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Objecttypes.tbl is a table added by the FSSCP, used to set attributes of different object types. Currently the only section of this table are ship type attributes. A ship 'type' supercedes ship classes defined in ships.tbl. For example, the GTF Perseus and GTF Ulysses belong to the 'fighter' ship type. However, the GTD Orion belongs to the 'capital' ship type.

Note that objecttypes.tbl is fully XMT-compliant, with the suffix *-obt.tbm. In addition, the retail hardcoded types are being ported over to the objecttypes.tbl via an in-code table. So if a mod wishes to expand on the original types rather than replace them entirely, it should use a modular table file rather than a normal .tbl. Otherwise the in-code table will be ignored in favor of the one included in the mod, and the retail types will not be loaded (unless the mod includes them in its .tbl)

Note that a number of aspects of the retail types are still hardcoded, although they may be moved to the objecttypes.tbl if a mod requests it.

General Format

#Ship Types


  • Name of ship type. To assign a ship class to a given type, simply place the name entered here in the ship class's "$Flags:" field.

$Counts for Alone:

  • Whether ship counts for determing whether or not Freespace 2 will play the "No reinforcements are available" message.
  • Syntax: Yes/No

$Praise Destruction:

  • Whether wingmates will praise destruction of the ship.
  • Syntax: Yes/No

$On Hotkey List:

  • Whether ship will show up in hotkey screen.
  • Syntax: Yes/No

$Target as Threat:

  • Whether ship will be targetted with the 'H' key.
  • Syntax: Yes/No


  • Toggles whether ship type can be scanned
  • Syntax: Yes/No

$Warp Pushes:

  • Whether ship will push other (pushable) ships out of the way while warping.
  • Syntax: Yes/No

$Warp Pushable:

  • Whether ship can be pushed out of the way by ships with Warp Pushes enabled
  • Syntax: Yes/No

$Max Debris Speed:

  • Maximum speed of debris spawned from ship
  • Syntax: Number or decimal

$FF Multiplier:

  • Friendly-fire damage to ship will be multiplied by this amount
  • Syntax: Number or decimal

$EMP Multiplier:

  • EMP effect will be multiplied by this amount. Higher values mean more HUD jittering/longer-lasting effect.
  • Syntax: Number or decimal

$Beams Easily Hit:

  • Whether beams can easily hit ship (eg capship beams rarely hit fighters)
  • Syntax: Yes/No


+Start Dist:

  • Distance from camera that fogging effect will start
  • Syntax: Number or decimal

+Compl Dist:

  • Distance from camera that this object will be completely obscured by the fogging effect
  • Syntax: Number or decimal


+Valid Goals:

  • Valid goals that can be given to this object.
  • Syntax: ( "goal" "goal" )
  • Goals:
    • attack ship
    • dock
    • waypoints
    • waypoints once
    • depart
    • attack subsys
    • form on wing
    • undock
    • attack wing
    • guard ship
    • disable ship
    • disarm ship
    • attack any
    • ignore ship
    • ignore ship (new)
    • guard wing
    • evade ship
    • stay near ship
    • keep safe dist
    • rearm ship
    • stay still
    • play dead
    • attack weapon
    • fly to ship

+Accept Player Orders:

  • Whether or not ship type will accept orders from player
  • Syntax: Yes/No

+Player Orders:

  • Orders that ship type will accept from player
  • Syntax: ( "goal" "goal" )
  • Orders:
    • attack ship
    • disable ship
    • disarm ship
    • disable subsys
    • guard ship
    • ignore ship
    • form on wing
    • cover me
    • attack any
    • depart
    • dock
    • rearm me
    • abort rearm
    • stay near me
    • stay near ship
    • keep safe dist

+Auto Attacks:

  • Whether or not ship type will auto attack nearby ships
  • Syntax: Yes/No

+Attempt Broadsides:

  • Whether or not ship type will try to use broadside tactics against enemy ships
  • Syntax: Yes/No

+Actively Pursues:

  • Which ship types the current ship type will actively pursue (rather than simply return to guard position or whatnot)
  • Syntax: ( "type" "type" )

+Guards Attack this:

  • Whether ships assigned to guard another ship will attempt to engage ships of the type
  • Syntax: Yes/No

+Turrets Attack This:

  • Whether or not turrets will target the ships of the type
  • Syntax: Yes/No

+Can Form Wing:

  • Whether or not ship type can be formed into a wing
  • Syntax: Yes/No

+Active Docks:

  • Preferred docking bay type for ship when it is initiating the dock with another ship
  • Syntax: ( "bay" "bay" )
  • Dock bays:
    • cargo
    • rearm
    • generic

+Passive Docks:

  • Preferred docking bay type for ship when it is receiving a dock from another ship
  • Syntax: ( "bay" "bay" )
  • Dock bays:
    • cargo
    • rearm
    • generic



Default FreeSpace 2 Table

  • Shiptypes Stealth and Fighter/Bomber do not seem to be used
$Name:                  Navbuoy
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        10.0
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "navbuoy"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Turrets attack this:   YES

$Name:                  sentrygun
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         0.10
$EMP Multiplier:        10.0
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      1.5
   +Accept Player Orders:  NO
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "navbuoy"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES

$Name:                  escapepod
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Warp Pushable:         YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        10.0
   +Start dist:         10.0
   +Compl dist:         600.0
   +Disappear factor:   1.5
   +Valid goals:        (  "fly to ship"
                           "attack ship"
                           "attack wing"
                           "waypoints once"
                           "stay still"
                           "play dead"
                           "stay near ship" )
   +Actively Pursues:   (  "navbuoy"
                           "gas miner"
                           "knossos" )
   +Turrets attack this:   YES

$Name:                  Cargo
$Scannable:             YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         0.10
$EMP Multiplier:        10.0
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      1.5
   +Passive docks:         (  "cargo" )

$Name:                  repair_rearm
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Warp Pushable:         YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        3.5
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      1.5
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay near ship"
                              "keep safe dist"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player orders:         (  "rearm me"
                              "abort rearm"
                              "stay near me"
                              "stay near ship"
                              "keep safe dist"
                              "depart" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "navbuoy"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Active docks:          (  "support" )

$Name:                  Stealth
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        4.0
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      1.5
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "attack subsys"
                              "attack wing"
                              "guard ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "attack any"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)"
                              "guard wing"
                              "evade ship"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship"
                              "keep safe dist" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "guard ship"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)"
                              "form on wing"
                              "cover me"
                              "attack any"
                              "disable subsys\" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "navbuoy"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos\" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Fighter
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Warp Pushable:         YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        4.0
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      1.5
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "attack subsys"
                              "attack wing"
                              "guard ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "attack any"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)"
                              "guard wing"
                              "evade ship"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship"
                              "keep safe dist" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "guard ship"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)"
                              "form on wing"
                              "cover me"
                              "attack any"
                              "disable subsys" )
   +Auto attacks:       YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "navbuoy"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Bomber
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Warp Pushable:         YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        4.0
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      1.5
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "attack subsys"
                              "attack wing"
                              "guard ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "attack any"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)"
                              "guard wing"
                              "evade ship"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship"
                              "keep safe dist" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "guard ship"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)"
                              "form on wing"
                              "cover me"
                              "attack any"
                              "disable subsys" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "navbuoy"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Fighter/bomber
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Warp Pushable:         YES
$Max Debris Speed:      200
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        4.0
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      1.5
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "attack subsys"
                              "attack wing"
                              "guard ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "attack any"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)" "guard wing"
                              "evade ship"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship"
                              "keep safe dist" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "disable ship"
                              "disarm ship"
                              "guard ship"
                              "ignore ship"
                              "ignore ship (new)"
                              "form on wing"
                              "cover me"
                              "attack any"
                              "disable subsys" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "navbuoy"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Transport
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      150
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        2.0
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            500.0
   +Disappear factor:      2.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "depart" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Freighter
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Scannable:             YES
$Max Debris Speed:      150
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        1.75
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            600.0
   +Disappear factor:      2.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "depart" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Active docks:          (  "cargo" )
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  AWACS
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      150
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        0.8
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            600.0
   +Disappear factor:      2.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "depart" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Gas Miner
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      150
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        1.0
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            600.0
   +Disappear factor:      2.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "depart" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Cruiser
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      150
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        0.9
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            600.0
   +Disappear factor:      2.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship"
                              "depart" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Corvette
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      150
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        0.3333
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            600.0
   +Disappear factor:      2.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "attack ship" "depart\" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Capital
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Warp Pushes:           YES
$Max Debris Speed:      100
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        0.2
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            750.0
   +Disappear factor:      3.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Player Orders:         (  "depart" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Supercap
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Warp Pushes:           YES
$Max Debris Speed:      100
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        0.075
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            1000.0
   +Disappear factor:      3.0
   +Valid goals:           (  "fly to ship"
                              "attack ship"
                              "attack wing"
                              "waypoints once"
                              "stay still"
                              "play dead"
                              "stay near ship" )
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Can Form Wing:         YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Drydock
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      100
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        0.5
$Beams Easily Hit:      YES
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            750.0
   +Disappear factor:      3.0
   +Accept Player Orders:  YES
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )

$Name:                  Knossos
$Counts for Alone:      YES
$Praise Destruction:    YES
$On Hotkey List:        YES
$Target as Threat:      YES
$Show Attack Direction: YES
$Max Debris Speed:      100
$FF Multiplier:         1.0
$EMP Multiplier:        0.10
   +Start dist:            10.0
   +Compl dist:            1000.0
   +Disappear factor:      3.0
   +Auto attacks:          YES
   +Attempt Broadside:     YES
   +Actively Pursues:      (  "transport"
                              "gas miner"
                              "knossos" )
   +Guards attack this:    YES
   +Turrets attack this:   YES
   +Passive docks:         (  "support" )