FreeSpace: Assault Force

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Revision as of 06:57, 10 September 2011 by Dragonsniper (talk | contribs) (Notes)
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FreeSpace: Assault Force was a campaign being developed for the Half Life 2 Engine from mid 2009 to late 2010, but with a FreeSpace-related storyline set in the Freespace Universe.


Authors - Dragonsniper and Shiv.

Missions - Unknown

Mods Unknown

Requirements Unknown


Fight as a GTA Marine against Rebel Terrans and Vasudans during the First Great War Era.

Current Team

Dragonsniper (Inactive) - Project leader and main founder. Beta Storyline writer, Modeler and Level Designer.

Shiv (Inactive) - Project Co-leader and main founder. Level Designer. Storyline consultant.

Lucika (Inactive) - Storyline writer, modeling consultant level design consultant.

Woocash (Inactive) - Level Designer.


Was in a "clutchy" standby mode from Mid November 2009 - September 2010. Project "officially" (unannounced to the public) dead in late 2010 - early 2011 when hosting agreements with HLP could not be made due to the project's inconsistency and lack of progress.


"On behalf of the FS:AF team, I am sorry that nothing of significant value could be shown in regards to this project. To be perfectly honest, I was a lot younger when I envisioned this idea in 2008 (it's amazing what 3 years can do to a person, I'm sure we can all agree) and was unwilling and without the proper knowledge to take the required steps to make this project work. As everyone knows, RL plays a significant factor in anything we do, always creeping up on us at the worst of times. A First-Person-Shooter set within the Freespace Universe is something I will always admire, and wish for... Unfortunately, Freespace: Assault Force was not that game. Essentially nothing got accomplished in terms of modeling, level design, sounds, etc, and team communication was scarce at best due to other projects amongst other things.

At this time, we'd like to thank MP (MatthewPapa) at GameWarden for his willingness to host us, to everyone we collaborated with and for their help, and especially for the public and their support. Thank You and Goodbye until we meet again, at the fragmenting ends of space." - 'Dragonsniper'
