Knife Fight (Multiplayer Mission)
Medal given: Allied Defense Citation.
Minimum difficulty for medal: Hard.
The Shivans are overrunning Capella. Help the GTD Aquitaine and its escort, the GTCv Actium, evacuate to Vega. Defend both ships from a determined Shivan assault.
Unfortunately this mission is made a bit more difficult than other similar escort missions because the warpin locations of every single ship except for the Demon is random. So this one will be a bit general. Most players should take maxims and consider trebs. The reason why, is that capital ship beams have to be taken out immediately, on every, single, ship. - This is everyone's job bar the hosts (though the host should help if they have time (unlikely)) Taking out beams, and bombers, is what this one is all about. The host should be flying either a Perseus or an Erinyes with Kayser/PromS and full Tempests, really, anything else is subpar. Their focus is the bombers (again, random warpin locations, it could be the opposite side of the Aquitaine from you and 6k+ away while only 3k from the Aquitaine..) If the bombers come in in an opportune position for the rest of the squad and the host is too far away to get there comfortably in time (they should never be too far away to not get there at all) then call for help. - You may also need help with the Seraphim. Honestly speaking though, the moment the capships are debeamed you can relax on them a bit but killing them faster makes the mission a little easier.
The Demon, however, always warps in from the same position, and is the most significant threat to failing the mission. All players bar the host should make the 3 beam cannons their absolute priority, even over their own lives. They should be in position to maxim the demon on warp in, and have trebs locked to fire as soon as the demon slows enough for them to be able to hit. If you control the bombers and beams, you should achieve this mission easily.
Insert mission tips here.
Insert notes about the mission here.
Key Ships
Insert list of key ships in the mission here.
Technical information
File name: | Filename |
File size: | File Size |
Author: | Author |
Total number of objects: | Number of objects |
Total number of wings: | Number of wings |
Number of mission events: | Number of events |
Number of messages: | Number of messages |
Event music: | Mission Music |
Briefing music: | Briefing Music |