File talk:CampaignEditLoop.JPG

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Revision as of 11:43, 24 December 2008 by TopAce (talk | contribs) (reponse)
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The Devil's in the Details

This image doesn't display a mission loop, as one experiences in the main campaign. As displayed, the player will have a choice between Fade and m03_SS (assuming he meets the conditions to enter the loop), but he will not have an opportunity to play m03_SS, if he chooses to play Fade. I'm not saying that this image is "wrong," but if someone makes a campaign file like this, expecting an optional mission that drops you into the next normal mission, that person is in for a surprise, when he skips to m04_SS. This is a good way to let a player choose between paths in a branching campaign, but in an article explaining campaign trees, it might be worth noting that this isn't exactly how Volition's worked.

Nice campaign description too, by the way. -- BlueFlames 18:45, 23 December 2008 (CST)

  • Yes, this image may be wrong. I haven't tested this or verified this method by checking the main FS campaign. I will do that soon and see what happens. Fortunately, I still have the .fc2 file and the missions. - TopAce 05:43, 24 December 2008 (CST)