Debug filter.cfg
From FreeSpace Wiki
The following list is (as of 3.6.13 SVN 6515) is all of the possible options for putting into a debug_filter.cfg which should be located in your FreeSpace2/Data directory
A '+' means that the item listed will have output generated ot the fs2_open.log or Fred2_open.log. A '-' means to disregard those items and not print output from them.
+AB TRAIL +AI +Alan +Allender +Andsager +Beam +BMP DEBUG +BmpFastLoad +BmpInfo +BmpMan +CD +Collision +Error +EVENTMUSIC +Fred routing +General +Jim +JOYSTICK +Lethality +Lightning +Maps +Messaging +Mike +MissionLog +MK +Model +ModelAnim +MOVIE +MVE +Network +OGGISH +OpenAL +OpenGL +Paging +Parse +Particles +Physics +Registry +Sandeep +SEXP +SHADER-DEBUG +Sound +UI +Warning +Wash