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Revision as of 11:04, 5 October 2007


Uses modular version of the scripting.tbl, xxx-sct.tbm. Script enables a simple tube flying mode for the game.

Table Entry


#Conditional Hooks


$On Frame:


floatMissionTime = mn.getMissionTime()

if floatMissionTime ~= nil then

if booleanCorridorInit == nil and floatMissionTime < 0.5 then

      --Setup all the needed values
      booleanCorridorInit = "true"

      ---Create 'blank' orientation
      orientationBlank = mn.Ships[1].Orientation
      orientationBlank["p"] = 0
      orientationBlank["b"] = 0
      orientationBlank["h"] = 0

      ---Set the initial camera position and orientation
      vectorCCameraPos = ba.createVector(0,15,-75)
      orientationCCamera = orientationBlank

      ---Create chase camera
      objectCCamera = ts.createCamera("Chase Camera",vectorCCameraPos, orientationCCamera)

      ---Use the new chase camera

      ---Create front vector
      vectorFrontDirection = ba.createVector(0,0,100)

      objectAimingAid1 = mn.Ships["AimingAid I"]
      objectAimingAid2 = mn.Ships["AimingAid II"]
      objectAimingAid3 = mn.Ships["AimingAid III"]

      ---Set movement box limits
      floatHLimit = 30
      floatVLimit = 22.5

if floatMissionTime > 0.5 then

   if booleanCorridorInit ~= nil then
      booleanCorridorInit = nil

   objectPlayer = hv.Player

   if objectPlayer:isValid() then --Player Validity Check

      --Make sure that we needed info
      if orientationLast == nil then
         orientationLast = objectPlayer.Orientation

      --Get Position and Orientation and Speed
      orientationCurrent = objectPlayer.Orientation
      vectorCurrentPos = objectPlayer.Position
      floatPlayerSpeed = objectPlayer.Physics:getSpeed()
      vectorPlayerVelocity = objectPlayer.Physics.Velocity

      --Set the 3D aiming aid system

      ---Get Aiming Aids

      ---Get players 'nose vector'
      vectorPointer = orientationCurrent:unrotateVector(vectorFrontDirection)

      ---Set 3D aiming aid positions
      vectorNewTargetPos = vectorCurrentPos + vectorPointer/(1/1.25)
      objectAimingAid1.Position = vectorNewTargetPos
      vectorNewTargetPos = vectorCurrentPos + vectorPointer/(1/2.5)
      objectAimingAid2.Position = vectorNewTargetPos
      vectorNewTargetPos = vectorCurrentPos + vectorPointer/(1/5)
      objectAimingAid3.Position = vectorNewTargetPos

      --Set chase camera position according to the ships position
      vectorCCameraPos["y"] = vectorCCameraPos["y"] - ((vectorCCameraPos["y"] -15) - vectorCurrentPos["y"]) / 150
      vectorCCameraPos["x"] = vectorCCameraPos["x"] - (vectorCCameraPos["x"] - vectorCurrentPos["x"]) / 150
      vectorCCameraPos["z"] = vectorCurrentPos["z"] - 50 - 0.2 * floatPlayerSpeed

      --Set chase camera orientation according to ship position

      ---Create vector components
      floatCCameraOriVec_y = -((vectorCCameraPos["y"] - 15) - vectorCurrentPos["y"])/3
      floatCCameraOriVec_x = -(vectorCCameraPos["x"] - vectorCurrentPos["x"])/3
      floatCCameraOriVec_z = 50 + 0.2 * floatPlayerSpeed

      ---Create vector from the vector components
      vectorCCameraNewOri = ba.createVector(floatCCameraOriVec_x,floatCCameraOriVec_y,floatCCameraOriVec_z)

      ---Create orientation object from the vector object
      orientationCCameraNew = vectorCCameraNewOri:getOrientation()

      --Update chase camera position and orientation

      --Get current rotational velocity data
      vectorRealRotVel = objectPlayer.Physics.RotationalVelocity

      --Set limit for turning for horizontal axis
      if math.pow(orientationCurrent["h"],2) > math.pow(orientationLast["h"],2) then
         vectorRealRotVel[2] = vectorRealRotVel[2] - 1*(orientationCurrent["h"])/3
         vectorRealRotVel[2] = vectorRealRotVel[2] - 1*(orientationCurrent["h"])/5

      --Set limit for turning for vertical axis
      if math.pow(orientationCurrent["p"],2) > math.pow(orientationLast["p"],2) then
         vectorRealRotVel[1] = vectorRealRotVel[1] - 1*(orientationCurrent["p"])/3
         vectorRealRotVel[1] = vectorRealRotVel[1] - 1*(orientationCurrent["p"])/5

      --Prevent rolling
      floatCurrentRoll = orientationCurrent["b"]
      if floatCurrentRoll ~= 0 then
         vectorRealRotVel[3] = -2*floatCurrentRoll/2

      --Horizontal Position Limit
      if objectPlayer.Position["x"] > floatHLimit then
         vectorPlayerVelocity["x"] = vectorPlayerVelocity["x"] - (vectorCurrentPos["x"] - floatHLimit)
      elseif vectorCurrentPos["x"] < (-1 * floatHLimit) then
         vectorPlayerVelocity["x"] = vectorPlayerVelocity["x"] - (vectorCurrentPos["x"] + floatHLimit)

      --Vertical Position Limit
      if objectPlayer.Position["y"] > floatVLimit then
         vectorPlayerVelocity["y"] = vectorPlayerVelocity["y"] - (vectorCurrentPos["y"] - floatVLimit)
      elseif vectorCurrentPos["y"] < (-1 * floatVLimit) then
         vectorPlayerVelocity["y"] = vectorPlayerVelocity["y"] - (vectorCurrentPos["y"] + floatVLimit)

      --Update Player Rotational Velocity, Position and Orientation
      objectPlayer.Physics.RotationalVelocity = vectorRealRotVel
      objectPlayer.Physics.Velocity = vectorPlayerVelocity

      --Reference Orientation for next frame
      orientationLast = objectPlayer.Orientation

      --new section to remove excess enemy fighters and bombers

      integerShips = #mn.Ships

      --Get rid off excess enemies
      for g=1,integerShips do
         objectDisposableShip = mn.Ships[g]

         --Check team and hitpoint status
         stringDisposableShipTeam = objectDisposableShip.Team.Name
         floatDisposableShipHitpoints = objectDisposableShip.HitpointsLeft
         if stringDisposableShipTeam ~= "Friendly" and floatDisposableShipHitpoints > 0 then

            --Only fighters & bombers
            stringDisposableShipType = objectDisposableShip.Class.Type.Name
            if stringDisposableShipType == "Fighter" or stringDisposableShipType == "Bomber" then

               --Move ship only if it has flown past the player
               vectorDisposableShipPosition = objectDisposableShip.Position
               floatFrontDistance = vectorDisposableShipPosition["z"] - vectorCurrentPos["z"]
               if floatFrontDistance < -100 then
                  vectorDispose = ba.createVector(0,0,-50000)

                  --Update the moved ships position and get rid off it
                  objectDisposableShip.Position = vectorDispose
                  objectDisposableShip.HitpointsLeft = 0

   end --Player Validity Check






Script avoids directly changing the position data of the player ship to avoid several potential physics problems. Handles 3D targeting controls should proper models be included to the mission. Script also removes all hostile fighters and bombers that have passed the player ship and kills them. Radar-set-max-range SEXP should be used to prevent the targeting of the disposed ships.