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FreeSpace uses the *.ANI format for animation effects. It can be used either for an effect (explosions, etc.), an interface animation, or as a ship texture.

AniView, an ANI-viewing utility

AniBuilder, a utility that can create ANI files out of a series of 16 bit images

Creating an ANI file

Using AniBuilder (link provided above), one can create new ANI files from AVI movies.

To create your own .ANI:

1. Set up a scene in a 3D animation program or FreeSpace. Volition used 3Dsmax (an expensive modeling program) for their animations.

2. Using a free recording software such as GameCam, record the scene.

3. Use Bink to convert the AVI into a series of 16-bit (or less) PCX files, as AniBuilder will not accept non-PCX images, or images of more than 16 bit color depth.

4. Use AniBuilder to convert the PCXes to an ANI.