From FreeSpace Wiki
Revision information..
- 3.6.x branch:
- 3.7 branch: 2.38
This table is used to define the usage of animations with certain special effects in game.
General Format
- Fireball.tbl table file is used for specifying which filenames are to be used for which explosions
- Table begins with #Start
- Table uses rigid system in the order of the entries:
- Fireball.tbl has 6 entries with a specific function and every one is required and must be listed in the following order.
- Order of the entries in fireball.tbl:
- Medium sized explosion
- Normal warp effect
- Knossos warp effect
- Asteroid explosion
- Large explosion 1
- Large explosion 2
- Any entries defined after the first 6 is considered a custom fireball and will not be used in the game until specified as an explosion for a ship type or ship class in ships.tbl or objecttypes.tbl.
- Table ends with #End
- The modular version of the fireball table can only replace existing entries in fireball.tbl. No entries can be created in a modular table for fireball.tbl
- All entries defined in a modular table for fireball.tbl require a $Name: token before specifying the bitmap filename. A fireball identifier must also be defined in order to specify which individual entry in fireball.tbl that will be replaced, see fireball identifier.
- The modular table entries can be in arbitrary order and can be placed in separate modular tables.
Table Fields
- Defines the name of the animation used for the particular fireball effect
- Syntax: String, filename
Fireball identifier
FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
- Identifies the assigned animation with one of the fireball types. Only used in xxx-fbl.tbm
- Syntax: String, name of the identifier
- Allowed identifiers:
- +Explosion_Medium
- +Warp_Effect
- +Knossos_Effect
- +Asteroid
- +Explosion_Large1
- +Explosion_Large2
- +Custom_Fireball 6
- +Custom_Fireball 7
- +Custom_Fireball (...)
- Optional $LOD: entry exists to specify a lod count, at least 1 is assumed if not specified.
- Syntax: Integer
$Light Color:
FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
- Defines the color that is given off when that fireball effect is created.
- Syntax: Color, three integers, 0 to 255, red, green, blue respectively
Default colors
FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
- Large explosion 1, large explosion 1, medium sized explosion, and asteroid explosion
- 255, 127, 31
- Normal warp effect
- 191, 191, 255
- Knossos warp effect
- 191, 255, 191
Sample Entries
- fireball.tbl
#Start $Name: exp04 $LOD: 1 $Name: WarpMap01 $LOD: 4 $Name: WarpMap02 $LOD: 4 $Name: exp05 $LOD: 4 $Name: exp05 $LOD: 4 $Name: exp06 $LOD: 4 #End
FS2 Open, 3.6.x:
; This is an example of a table that defines the the default 6 fireball ; bitmaps (Fireballs 0 through 5) while adding extra custom fireballs as well. #Start $Name: exp04 ;0 Used for the 4 little explosions before a ship explodes $LOD: 1 $Name: WarpMap01 ;1 Used for the warp in / warp out effect $LOD: 4 $Name: WarpMap02 ;2 Used for the KNOSSOS warp in / warp out effect $LOD: 4 $Name: exp05 ;3 Used when an asteroid explodes $LOD: 4 $Name: exp05 ;4 ship explosion 1 $LOD: 4 $Name: exp06 ;5 ship explosion 2 $LOD: 4 $Name: capship_boom ;6 First custom fireball. Identified as +Custom_Fireball 6 $LOD: 1 $Name: debris_dust_cloud ;7 Second custom fireball. Identified as +Custom_Fireball 7 $LOD: 1 $Name: corvette_exp ;8 Third custom fireball. Identified as +Custom_Fireball 8 $LOD: 1 $Name: fenris_exp ;9 Fourth custom fireball. Identified as +Custom_Fireball 9 $LOD: 1 #End
; This modular table replaces the entries in the sample fireball.tbl printed above #Start $Name: exp06 +Asteroid $LOD: 4 $Name: fighter_explosion +Custom_Fireball 7 $LOD: 4 $Name: capship_explosion +Custom_Fireball 6 $LOD: 1 $Name: big_exp +Explosion_Large1 $LOD: 1 $Name: capship_explosion1 +Custom_Fireball 8 $LOD: 1 $Name: capship_explosion2 +Custom_Fireball 9 $LOD: 1 #End