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- FSO Revision: ecc678c1e5a7c359af41b986cf0931c5de7d583a
Note: Please update the version when the page is updated. If your edit had nothing to do with new code entries then please do not edit the version
List of Tables and related code files | |
* Notes Modular Tables | |
** Notes tables which only use modular tables | |
Ai.tbl* | /ai/aicode.cpp |
Ai_profiles.tbl* | /ai/ai_profiles.cpp |
Animation.tbl** | /model/modelanimation.cpp |
Armor.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Asteroid.tbl* | /asteroid/asteroid.cpp |
Autopilot.tbl* | /autopilot/autopilot.cpp |
Cheats.tbl* | /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp |
Colors.tbl* | /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp |
Curves.tbl* | /math/curves.cpp |
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl | /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp |
Credits.tbl* | /menuui/credits.cpp |
Cutscenes.tbl* | /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp |
Decals.tbl** | /decals/decals.cpp |
Fireball.tbl* | /fireball/fireballs.cpp |
Fonts.tbl* | /graphics/font.cpp |
Game_settings.tbl* | /mod_table/mod_table.cpp |
Glowpoints.tbl* | /model/modelread.cpp |
Help.tbl* | /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp |
Hud_gauges.tbl* | /hud/hudparse.cpp |
Icons.tbl* | /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp |
Iff_defs.tbl* | /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp |
Keywords.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* | /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp |
Lightning.tbl* | /nebula/neblightning.cpp |
Mainhall.tbl* | /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp |
Medals.tbl* | /stats/medals.cpp |
Messages.tbl* | /mission/missionmessage.cpp |
Mflash.tbl* | /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp |
Music.tbl* | /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp |
Nebula.tbl* | /nebula/neb.cpp |
Objecttypes.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Options.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** | /particle/effects... |
Post_processing.tbl | /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp |
Rank.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Scpui.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Scripting.tbl* | /parse/scripting.cpp |
Ships.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Sexps.tbl** | /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp |
Sounds.tbl* | /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp |
Species_defs.tbl* | /species_defs/species_defs.cpp |
Species.tbl* | /menuui/techmenu.cpp |
Ssm.tbl* | /hud/hudartillery.cpp |
Stars.tbl* | /starfield/starfield.cpp |
Strings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Tips.tbl* | /menuui/playermenu.cpp |
Traitor.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Tstrings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Virtual_pofs.tbl* | /model/modelreplace.cpp |
Weapon_expl.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
Weapons.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
The traitor.tbl is used for defining the text displayed when the player ends the mission with the Traitor IFF and the mission does not have the No Traitor flag.
This table is one of the Modular Tables and can be extended with xxx-trtr.tbm
- Table consists of very FreeSpace 2 mission file like format
- Table begins with #Debriefing_info
Table contents
$Num stages:
FS2 Open, 23.0:
- This field is now ignored and can be omitted
FS2 Open, 23.0:
- This field is now ignored and can be omitted
$Multi text
- Sets the text displayed on the debriefing screen. Value refers to tstrings.tbl for translation
- Is always immediately followed by $end_multi_text
- Syntax: XSTR("String", Integer)
FS2 Open, 21.0: Starting with 21.0, multiple $Multi text fields may exist, each (except for the default) followed by its own Persona. The mission's Debriefing Persona Index controls which one is used.
FS2 Open, 21.0:
- Optional. Defines the persona associated with this text. If specified, this particular text will be chosen when the Debriefing Persona Index matches. The Debriefing Persona is a number set for a given mission using the campaign editor.
- Syntax: Integer
- Defines the base voice file that is played during the traitor debriefing.
FS2 Open, 21.0:
- If the value of Debriefing Persona for the mission has been set, that value plus an underscore plus the base filename becomes the filename FSO will search for.
- For example, if this value is set to traitor_debrief.ogg and the Debriefing Persona value is 10, FSO will look for and play the file 10_traitor_debrief.ogg.
- If this persona-specific file cannot be found, the base filename on its own - for example traitor_debrief.ogg - will be played instead.
- Note that the value of $Voice: is only defined once in the table, regardless of however many personas are present in the campaign, just as is the case with rank.tbl voice files.
- Syntax: String
$Recommendation text:
- Sets the recommendation text displayed on the debriefing screen. Value refers to tstrings.tbl for translation
- Is always immediately followed by $end_multi_text
- Syntax: XSTR("String", Integer)
- Part of the retail FreeSpace 2 table
#Debriefing_info $Num stages: 1 $Formula: ( true ) $Multi text XSTR("For the crime of high treason, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be held in custody pending your preliminary hearing, and, if indicted, you will face a military tribunal. Firing upon allied vessels is a capital offense, punishable by death. You will be transferred to the Vega Penal Colony at 1900 hours.", 3241) $end_multi_text $Voice: traitor_debrief.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("Friendly ships are not valid targets.", 3242) $end_multi_text
- Using Debriefing Personas, as implemented in the FreeSpace Port
#Debriefing_info $Num stages: 1 $Formula: ( true ) $Multi text XSTR("Willfully firing on allied ships is a capital offense, punishable by death. You are hereby stripped of your rank and your citizenship in the GTA. You will appear at 0700 hours at the League of Defense Justice Ministry for your court martial.", 503) $end_multi_text $Multi text XSTR("Willfully firing on allied ships is a capital offense, punishable by death. You are hereby stripped of your rank and your citizenship in the PVE. You will appear at 0700 hours at the Military Directorate Justice Ministry for your court martial.", 3947) $end_multi_text +Persona: 8 $Voice: traitor_debrief.wav $Recommendation text: XSTR("Don't fire upon friendly ships.", 504) $end_multi_text