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FSO Revision: 10125
Note: Please update the version when the page is updated. If your edit had nothing to do with new code entries then please do not edit the version

List of Tables and related code files
* Notes Modular Tables
** Notes tables which only use modular tables
Ai.tbl* /ai/aicode.cpp
Ai_profiles.tbl* /ai/ai_profiles.cpp
Animation.tbl** /model/modelanimation.cpp
Armor.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Asteroid.tbl* /asteroid/asteroid.cpp
Autopilot.tbl* /autopilot/autopilot.cpp
Cheats.tbl* /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp
Colors.tbl* /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp
Curves.tbl* /math/curves.cpp
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp
Credits.tbl* /menuui/credits.cpp
Cutscenes.tbl* /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp
Decals.tbl** /decals/decals.cpp
Fireball.tbl* /fireball/fireballs.cpp
Fonts.tbl* /graphics/font.cpp
Game_settings.tbl* /mod_table/mod_table.cpp
Glowpoints.tbl* /model/modelread.cpp
Help.tbl* /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp
Hud_gauges.tbl* /hud/hudparse.cpp
Icons.tbl* /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp
Iff_defs.tbl* /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp
Lightning.tbl* /nebula/neblightning.cpp
Mainhall.tbl* /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp
Medals.tbl* /stats/medals.cpp
Messages.tbl* /mission/missionmessage.cpp
Mflash.tbl* /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp
Music.tbl* /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp
Nebula.tbl* /nebula/neb.cpp
Objecttypes.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Options.tbl* Not In Codebase
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** /particle/effects...
Post_processing.tbl /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp
Rank.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Scpui.tbl* Not In Codebase
Scripting.tbl* /parse/scripting.cpp
Ships.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Sexps.tbl** /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp
Sounds.tbl* /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp
Species_defs.tbl* /species_defs/species_defs.cpp
Species.tbl* /menuui/techmenu.cpp
Ssm.tbl* /hud/hudartillery.cpp
Stars.tbl* /starfield/starfield.cpp
Strings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Tips.tbl* /menuui/playermenu.cpp
Traitor.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Tstrings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Virtual_pofs.tbl* /model/modelreplace.cpp
Weapon_expl.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp
Weapons.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp

The strings.tbl is used for setting the various translations.

This table is one of the Modular Tables and can be extended with xxx-lcl.tbm

General Info

  • Table consists of several sections named for the language of the translation.
  • Other files use the index values for finding translations located in the strings.tbl
FS2 Open, 3.7.2: Adds an optional section to specify new languages. They are still restricted to a max of 255 characters though, no unicode allowed yet


  • Table consists of one or more sections, each beginning with a number sign followed by the name of the language (e.g., #English, #German, #French).
  • Each section ends with $end
  • Each section consists of many indexed text entries.

FS2 Open, 3.7.2: This is an example of the optional section to specify new languages
#Supported Languages

$Language:	German
+Extension: gr
+Special Character Index: 164

$Language:	French
+Extension: fr
+Special Character Index: 164

$Language:	Spanish
+Extension: sp
+Special Character Index: 164


Individual Lines

  • Each line starts with the number or index that it will be linked to from menu areas.
  • Each line also contains the full text to use for that index throughout FSO.
  • Each string may be followed by one or two X-offset values. If two values exist, then the first one is used in 640x480, and the second one is used in 1024x768. If only one value exists, then it's used in both resolutions.
  • Syntax: Integer, String or Integer, String Integer or Integer, String Integer Integer


  • Part of retail FreeSpace 2 table
; File: KeyControl.cpp

0, "Player ship changed to %s"
1, "Changed player target to %s"
2, "Soundtrack changed to: %s"
3, "Event music is not playing"
4, "Framerate delay increased to %i milliseconds per frame."
5, "Framerate delay decreased to %i milliseconds per frame."
6, "Countermeasure firing: %s"
9, "You whacked yourself down to %7.3f percent hull.\n"
10, "You are %s"
1560, "PXO Banners"
1561, "Misc"
1562, "Force local port"
1563, "German"								; language choices in Misc tab
1564, "English"

; nope, there is more.  added 10/26
1565, "NEW USER TIP\n\n%s"					; heading on tip popup
1566, "Flak turret"
1567, "Beam turret"
1568, "Laser turret"
1569, "Missile lnchr"


The thread announcing new languages support