Children of Shiva
In development since: October 2004
Expected Release Date: 2007-ish
- Axem: Writer, FREDder
Mods included:
- Anything that NukeMod R3 has
- Lightspeed's Nebulas
- Lt. Cannonfodder's Starfield
Number of missions: 24 (+ ingame cutscenes)
2379. As the great pirate war begins to wind down, the Sons of Shiva begin a desperate no-win plan, and the Wraiths consolidate all their power in an attempt to stop it. Meanwhile, a neutral pirate band is caught between the crossfire and must survive.
Alpha 1 - Bear - The Squad Leader. Nearly always grumpy, and insulting to anyone. Supposedly that's how he shows his love. Ex-GTVA
Alpha 2 - The player fills this role
Alpha 3 - Amper - As annoying as he is, he is quite a good pilot. He's also known to get quite nosey, which is good some of the time.
Beta 1 - Marshal - Usually pretty quiet. It takes quite a bit to get her mad, but when she does, it's not a pretty sight.
Beta 2 - Tek - A repository of both useful and useless knowledge. Highly skeptical of nearly everything, and also very smart and good with tactics.
Beta 3 - Herc - Always drinking some kind of alcoholic beverage, even in the cockpit. He's also cheated death a great number of times.
Delta 1 - Arid - Grizzly's old Vasudan friend from the GTVA. He's very loyal to his squadmates and is an expert with all kinds of bombers. Ex-GTVA.
Taldin Vare - An information broker who is looking to always stay on top of everything. Ex-PVN, Ex-Pirate
Garrick Allister - Mercenary Captain. Con man. Theif. Dashingly handsome? According to him atleast. Ex-GTVA.
Rane Gribek - High ranking member of the Sons of Shiva. Seemingly invincible, he always gets the last laugh. Ex-HoL
Pirate Bands
Wraiths of Capella - The most powerful pirate band. Has a very good intelligence network. They control many smaller pirate bands, and some don't know it yet.
Sons of Shiva - Most of its members are brainwashed and forced to fight. They believe they must destroy civilization to rebuild it in a more Shivan image.
Death Cult - The creators of many pirate fighters and ships. The oldest pirate band still active.
Mammon Bandits - They hit anything of great value. People, technology, anything that'll give them money. One of the richest bands.
Adhara Predators - Not the brighest band. Their pilots are known to drop like flies, but seem to replenish them fast enough.
Fallen Angels - People who really hold a grudge. Although they were known to be cowards when encountering large forces.
Vasudan Guard - The greatest pirate band ever known. Although disbanded, they are still the standard every pirate tries to live up to.
FREDder's Comments
I wanted to do something where there are no "good" guys. Pirates try to survive by any means. The GTVA around here is corrupt and drunk with power. Let's not even go into the Wraiths and Sons of Shiva. It's up to whoever plays it to decide who's right or wrong.
The whole campaign is heavily character based. It lets you become attached to the people you fly with and enhances the surroundings. Everyone has a full name and callsign. Except for the player, who is mute and always referred to as Alpha 2.