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Revision as of 19:58, 21 November 2007 by Wanderer (talk | contribs) (updated version info)
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3.6.x branch:
3.7 branch: 2.48

General Format

  • Music.tbl consist of several sections. Some are used to define in-game soundtracks and others various other musics.
  • Sountrack entries
    • #SoundTrack Start
    • Soundtracks names and definitions
    • #SoundTrack End
  • Other musics
    • #Menu Music Start
    • Music names and definitions
    • #Menu Music End

Soundtrack Musics

$Soundtrack Name:

  • Soundtrack Name is immediately followed by the soundtrack order number and the name of the soundtrack.
  • Syntax: Integer: String
    • Example: 1: Genesis


FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
  • Used with modular tables to set the parser to use the modular table only for modifying an existing entry instead of creating new (possibly incomplete) one.

Soundtrack Flags

FS2 Open, 3.6.x:

If the music should be played according to the FS1 style, the following flags should be added after $Soundtrack Name:

  • +Cycle: FS1
    • This cycles the NRML and BTTL tracks the FS1 way, instead of the FS2 way.
  • +Allied Arrival Overlay: NO
    • This allows the Allied Arrival track to play on its own, as it did in FS1.

Music Tracks

  • All music track lines beging with $Name: followed by the filename of music track, with file extension. After the tracks filename the number of measures (NM) in the track is defined followed by the number of samples per measure (SPM).
  • Syntax: String Float Integer
    • Example: $Name: FS2_Amb_A01.wav 25.0 105840
  • The SPM value is computed using the formula SPM = (2*SF*L)/NM, where SF is the sampling frequency in hz and L is length of the music piece in seconds (only up to the point where the game is supposed to truncate it, not necessarily the length of the entire file). The NM value is irrelevant. You can put in anything for it as long as the SPM is calculated correctly, since the game internally just multiplies them together. The main piece of information that the game needs is L. It tells the game where to stop playing the file and make the transition to the next music piece, which in some cases is significantly earlier than the full length of the file. The track B enemy arrival piece, FS2_Btl_B04.wav, is one example of this.

Order of the music tracks:

Ambience "Normal 1"
Allied Arrival during Normal "Ally arrival 1"
Enemy Arrival during Normal "Enemy arrival 1"
Battle 1 "Battle 1"
Battle 2 "Battle 2"
Battle 3 "Battle 3"
Allied Arrival during Battle "Ally arrival 2"
Enemy Arrival during Battle "Enemy arrival 2"
Victory 1 ( goal completed ) "Victory 1"
Victory 2 ( all enemies dead, goals completed ) "Victory 2"
Goal Failed "Failure 1"
Player dies "Dead 1"
FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
  • Following entries have been added by SCP
Ambience 2 "Normal 2"
Ambience 3 "Normal 3"

Specific Music Tracks

FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
  • If table doesn't have retail like $Name: at the beginning of the line then a new method for parsing tables can be used
  • Instead $String: can be used where the string is shortened name of the music track.
  • After the initial entry on the line, rest of the music entry is added after it.
  • Name of the music track, name of the associated music file with file extension, number of measure, number of samples per measure
  • Syntax: $String: String Float Integer
  • Example: $Battle 1: FS2_Btl_G01.ogg 25.8 176400

Menu Musics

  • Menu musics are defined with filename after the name of the tracks name.
  • Syntax for all of the Menu Music entries are similar
  • Syntax: $Filename:
    • Example: $Filename: FS2_Brief_01.wav


  • Defines the name of the menu music
  • Syntax: String
    • Allowed musics:
      • Brief1
      • Brief2
      • Brief3
      • Brief4
      • Brief5
      • Brief6
      • Brief7
      • Success
      • Average
      • Failure
      • Aquitane
      • Psampik
      • Cinema


FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
  • Used with modular tables to set the parser to use the modular table only for modifying an existing entry instead of creating new (possibly incomplete) one.


  • Defines the actual file
  • Syntax: String, filename with file extension


  • Uses normal soundtrack and menu musics from FS2
  #SoundTrack Start
  $Soundtrack Name: 1: Genesis
  $Name:   FS2_Amb_A01.wav      25.0     105840
  $Name:   FS2_AArv_A01.wav     1.8      105840
  $Name:   FS2_Arv_B01.wav      3.8      81415
  $Name:   FS2_Btl_A01.wav      25.8     66150
  $Name:   FS2_Btl_A02.wav      27.8     81415
  $Name:   FS2_Btl_A03.wav      39.8     81415
  $Name:   FS2_AArv_A01.wav     1.8      105840
  $Name:   FS2_Arv_B02.wav      3.8      81415
  $Name:   FS2_Vict_A01.wav     2.8      52920
  $Name:   FS2_Vict_A02.wav     30.8     52920
  $Name:   FS2_Dth_A01.wav      23.8     132300
  $Name:   FS2_Dth_A01.wav      23.8     132300
  #SoundTrack End
  #Menu Music Start
  $Name:      Brief1
  $Filename:  FS2_Brief_01.wav
  $Name:      Brief2
  $Filename:  FS2_Brief_02.wav
  $Name:      Brief3
  $Filename:  FS2_Brief_03.wav
  $Name:      Brief4
  $Filename:  FS2_Brief_04.wav
  $Name:      Brief5
  $Filename:  FS2_Brief_05.wav
  $Name:      Brief6
  $Filename:  FS2_Btl_A01.wav
  $Name:      Brief7
  $Filename:  FS2_Cinema2.wav
  $Name:      Success
  $Filename:  FS2_DB_01.wav
  $Name:      Average
  $Filename:  FS2_DB_02.wav
  $Name:      Failure
  $Filename:  FS2_DB_03.wav
  $Name:      Aquitaine
  $Filename:  Aquitaine.wav
  $Name:      Psampik
  $Filename:  Psampik.wav
  $Name:      Cinema
  $Filename:  FS2_Cinema2.wav
  #Menu Music End