Primary weapon

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A laser based weapons system that does not rotate and therefore can only be fired in the direction of flight is called a monodirectional laser gun.

Monodirectional laser guns are primarily used as the principle weapons system on Fighters, secondary weapons system on Bombers (aside from their payloads), and as self defense weapons on transports.

Accuracy completely depends on the skill of the pilot, not on an Artificial Intelligence/Computerized Fire Control system of any sort. Size of the craft involved (and related power generation capacity) is the greatest determining factor for determing the number and type of monodirectional guns to be mounted.

Laser weapons mounted on Capital ships, more commonly known simply as Turrets, are differentiated from those mounted on Fighters and Bombers in that they draw power from an independent generator slaved to a particular turret, while turrets on smaller craft drain energy from a central reactor powering all the ship's subsystems.

Misc notes

The SCP have implemented a way to use Flak guns and beam weapons instead of standard lasers on fighters and bombers.