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(New page: This really needs to go in the Ships.tbl/CVS_version page, but that page is a mess right now. #Default Player Ship $Name: GTF Ulysses #End #Engine Wash Info ... #End #Ship ...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 16:58, 25 July 2007

This really needs to go in the Ships.tbl/CVS_version page, but that page is a mess right now.

#Default Player Ship
$Name: GTF Ulysses

#Engine Wash Info

#Ship Templates
$Template: GTB Artemis Template
$Short name:					Bomber2T-03
$Species:                       Terran
+Type:                          XSTR("Medium Bomber", 2999)
+Maneuverability:				XSTR("Poor", 3000)
+Armor:                         XSTR("Medium", 3001)
+Manufacturer:					XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp.", 3002)
+Description:					XSTR(" ", 3003)
+Tech Description:
XSTR("The GTB Artemis is the most agile bomber in the GTVA fleet, which makes it ideal for quick-hitting missions against warships and other slow targets. Of the same technological generation as the Boanerges class, the Artemis is less heavily armed and carries a lighter weapon payload, but it is significantly more maneuverable. While the Boanerges can inflict more damage, the Artemis can undertake (and return from) missions the slower Boanerges would have no hope of surviving. All Artemis-class bombers in the GVTA fleet are currently serving with the 2nd and 3rd Battle Groups.", 3004)
+Length:          36 m
+Gun Mounts:      2
+Missile Banks:   3

$POF file:                      Bomber2T-03.pof
$Detail distance:       (0, 100, 300, 1300)
$Show damage:           YES
$Density:                       1
$Damp:                          0.35
$Rotdamp:                       0.55
$Max Velocity:          0.0, 0.0, 65.0
$Rotation time:         5.0, 4.5, 5.0
$Rear Velocity:         0.0
$Forward accel:         4.0
$Forward decel:         2.0
$Slide accel:           0.0
$Slide decel:           0.0
$Expl inner rad:        50.0
$Expl outer rad:        100.0
$Expl damage:           25.0
$Expl blast:            2000.0
$Expl Propagates:       NO                                                      ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it.
$Shockwave Speed:       0.0                                             ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave
$Allowed PBanks:        ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim")
$Allowed Dogfight PBanks:        ( "Subach HL-D" "Prometheus D" "Circe" "MorningStar D" "Lamprey" )
$Default PBanks:        ( "Subach HL-7" )
$Allowed SBanks:        ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops"  "cyclops#short"  "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" )
$Allowed Dogfight SBanks:        ( "Rockeye D" "Hornet D" "Tornado" "Piranha" "Infyrno D" )
$Default SBanks:        ( "Hornet" "Cyclops#short" "Cyclops#short" )
$SBank Capacity:        ( 40, 60, 60 )
$Shields:                       700
$Shield Color:		100 100 255
$Power Output:          4.0
$Max Oclk Speed:        65.0
$Max Weapon Eng:        100.0
$Hitpoints:             275
$Flags:                         ( "player_ship" "default_player_ship" "bomber")
$AI Class:                      Captain
$Afterburner:           YES
	+Aburn Max Vel: 0.0, 0.0, 110.0
	+Aburn For accel:       0.7
	+Aburn Fuel:            300.0
	+Aburn Burn Rate:       50.0
	+Aburn Rec Rate:        25.0
$Countermeasures:       35
$Scan time:                     2000
$EngineSnd:       127                   ;; Engine sound of ship
$Closeup_pos:           0.0, 0.0, -45
$Closeup_zoom:          0.5
$Shield_icon:           shieldbt-03
$Ship_icon:                     iconbomber2t-03
$Ship_anim:                     ssbomber2t-03
$Ship_overhead:		loadBomber2t-03
$Score:             10
	+Offset:		6.6 -6.25 -5.3
	+Start Width:	0.25
	+End Width:	0.05
	+Start Alpha:	1.0
	+End Alpha:	0.0
	+Max Life:	1.0
	+Spew Time:	120
	+Bitmap:	Contrail01
	+Offset:		-6.6 -6.25 -5.3
	+Start Width:	0.25
	+End Width:	0.05
	+Start Alpha:	1.0
	+End Alpha:	0.0
	+Max Life:	1.0
	+Spew Time:	120
	+Bitmap:	Contrail01

#Ship Classes

$Name:                          GTB Artemis
+Use Template: GTB Artemis Template
$Subsystem:                     communications, 10,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     navigation,                     10,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     weapons,                                20,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     sensors,                                10,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     engine,                 15,     0.0

$Name:                          GTB Artemis D.H.
+Use Template: GTB Artemis Template
+Type:                          XSTR("Medium Bomber", 3005)
+Maneuverability:				XSTR("Average", 3006)
+Armor:                         XSTR("Medium", 3007)
+Manufacturer:					XSTR("Han-Ronald Corp.", 3008)
+Description:					XSTR(" ", 3009)
+Tech Description:
XSTR("The GTB Artemis D.H. is an experimental variant of the standard Artemis class. The most notable change is that the Artemis's factory-issued Han-Ronald engines have been replaced by the same Nankam NA-27f powerplant now found in the GTF Ares fightercraft. The D.H. variant is faster and more maneuverable than the standard Artemis bomber, at no cost to armor or armament. During the OpEval period, Artemis D.H. bombers are being deployed in only select squadrons in different theatres of the war. If the evaluation trials go well, wider deployment of the Artemis D.H. class is expected.", 3010)

$POF file:                      Bonus2t-01.pof
$ND: 					254 126 126
$ND: 					233 68 68
$ND: 					192 32 32
$Allowed PBanks:        ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim")
$Allowed Dogfight PBanks:        ( "Subach HL-7" "Prometheus S" "Prometheus R" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim")
$Default PBanks:        ( "Subach HL-7" )
$Allowed SBanks:        ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops"  "Cyclops#short"  "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" )
$Allowed Dogfight SBanks:        ( "Rockeye" "Hornet" "Tornado" "Trebuchet" "Stiletto II" "Piranha" "Cyclops"  "Cyclops#short"  "Hornet#Weak" "EMP Adv." "Infyrno" )
$Default SBanks:        ( "Hornet" "Cyclops#short" "Cyclops#short" )
$SBank Capacity:        ( 40, 60, 60 )
$Ship_icon:                     iconbonusarty
$Ship_anim:                     ssbonus2t-01
$Ship_overhead:		loadBonusartemis
$Subsystem:                     communications, 10,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     navigation,                     10,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     weapons,                                20,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     sensors,                                10,     0.0
$Subsystem:                     engine,                 15,     0.0
