your campaign. Divided into seven sections.
References - Sources you can use while making a mission.
The World of SEXPs - Detailed description of all available S-expressions. Covers both Retail FreeSpace and SCP operators.