Script - Velocity Indicator
From FreeSpace Wiki
Creates an additional reticle that points towards the real movement direction and also prints the actual velocity (lenght of the velocity vector to the screen)
Table Entry
#Global Hooks $GameInit: [ drawvelret = function(x, y) gr.drawGradientLine(x+20,y+20,x+5,y+5) gr.drawGradientLine(x-20,y+20,x-5,y+5) gr.drawGradientLine(x+20,y-20,x+5,y-5) gr.drawGradientLine(x-20,y-20,x-5,y-5) gr.drawGradientLine(x,y,x+6,y+6) gr.drawGradientLine(x,y,x+6,y-6) gr.drawGradientLine(x,y,x-6,y+6) gr.drawGradientLine(x,y,x-6,y-6) end ] $HUD: [ position = plr.Position velocity = plr.Velocity vlenght = velocity:getMagnitude() vvector = position + (velocity/(vlenght/2000)) gr.setColor(230,230,100,255) if vvector:getScreenCoords() ~= false and vlenght > 5 then X, Y = vvector:getScreenCoords() drawvelret(X, Y) end gr.drawString("True Velocity:",435,750) gr.drawString(math.floor(vlenght),575,750) ] #End
Current version is ment for 1024 x 768 resolution. Final position of the True Velocity: xxx gauge is yet to be determined.