99th Skulls
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General info
Squadron type: Elite Space Superiority
Craft used the most: GTF Erinyes
Stationed on-board: Unknown
Squadron leader: Lt. Commander Snipes (?)
The 99th Skulls appeared solely in two missions during the FreeSpace 2 campaign. From what there can be gathered, the 99th Skulls were an elite squadron, probably used by the SOC. They were among the first squadrons to use the GTF Erinyes and the UD-8 Kayser primary weapons.
It is logical, though not specifically stated, that Alpha 1 was flying with the 99th during SOC Loop 2.
Further evidence that Alpha 1 likely flew with the 99th Skulls is to view the pilot profile or the outside of the player ship(in retail FreeSpace 2) while in the second SOC loop. You can only see the 99th Skulls insignia on the outside of the players ship during the first SOC mission, or while active in the SOC loop and playing custom missions in the tech room.
Misc notes
The craft of this squadron were designated as Skull Alpha and Skull Beta in one of the FreeSpace 2 missions.