From FreeSpace Wiki
Revision information..
- 3.6.x branch:
- 3.7 branch: 2.55
Mainhall.tbl is used to define the various main menu screens in the game
- Table consists of several '$Main Hall entries
- All settings must be defined for each separate main hall with two main hall entries for different resolutions. First for 640 followed by another entry for the 1024 resolution.
- The table ends with #End
Main Hall
- Defines the bitmap used for the mainhall
- Syntax: String
- Defines the 'mask' bitmap used for the mainhall
- Syntax: String
- Defines the background music played while in the main hall
- Syntax: String
+Substitute Music:
FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
- Defines the substitute background music played while in the main hall.
- Syntax: String
+Num Intercom Sounds:
- Defines the number of the intercom sounds played on the background while in the main hall
- Each of the intercom sounds requires three attributes (delay, actual sound and pan effect) that are filled with one attribute at a time - that is all intercom delays have to be defined before intercom sounds for example.
- Syntax: Integer
+Intercom delay:
- Defines the minimum and maximum times (in milliseconds) for the intercom sounds to be played is played.
- Syntax: Integer Integer, milliseconds
+Intercom sound:
- Defines the sound played. Value refers to the interface sounds section of the sounds.tbl
- Syntax: Integer
+Intercom pan:
- Defines the panning effect for the sound. The left side of the screen is -1.0, 0 is the center and the 1.0 is the right side of the screen.
- Syntax: Float
+Num Misc Animations:
- Defines the number of miscellaneous animations.
- Each animation requires several attributes which are filled one attribute for every animation at a time (ie. all animation names come before animation delays)
- Syntax: Integer
+Misc anim:
- Sets the animation used for the particular misc animation
- Syntax: String
+Misc anim delay:
- First value sets the time until the misc anim is played again (usually set as -1)
- The last two values define the minimum and maximum delays (in milliseconds) for the miscellanous animations
- Syntax: Integer Integer Integer
+Misc anim coords:
- Defines the coordinates for the misc animation
- Syntax: Integer Integer
+Misc anim mode:
- Defines the type of the misc animation. Type 0 is a looping animation, type 1 is animation that stays at the end frame after playing, type 2 is timed animation.
- Syntax: Integer
+Misc anim pan:
- Defines the panning effect for the effect. The left side of the screen is -1.0, 0 is the center and the 1.0 is the right side of the screen.
- Syntax: Float
+Misc anim sounds:
- First value sets the number of sounds played with the animation
- Rest of the values - equal to the numbers of the sounds played with the animation - define the sounds from the interface sounds section of the sounds.tbl
- Syntax: Integer Integer Integer
+Misc anim trigger:
- First value sets the number of sounds played with the animation
- Rest of the values - equal to the numbers of the sounds played with the animation - define the frame of the animation when the sound is to be played
- Syntax: Integer Integer Integer
+Misc anim handles:
- Defines the number of sound handles related to the animation
- Syntax: Integer
+Misc anim flags:
- Sets the misc animation flags (?)
- Syntax: Integer
+Num Door Animations:
- Sets the number of door animations for the mainhall
- Syntax: Integer
+Door anim:
- Defines the animation used for the door animation
- Syntax: String
+Door coords:
- First two values define the coordinates for the animation and the last two values the centerpoint of the animation
- Syntax: Integer Integer Integer Integer
+Door sounds:
- Defines the sounds that played when door opens and closes. Values are references to the interface sounds section of the sounds.tbl
- Syntax: Integer Integer
+Door pan:
- Defines the panning effect for the effect. The left side of the screen is -1.0, 0 is the center and the 1.0 is the right side of the screen.
- Syntax: Float
+Tooltip Y:
- Sets the Y-coordinate for drawing the tooltip text
- Syntax: Integer
- Aquitaine main hall(s) from the retail FreeSpace 2
;; Main hall 0 (Terran) ;; ;; GR_640 $Main Hall +Bitmap: MainHall1 +Mask: MainHall1-m +Music: Aquitaine +Num Intercom Sounds: 3 +Intercom delay: 8000 15000 +Intercom delay: 8000 15000 +Intercom delay: 8000 15000 +Intercom sound: 38 +Intercom sound: 39 +Intercom sound: 40 +Intercom pan: 0.0 +Intercom pan: 0.0 +Intercom pan: 0.0 +Num Misc Animations: 3 +Misc anim: mainwalk +Misc anim: mainflyby +Misc anim: maincrane +Misc anim delay: -1 15000 20000 +Misc anim delay: -1 9000 30000 +Misc anim delay: -1 5000 9000 +Misc anim coords: 176 70 +Misc anim coords: 325 0 +Misc anim coords: 0 195 +Misc anim mode: 1 +Misc anim mode: 2 +Misc anim mode: 1 +Misc anim pan: -0.5 +Misc anim pan: -0.2 +Misc anim pan: 0.0 +Misc anim sounds: 1 21 +Misc anim sounds: 2 1 1 +Misc anim sounds: 2 26 31 +Misc anim trigger: 1 1 +Misc anim trigger: 2 1 245 +Misc anim trigger: 2 1 150 +Misc anim handles: 1 +Misc anim handles: 2 +Misc anim handles: 2 +Misc anim flags: 1 +Misc anim flags: 2 +Misc anim flags: 2 +Num Door Animations: 6 +Door anim: mainexit +Door anim: mainbarracks +Door anim: mainreadyroom +Door anim: maintechroom +Door anim: mainoptions +Door anim: maincampaign +Door coords: 437 370 539 425 +Door coords: 28 8 110 61 +Door coords: 269 187 339 230 +Door coords: 381 335 404 367 +Door coords: 86 349 174 412 +Door coords: 440 134 542 193 +Door sounds: 36 37 +Door sounds: 23 24 +Door sounds: 23 24 +Door sounds: 34 35 +Door sounds: 32 33 +Door sounds: 43 44 +Door pan: -0.75 +Door pan: 0.05 +Door pan: 0.07 +Door pan: 0.76 +Door pan: 0.8 +Door pan: 0.09 +Tooltip Y: 469 ;; GR_1024 $Main Hall +Bitmap: 2_MainHall1 +Mask: 2_MainHall1-m +Music: Aquitaine +Num Intercom Sounds: 3 +Intercom delay: 8000 15000 +Intercom delay: 8000 15000 +Intercom delay: 8000 15000 +Intercom sound: 38 +Intercom sound: 39 +Intercom sound: 40 +Intercom pan: 0.0 +Intercom pan: 0.0 +Intercom pan: 0.0 +Num Misc Animations: 3 +Misc anim: 2_mainwalk +Misc anim: 2_mainflyby +Misc anim: 2_maincrane +Misc anim delay: -1 15000 20000 +Misc anim delay: -1 9000 12000 +Misc anim delay: -1 5000 9000 +Misc anim coords: 271 117 +Misc anim coords: 515 0 +Misc anim coords: 0 305 +Misc anim mode: 1 +Misc anim mode: 2 +Misc anim mode: 1 +Misc anim pan: -0.5 +Misc anim pan: -0.2 +Misc anim pan: 0.0 +Misc anim sounds: 1 21 +Misc anim sounds: 2 1 1 +Misc anim sounds: 2 26 31 +Misc anim trigger: 1 1 +Misc anim trigger: 2 1 245 +Misc anim trigger: 2 1 150 +Misc anim handles: 2 +Misc anim handles: 2 +Misc anim handles: 0 +Misc anim flags: 2 +Misc anim flags: 2 +Misc anim flags: 0 +Num Door Animations: 6 +Door anim: 2_mainexit +Door anim: 2_mainbarracks +Door anim: 2_mainreadyroom +Door anim: 2_maintechroom +Door anim: 2_mainoptions +Door anim: 2_maincampaign +Door coords: 705 594 864 681 +Door coords: 40 20 177 99 +Door coords: 425 295 541 368 +Door coords: 607 525 641 585 +Door coords: 130 562 279 663 +Door coords: 716 214 870 309 +Door sounds: 36 37 +Door sounds: 23 24 +Door sounds: 23 24 +Door sounds: 34 35 +Door sounds: 32 33 +Door sounds: 43 44 +Door pan: -0.75 +Door pan: 0.05 +Door pan: 0.07 +Door pan: 0.76 +Door pan: 0.8 +Door pan: 0.09 +Tooltip Y: 755