WIP, Please comment, expand and alter
Includes SCP changes in addition to retail data
Made by following the older guide (originally written by GE) by Wanderer
I know practically nothing about HTML/Wiki formatting so it ain't gonna look pretty
- Model name
- filename
$Short name:
- Shortened model name, for FRED
- ????
- Defines species (usually Terran, Vasudan or Shivan). Determines many things, including the color of the engine glow, the flyby sound effects, the briefing icon, the support ship, the default IFF, and also FRED color
- name of the species; as defined in species_defs.tbl
List of discriptive terms for techroom and ship selection screens
+Type: XSTR("", -1) +Maneuverability: XSTR("", -1) +Armor: XSTR("", -1) +Manufacturer: XSTR("", -1) +Description: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text
+Tech Description: XSTR("", -1) $end_multi_text
+Length: 20 m +Gun Mounts: 4 +Missile Banks: 1
$POF file:
- filename of the .pof file at data/models
- Filename
$Detail distance:
- Definies the distance where the change to different LODs occurs
- (LOD0, LOD1, ...)
$Show damage:
- ?????
- YES or NO
- ?????
- Numerical value; usually 1
- Damp affects how quickly you will accel/decel to your target velocity. Higher damp means slow acceleration and deceleration. The lower this number, the faster the ship responds. For example, specifying a value of 0.0 means there is no damping, in other words, people would say, "this has no physics, like Wing Commander." The more damping, the harder to control, but the more smoothly it moves.
- Numerical value
- Same thing, but for rotational movement.
- Numerical value
$Max Velocity:
- Defines maximum velocities with standard energy settings on x (left/right), y (up/down), and z (forward) -axis (respectively). z -axis velocity defines the maximum forward velocity
- X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis
$Rotation time:
- Defines rotation times around the x, y, and z -axis. Number is seconds it takes to complete rotate a ship (360 degrees) around the given axis
- X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis
$Rear Velocity:
- Defines rear velocity
- Usually 0
$Forward accel:
- Number of seconds needed from full stop to maximum velocity
- Numerical value
$Forward decel:
- Number of seconds needed from maxumum velocity to full stop
- Numerical value
$Slide accel:
$Slide decel:
- Same for sliding
- Numerical value; for both
- Allows gliding in game
- YES or NO
$Warpin speed:
- Sets the speed at which the ship warps in
- Numerical value
$Warpout speed:
- Sets the speed at which the ship warps out from the game
- Numerical value
$Player warpout speed:
- Sets the speed at which the player warps out from the game
- Numerical value; can not be greater than Max Oclk Speed
$Expl inner rad:
- Radius at which the full explosion damage is done
- In meters
$Expl outer rad:
- Maximum radius at which any damage is done
- In meters
$Expl damage:
- Amount of damage done inside the inner radius
- Damage value
$Expl blast:
- The intensity of the blast effect when you're within the outer radius
- Numerical value
$Expl Propagates:
- This decides whether the ship explodes into debris immediately, or whether it has the many small explosions before breaking apart slowly
- YES or NO
$Shockwave Speed:
- Speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave
- Speed in meters per s
$Allowed PBanks:
- List of allowed primary weapons in brackets (weapon name marked with apostrophes). Each of the primary weapon banks can be given their own list of allowed weapons, in which case each bank has it's own bracketed entry.
- ( "Flag" "Flag" ) ( "Flag" "Flag")
$Allowed Dogfight PBanks:
- Primary weapons for multiplayer
- ( "Flag" "Flag" ) ( "Flag" "Flag")
$Default PBanks:
- Defines default primary weapons for each of the primary weapon banks
- ( "Flag" "Flag" ) ( "Flag" "Flag")
$PBank Capacity:
- Defines ammunition capacity of primary weapon banks. In brackets, different weapon banks separated by commas. REQUIRES FLAG "ballistic primaries"
- ( Value, Value )
$Allowed SBanks:
$Allowed Dogfight SBanks:
$Default SBanks:
- Same for secondary weapons
- ( "Flag" "Flag" ) ( "Flag" "Flag")
$SBank Capacity:
- Defines ammunition capacity of secondary weapon banks. In brackets, different weapon banks separated by commas.
- ( Value, Value )
- Determines the shield strenght
- Value
$Shield Color:
- RGB value for shield color
- Red, Green, Blue; all values from 0 to 255
$Power Output:
- The amount of energy available. The higher the output, the faster your weapons recharge.
- Value
$Max Oclk Speed:
- Maximum velocity with all energy diverted to engines
- In meters per s
$Max Weapon Eng:
- The maximum amount of energy you can store in your primary weapons bank.
- Value
- How much damage the ship can take
- Value
$Hull Repair Rate:
$Subsystem Repair Rate:
- Repair rates at percent per second
- Value; for both
$Armor Type
- Armor name; as defined in armor.tbl
- See below
- ( "Flag" "Flag" )
$AI Class:
- Default AI class
- AI name; as defined in AI.tbl
- Defines if the ships has afterburner
- YES or NO
- +Aburn Max Vel:
- In same format as in $Max Velocity:
- Speed in meter per s
- +Aburn For accel:
- Defined only as the forward acceleration. In same format as $Forward accel:
- Value
- +Aburn Fuel:
- Amount of afterburner fuel the ship has
- Value
- +Aburn Burn Rate:
- Rate the fuel is consumed when afterburner is engaged (in units per seconds)
- Value
- +Aburn Rec Rate:
- Rate the fuel is restored.
- Value
- $Trails:
- Allows afterburner trails to be used
- +Bitmap:
- Texture used to draw the afterburner trail
- Filename
- +Width:
- Width of afterburner trail at the beginning of it (ie. the thruster end)
- Value; in meters
- +Alpha:
- Transparancy of the trail, value from 1 (non-transparent) to 0 (totally transparent)
- Value
- +Life:
- How long the trail will last
- Value; in seconds
$Countermeasures: 20
- Number of countermeasures that can be loaded to the ship
- Value
$Scan time:
- Time it takes to scan the ship
- Value, in milliseconds
- Engine sound used for the ship with number referring to sounds.tbl
- Number of the sound; as defined in sounds.tbl
- How the model will show at techroom
- This .ani file should be at data/hud
- Filename
- The icon used in ship selection
- Filename
- The glowing green grid animation used in ship selection
- Filename
- The overhead view used in the weapons loadout
- Filename
- Points awarded for destroying the ship
- Value
- These are the origins of the white contrails that appear in the nebula missions. Ship may have multiple trails.
- +Offset:
- The position of the contrail's head
- X, Y, Z; relative to the centerpoint of the model
- +Start Width:
- The width of the contrail's head
- Value; in meters
- +End Width:
- The width of the contrail's tail
- Value; in meters
- +Start Alpha:
- The opacity of the contrail's head
- Value
- +End Alpha:
- The opacity of the contrail's tail
- Value
- +Max Life:
- How long the contrail remains
- Value; in seconds
- +Spew Time:
- ????
- ???
- +Bitmap:
- The image to use for the contrail.
- Filename
$Thruster Particles:
- $Thruster Particle Bitmap:
- Name of the animation used for particle thrusters, up to three can be defined
- Filename
- $Min Radius:
- Value; in meters
- $Max Radius:
- Value; in meters
- $Min created:
- Value; per second
- $Max created:
- Value; per second
- $Variance:
- Value that describes the randomnes or particle generation, valus close to 0 will cause particles to spew very close to the thrusters normal while values close 1 will cause some particles to be spewed enen to opposite direction
- Value
$Thruster Particles:
- $Afterburner Particle Bitmap:
- Name of the animation used for particle thruster afterburners, up to three can be defined
- Filename
- $Min Radius:
- Value; in meters
- $Max Radius:
- Value; in meters
- $Min created:
- Value; per second
- $Max created:
- Value; per second
- $Variance:
- Value that describes the randomnes or particle generation, valus close to 0 will cause particles to spew very close to the thrusters normal while values close 1 will cause some particles to be spewed enen to opposite direction
- Value
- The name of the subsystem as defined in .pof file, % of ship's total hitpoints the subsystem has and rotation time (360 degrees) for multipart turrets.
- Subsystem name, %-hitpoints, rotation speed