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Scpui.tbl is used by the SCPUI script system to define what engine game states are linked to librocket RML files. This effectively allows SCPUI to override a built-in game UI with one of its own.
SCPUI.tbl can be extended with xxx-ui.tbm.
- SCPUI defines what game states and substates exist for SCPUI through the use of this table file and modular -ui.tbms.
- Begins with one of the section names and ends with #End
#State Replacement
- This section defines what RML files are used to replace specific game states.
- The game state to replace from FSO's game states
- Syntax: string
- The name of the substate
- Syntax: string
- The path to the RML file definition to use for the game state
- Must include the file path
- Syntax: string
#Background Replacement
- Defines what css class to use to set the background for UIs on a per-campaign basis.
- By default all UIs use the css class
$Campaign Background:
- Designates that a new define will follow
- Has no arguments
+Campaign Filename:
- The campaign filename without extension
- Syntax: string
+RCSS Class Name:
- The css class name to use as a replacement. Make sure this class exists in a loaded rcss file!
- Syntax: string
#Briefing Stage Background Replacement
- Defines customized briefing grid backgrounds on a per-mission or per-briefing-stage level.
- The background is
by default.
$Briefing Grid Background:
- Designates that a new define will follow
- Has no arguments
+Mission Filename:
- The mission filename where the briefing background will be replaced
- Without extension
- Syntax: string
+Default Background Filename:
- The new default background file to use for the mission
- WITH extension
- Syntax: string
+Stage Override:
- The briefing stage of the mission to define an override for
- Not required for every stage. Any stage without an override will use the mission default
- Syntax: integer
+Background Filename:
- The new default background file to use for the stage
- WITH extension
- Syntax: string
#State Replacement $State: GS_STATE_INITIAL_PLAYER_SELECT +Markup: data/interface/markup/pilot_select.rml $State: GS_STATE_SCRIPTING +Substate: Newsroom +Markup: data/interface/markup/journal.rml #Background Replacement $Campaign Background: +Campaign Filename: bta1_m +RCSS Class Name: bta1_bg #Briefing Stage Background Replacement $Briefing Grid Background: +Mission Filename: bta2_m1_01 +Default Background Filename: br-black.png +Stage Override: 1 +Background Filename: br-deltaserpentis.png +Stage Override: 2 +Background Filename: br-stars.png +Stage Override: 5 +Background Filename: br-luyten.png #End