As Lightning Fall

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Fighter squadron:



Welcome to EMP hell. Your ship will be EMPed every few seconds, making your HUD go wonky and your target switch at random. As the briefing says, under these conditions aspect weaponry is not the most brillant idea you've ever had. As you might guess, this is very annoying. It is however worthwhile to play this mission so that you can play the next one.

Follow the nav bouys as suggested. It is easy to get turned around during the periodic Shivan attacks as you do so; you will have to struggle with your targeting gear to get back on course, or have an excellent sense of direction. Once you reach the transport spend a short while struggling to issue a C-3-9, then dogfight it with the Shivans that attack. Ordering the fighters to defend the friendly transports doesn't work as well, since they engage at too short a range to prevent hostile fighters from getting off a few shots.

One the SOC transport has recovered snipes and you have an RTB directive, hit alt-J and call it a day.

Notable ships present