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General Abbreviations
- FRED - FreeSpace Editor. The program created by Volition to make the mission and campaigns for both Freespace games. Released to the public along with said games.
- SEXP - Symbolic EXPressions. Special function strings within FRED that allow for complex mission objectives and other things to be carried out by a mission bulider.
- FS1 - Descent: Freespace, The Great War. Also called Conflict: Freespace, The Great War in Europe. The first game of the series.
- FS2 - Freespace 2. The second game of the series.
- FS3 - Freespace 3. Would be the third game of the series, but it won't happen. There is no FS3.
- FS2_Open - The open source version of FS2.
- SCP - Source Code Project. The people responsible for creating, maintaining and debugging FS2_Open.
- vbb - Volition Bulletin Board. The boards Volition maintained as a center for the FS community. Now defunct.
- HLP - Hard Light Productions, the hub of the Freespace community.
- VW - Volition Watch, developer fansite covering the Freespace, Red Faction and Summoner series. Awaiting demolition.
Designation Prefixes
- GT_ - Galactic Terran
- NT_ - Neo-Terran
- GV_ - Galactic Vasudan
- PV_ - Parliamentary Vasudan
- S_ - Shivan
Designation Suffixes
- _A - AWACS
- _B - Bomber
- _C - Cruiser
- _Ca - Carrier *
- _Cv - Corvette
- _D - Destroyer
- _Dr - Drone
- _Dn - Dreadnaught *
- _EP - Escape Pod
- _F - Fighter
- _Fg - Frigate *
- _Fr or FR - Freighter
- _G - Gas Miner
- _I - Installation
- _J - Juggernaut
- _M - Medical Ship
- _NB - Navigation Buoy
- _S - Support Ship
- _SG - Sentry Gun
- _T - Transport
- _W - Weapon
_*_ _Indicates a non-canon ship designation._
A ship with no prefix designation has either been stripped of its rank and is in active rebellion (such as the HoL and rebel GTI factions) or is a non-commissioned civilian craft.