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(Added a complete scripting.html. Needs format changes and links. But it is ready for editing remarks in.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 12:47, 13 July 2012

This page explains all the functions mentioned in the scripting.html file, including their syntax, remarks on their use and common errors modders may encounter when they use them.

Script Output - FSO v3.6.13 (FS2_Open Scripting)

Conditional Hooks

       Object Type
       Ship class
       Ship type
       Weapon class
       On Game Init
       On Splash Screen
       On State Start
       On Frame
       On Key Pressed
       On Key Released
       On Mouse Moved
       On Mouse Pressed
       On Mouse Released
       On State End
       On Mission Start
       On HUD Draw
       On Ship Collision
       On Weapon Collision
       On Debris Collision
       On Asteroid Collision
       On Object Render
       On Warp In
       On Warp Out
       On Death
       On Mission End
       On Weapon Delete
       On Weapon Equipped
       On Weapon Fired
       On Weapon Selected
       On Weapon Deselected
       On Gameplay Start
       On Turret Fired
       On Primary Fire
       On Secondary Fire

Scripting languages



       Audio (ad) - Sound/Music Library 
       Base (ba) - Base FreeSpace 2 functions 
       CFile (cf) - CFile FS2 filesystem access 
       Controls (io) - Controls library 
       HUD (hu) - HUD library 
       Graphics (gr) - Graphics Library 
       HookVariables (hv) - Hook variables repository 
       Mission (mn) - Mission library 
       BitOps (bit) - Bitwise Operations library 
       Tables (tb) - Tables library 
       Testing (ts) - Experimental or testing stuff 
       vector - Vector object 
       orientation - Orientation matrix object 
       enumeration - Enumeration object 
       event - Mission event handle 
       file - File handle 
       font - font handle 
       gameevent - Game event 
       gamestate - Game state 
       HudGauge - HUD Gauge handle 
       eyepoint - Eyepoint handle 
       model - 3D Model (POF) handle 
       modeltextures_h - Array of materials 
       eyepoints - Array of model eye points 
       thrusters - The thrusters of a model 
       thrusterbank - A model thrusterbank 
       glowpoint - A model glowpoint 
       order - order handle 
       shiporders - Ship orders 
       physics - Physics handle 
       sexpvariable - SEXP Variable handle 
       shields - Shields handle 
       shiptype - Ship type handle 
       species - Species handle 
       team - Team handle 
       texture - Texture handle 
       material - Texture map, including diffuse, glow, and specular textures 
       weaponclass - Weapon class handle 
       collision info - Information about a collision 
       object - Object handle 
       asteroid - Asteroid handle 
       shipclass - Ship class handle 
       debris - Debris handle 
       waypoint - waypoint handle 
       waypointlist - waypointlist handle 
       weaponbank - Ship/subystem weapons bank handle 
       weaponbanktype - Ship/subsystem weapons bank type handle 
       subsystem - Ship subsystem handle 
       shiptextures - Ship textures handle 
       ship - Ship handle 
       weapon - Weapon handle 
       beam - Beam handle 
       wing - Wing handle 
       player - Player handle 
       camera - Camera handle 
       soundentry - sounds.tbl table entry handle 
       sound - sound instance handle 
       3Dsound - 3D sound instance handle 
       control info - control info handle 
       particle - Handle to a particle 

           Vector object
               number [] x,y,z or 1-3
                   Vector component
                   Returns: Value at index, or 0 if vector handle is invalid

               vector + number/vector
                   Adds vector by another vector, or adds all axes by value
                   Returns: Final vector, or null vector if error occurs

               vector - number/vector
                   Subtracts vector from another vector, or subtracts all axes by value
                   Returns: Final vector, or null vector if error occurs

               vector * number/vector
                   Scales vector object (Multiplies all axes by number), or multiplies each axes by the other vector's axes.
                   Returns: Final vector, or null vector if error occurs

               vector / number/vector
                   Scales vector object (Divide all axes by number), or divides each axes by the dividing vector's axes.
                   Returns: Final vector, or null vector if error occurs

               string (string)
                   Converts a vector to string with format "(x,y,z)"
                   Returns: Vector as string, or empty string if handle is invalid

               orientation getOrientation()
                   Returns orientation object representing the direction of the vector. Does not require vector to be normalized.
                   Returns: Orientation object, or null orientation object if handle is invalid

               number getMagnitude()
                   Returns the magnitude of a vector (Total regardless of direction)
                   Returns: Magnitude of vector, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number getDistance(Vector)
                   Returns: Returns distance from another vector

               number getDotProduct(vector OtherVector)
                   Returns dot product of vector object with vector argument
                   Returns: Dot product, or 0 if a handle is invalid

               vector getCrossProduct(vector OtherVector)
                   Returns cross product of vector object with vector argument
                   Returns: Cross product, or null vector if a handle is invalid

               number,number getScreenCoords()
                   Gets screen cordinates of a world vector
                   Returns: X (number), Y (number), or false if off-screen

               vector getNormalized()
                   Returns a normalized version of the vector
                   Returns: Normalized Vector, or NIL if invalid

           Orientation matrix object
               number [] p,b,h or 1-9
                   Orientation component - pitch, bank, heading, or index into 3x3 matrix (1-9)
                   Returns: Number at the specified index, or 0 if index is invalid.

               orientation * orientation
                   Multiplies two matrix objects)
                   Returns: matrix, or empty matrix if unsuccessful

               string (string)
                   Converts a matrix to a string with format "[r1c1 r2c1 r3c1 | r1c2 r2c2 r3c2| r1c3 r2c3 r3c3]"
                   Returns: Formatted string or "

               orientation getInterpolated(orientation Final, number Factor)
                   Returns orientation that has been interpolated to Final by Factor (0.0-1.0)
                   Returns: Interpolated orientation, or null orientation on failure

               orientation getTranspose()
                   Returns a transpose version of the specified orientation
                   Returns: Transpose matrix, or null orientation on failure

               vector rotateVector(vector Input)
                   Returns rotated version of given vector
                   Returns: Rotated vector, or empty vector on error

               vector unrotateVector(vector Input)
                   Returns unrotated version of given vector
                   Returns: Unrotated vector, or empty vector on error

           Enumeration object
               enumeration = enumeration
                   Sets enumeration to specified value (if it is not a global
                   Returns: enumeration

               string (string)
                   Returns enumeration name
                   Returns: Enumeration name, or "" if invalid

           Mission event handle
               string Name = string
                   Mission event name
                   Value: (null)

               string DirectiveText = string
                   Directive text
                   Value: (null)

               string DirectiveKeypressText = string
                   Raw directive keypress text, as seen in FRED.
                   Value: (null)

               number Interval = number
                   Time for event to repeat (in seconds)
                   Value: Repeat time, or 0 if invalid handle

               number ObjectCount = number
                   Number of objects left for event
                   Value: Repeat count, or 0 if invalid handle

               number RepeatCount = number
                   Event repeat count
                   Value: Repeat count, or 0 if invalid handle

               number Score = number
                   Event score
                   Value: Event score, or 0 if invalid handle

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           File handle
               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               nil close()
                   Instantly closes file and invalidates all file handles
                   Returns: Nothing

               boolean flush()
                   Flushes file buffer to disk.
                   Returns: True for success, false on failure

               string getPath()
                   Determines path of the given file
                   Returns: Path string of the file handle, or an empty string if it doesn't have one, or the handle is invalid

               number or string, ... read(number or string, ...)
                   Reads part of or all of a file, depending on arguments passed. Based on basic Lua file:read function.Returns nil when the end of the file is reached.
                       * "*n" - Reads a number.
                       * "*a" - Reads the rest of the file and returns it as a string.
                       * "*l" - Reads a line. Skips the end of line markers.
                       * (number) - Reads given number of characters, then returns them as a string.
                   Returns: Requested data, or nil if the function fails

               number seek([string Whence="cur", number Offset=0])
                 # Changes position of file, or gets location.Whence can be:"set" - File start.
                 # "cur" - Current position in file.
                 # "end" - File end.
                   Returns: new offset, or false or nil on failure

               number write(string or number, ...)
                   Writes a series of Lua strings or numbers to the current file.
                   Returns: Number of items successfully written.

           font handle
               string (string)
                   Filename of font
                   Returns: Font filename, or an empty string if the handle is invalid

               string Filename = string
                   Filename of font (including extension)
                   Value: (null)

               number Height = number
                   Height of font (in pixels)
                   Value: Font height, or 0 if the handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   True if valid, false or nil if not
                   Returns: Detects whether handle is valid

           Game event
               string (string)
                   Game event name
                   Returns: Game event name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string Name = string
                   Game event name
                   Value: Game event name, or empty string if handle is invalid

           Game state
               string (string)
                   Game state name
                   Returns: Game state name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string Name = string
                   Game state name
                   Value: Game state name, or empty string if handle is invalid

           HUD Gauge handle
               string Name = string
                   Custom HUD Gauge name
                   Value: Custom HUD Gauge name, or nil if handle is invalid

               string Text = string
                   Custom HUD Gauge text
                   Value: Custom HUD Gauge text, or nil if handle is invalid

           Eyepoint handle
               vector Normal = vector
                   Eyepoint normal
                   Value: Eyepoint normal, or null vector if handle is invalid

               vector Position = vector
                   Eyepoint location (Local vector)
                   Value: Eyepoint location, or null vector if handle is invalid

               boolean IsValid()
                   Detect whether this handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid false otherwise

           3D Model (POF) handle
               modeltextures_h Textures = modeltextures_h
                   Model textures
                   Value: Model textures, or an invalid modeltextures handle if the model handle is invalid

               thrusters Thrusters = thrusters
                   Model thrusters
                   Value: Thrusters of the model or invalid handle

               eyepoints Eyepoints = eyepoints
                   Model eyepoints
                   Value: Array of eyepoints or invalid handle on error

               vector BoundingBoxMax = vector
                   Model bounding box maximum
                   Value: Model bounding box, or an empty vector if the handle is invalid

               vector BoundingBoxMin = vector
                   Model bounding box minimum
                   Value: Model bounding box, or an empty vector if the handle is invalid

               string Filename = string
                   Model filename
                   Value: Model filename, or an empty string if the handle is invalid

               number Mass = number
                   Model mass
                   Value: Model mass, or 0 if the model handle is invalid

               orientation MomentOfInertia = orientation
                   Model moment of inertia
                   Value: Moment of Inertia matrix or identity matrix if invalid

               number Radius = number
                   Model radius (Used for collision & culling detection)
                   Value: Model Radius or 0 if invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   True if valid, false or nil if not
                   Returns: Detects whether handle is valid

           Array of materials
               number #
                   Number of textures on model
                   Returns: Number of model textures

               texture [] texture
                   number Index/string TextureName
                   Returns: Model textures, or invalid modeltextures handle if model handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Array of model eye points
               number #
                   Gets the number of eyepoints on this model
                   Returns: Number of eyepoints on this model or 0 on error

               eyepoint [] eyepoint
                   Gets en eyepoint handle
                   Returns: eye handle or invalid handle on error

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid or not
                   Returns: true if valid false otherwise

           The thrusters of a model
               number #
                   Number of thruster banks on the model
                   Returns: Number of thrusterbanks

               thrusterbank [] number Index
                   Array of all thrusterbanks on this thruster
                   Returns: Handle to the thrusterbank or invalid handle if index is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           A model thrusterbank
               number #
                   Number of thrusters on this thrusterbank
                   Returns: Number of thrusters on this bank or 0 if handle is invalid

               glowpoint [] number Index
                   Array of glowpoint
                   Returns: Glowpoint, or invalid glowpoint handle on failure

               boolean isValid()
                   Detectes if this handle is valid
                   Returns: true if this handle is valid, false otherwise

           A model glowpoint
               vector Position
                   The (local) vector to the position of the glowpoint

               number Radius
                   The radius of the glowpoint

               boolean isValid()
                   Returns wether this handle is valid or not
                   Returns: True if handle is valid, false otherwise

           order handle
               boolean remove()
                   Removes the given order from the ship's priority queue.
                   Returns: True if order was successfully removed, otherwise false or nil.

           Ship orders
               number #
                   Number of textures on ship
                   Returns: Number of textures on ship, or 0 if handle is invalid

               order [] number Index/string TextureFilename
                   Array of ship orders
                   Returns: Order, or invalid texture handle on failure

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Physics handle
               number AfterburnerAccelerationTime = number
                   Afterburner acceleration time
                   Value: Afterburner acceleration time, or 0 if handle is invalid

               vector AfterburnerVelocityMax = vector
                   Afterburner max velocity (Local vector)
                   Value: Afterburner max velocity, or null vector if handle is invalid

               number BankingConstant = number
                   Banking constant
                   Value: Banking constant, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number ForwardAccelerationTime = number
                   Forward acceleration time
                   Value: Forward acceleration time, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number ForwardDecelerationTime = number
                   Forward deceleration time
                   Value: Forward decleration time, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number ForwardThrust = number
                   Forward thrust amount (0-1), used primarily for thruster graphics
                   Value: Forward thrust, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number Mass = number
                   Object mass
                   Value: Object mass, or 0 if handle is invalid

               vector RotationalVelocity = vector
                   Rotational velocity (Local vector)
                   Value: Rotational velocity, or null vector if handle is invalid

               number RotationalVelocityDamping = number
                   Rotational damping, ie derivative of rotational speed
                   Value: Rotational damping, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number RotationalVelocityDesired = lvector
                   Desired rotational velocity
                   Value: Desired rotational velocity, or 0 if handle is invalid

               vector RotationalVelocityMax = vector
                   Maximum rotational velocity (Local vector)
                   Value: Maximum rotational velocity, or null vector if handle is invalid

               number ShockwaveShakeAmplitude = number
                   How much shaking from shockwaves is applied to object
                   Value: Shockwave shake amplitude, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number SideThrust = number
                   Side thrust amount (0-1), used primarily for thruster graphics
                   Value: Side thrust amount, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number SlideAccelerationTime = number
                   Time to accelerate to maximum slide velocity
                   Value: Sliding acceleration time, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number SlideDecelerationTime = number
                   Time to decelerate from maximum slide speed
                   Value: Sliding deceleration time, or 0 if handle is invalid

               vector Velocity = vector
                   Object world velocity (World vector)
                   Value: Object velocity, or null vector if handle is invalid

               vector VelocityDesired = vector
                   Desired velocity (World vector)
                   Value: Desired velocity, or null vector if handle is invalid

               vector VelocityMax = vector
                   Object max local velocity (Local vector)
                   Value: Maximum velocity, or null vector if handle is invalid

               number VerticalThrust = number
                   Vertical thrust amount (0-1), used primarily for thruster graphics
                   Value: Vertical thrust amount, or 0 if handle is invalid

               boolean AfterburnerActive = boolean
                   Specifies if the afterburner is active or not
                   Value: true if afterburner is active false otherwise

               boolean isValid()
                   True if valid, false or nil if not
                   Returns: Detects whether handle is valid

               number getSpeed()
                   Gets total speed as of last frame
                   Returns: Total speed, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number getForwardSpeed()
                   Gets total speed in the ship's 'forward' direction as of last frame
                   Returns: Total forward speed, or 0 if handle is invalid

               boolean isAfterburnerActive()
                   True if Afterburners are on, false or nil if not
                   Returns: Detects whether afterburner is active

               boolean isGliding()
                   True if glide mode is on, false or nil if not
                   Returns: Detects if ship is gliding

           SEXP Variable handle
               enumeration Persistence = enumeration
                   SEXP Variable persistance, uses SEXPVAR_*_PERSISTENT enumerations
                   Value: SEXPVAR_*_PERSISTENT enumeration, or invalid numeration if handle is invalid

               enumeration Type = enumeration
                   SEXP Variable type, uses SEXPVAR_TYPE_* enumerations
                   Value: SEXPVAR_TYPE_* enumeration, or invalid numeration if handle is invalid

               string Value = number/string
                   SEXP variable value
                   Value: SEXP variable contents, or nil if the variable is of an invalid type or the handle is invalid

               string (string)
                   Returns SEXP name
                   Returns: SEXP name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               boolean delete()
                   Deletes a SEXP Variable
                   Returns: True if successful, false if the handle is invalid

           Shields handle
               number [] enumeration/number
                   Gets or sets shield quadrant strength. Use "SHIELD_*" enumeration or 1-4 for a specific quadrant, or NONE for the entire shield
                   Returns: Quadrant/shield strength, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number CombinedLeft = number
                   Total shield hitpoints left (for all quadrants combined)
                   Value: Combined shield strength, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number CombinedMax = number
                   Maximum shield hitpoints (for all quadrants combined)
                   Value: Combined maximum shield strength, or 0 if handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Ship type handle
               string Name = string
                   Ship type name
                   Value: Ship type name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Species handle
               string Name = string
                   Species name
                   Value: Species name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Team handle
               boolean == team, team
                   Checks whether two teams are the same team
                   Returns: true if equal

               string Name = string
                   Team name
                   Value: Team name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               number, number, number getColor()
                   Gets the IFF color of the specified Team
                   Returns: rgb color for the specified team or nil if invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Texture handle
               nil __gc
                   Auto-deletes texture
                   Returns: Nothing

               boolean == texture, texture
                   Checks if two texture handles refer to the same texture
                   Returns: True if textures are equal

               texture [] number
                   Returns texture handle to specified frame number in current texture's animation.This means that [1] will always return the first frame in an animation, no matter what frame an animation is.You cannot change a texture animation frame.
                   Returns: Texture handle, or invalid texture handle if index is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               nil unload()
                   Unloads a texture from memory
                   Returns: Nothing

               string getFilename()
                   Returns filename for texture
                   Returns: Filename, or empty string if handle is invalid

               number getWidth()
                   Gets texture width
                   Returns: Texture width, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number getHeight()
                   Gets texture height
                   Returns: Texture height, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number getFPS()
                   Gets frames-per-second of texture
                   Returns: Texture FPS, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number getFramesLeft()
                   Gets number of frames left, from handle's position in animation
                   Returns: Frames left, or 0 if handle is invalid

           Texture map, including diffuse, glow, and specular textures
               texture BaseMap = texture
                   Base texture
                   Value: Base texture, or invalid texture handle if material handle is invalid

               texture GlowMap = texture
                   Glow texture
                   Value: Glow texture, or invalid texture handle if material handle is invalid

               texture SpecularMap = texture
                   Specular texture
                   Value: Texture handle, or invalid texture handle if material handle is invalid

           Weapon class handle
               string (string)
                   Weapon class name
                   Returns: Weapon class name, or an empty string if handle is invalid

               string Name = string
                   Weapon class name
                   Value: Weapon class name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string Title = string
                   Weapon class title
                   Value: Weapon class title, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string Description = string
                   Weapon class description string
                   Value: Description string, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string TechTitle = string
                   Weapon class tech title
                   Value: Tech title, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string TechAnimationFilename = string
                   Weapon class animation filename
                   Value: Filename, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string TechDescription = string
                   Weapon class tech description string
                   Value: Description string, or empty string if handle is invalid

               model Model = model
                   Value: Weapon class model, or invalid model handle if weaponclass handle is invalid

               number ArmorFactor = number
                   Amount of weapon damage applied to ship hull (0-1.0)
                   Value: Armor factor, or empty string if handle is invalid

               number Damage = number
                   Amount of damage that weapon deals
                   Value: Damage amount, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number FireWait = number
                   Weapon fire wait (cooldown time) in seconds
                   Value: Fire wait time, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number FreeFlightTime = number
                   The time the weapon will fly before turing onto its target
                   Value: Free flight time or emty string if invalid

               number LifeMax = number
                   Life of weapon in seconds
                   Value: Life of weapon, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number Range = number
                   Range of weapon in meters
                   Value: Weapon Range, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number Mass = number
                   Weapon mass
                   Value: Weapon mass, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number ShieldFactor = number
                   Amount of weapon damage applied to ship shields (0-1.0)
                   Value: Shield damage factor, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number SubsystemFactor = number
                   Amount of weapon damage applied to ship subsystems (0-1.0)
                   Value: Subsystem damage factor, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number TargetLOD = number
                   LOD used for weapon model in the targeting computer
                   Value: LOD number, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number Speed = number
                   Weapon max speed, aka $Velocity in weapons.tbl
                   Value: Weapon speed, or 0 if handle is invalid

               boolean Bomb = boolean
                   Is weapon class flagged as bomb
                   Value: New flag

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               number getWeaponClassIndex()
                   Gets the index value of the weapon class
                   Returns: index value of the weapon class

               boolean isLaser()
                   Return true if the weapon is a laser (this includes balistic primaries)
                   Returns: true if the weapon is a laser, false otherwise

               boolean isMissile()
                   Return true if the weapon is a missile
                   Returns: true if the weapon is a missile, false otherwise

               boolean isBeam()
                   Return true if the weapon is a beam
                   Returns: true if the weapon is a beam, false otherwise

       collision info
           Information about a collision
               nil __gc
                   Removes the allocated reference of this handle
                   Returns: Nothing

               model Model = model
                   The model this collision info is about
                   Value: The model

               number getCollisionDistance()
                   The distance to the closest collision point
                   Returns: distance or -1 on error

               vector getCollisionPoint([boolean local])
                   The collision point of this information (local to the object if boolean is set to true)
                   Returns: The collision point or nil of none

               vector getCollisionNormal([boolean local])
                   The collision normal of this information (local to object if boolean is set to true)
                   Returns: The collision normal or nil of none

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects if this handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid false otherwise

           Object handle
               boolean == object, object
                   Checks whether two object handles are for the same object
                   Returns: True if equal, false if not or a handle is invalid

               string (string)
                   Returns name of object (if any)
                   Returns: Object name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               object Parent = object
                   Parent of the object. Value may also be a deriviative of the 'object' class, such as 'ship'.
                   Value: Parent handle, or invalid handle if object is invalid

               vector Position = vector
                   Object world position (World vector)
                   Value: World position, or null vector if handle is invalid

               vector LastPosition = vector
                   Object world position as of last frame (World vector)
                   Value: World position, or null vector if handle is invalid

               orientation Orientation = orientation
                   Object world orientation (World orientation)
                   Value: Orientation, or null orientation if handle is invalid

               orientation LastOrientation = orientation
                   Object world orientation as of last frame (World orientation)
                   Value: Orientation, or null orientation if handle is invalid

               physics Physics = physics
                   Physics data used to move ship between frames
                   Value: Physics data, or invalid physics handle if object handle is invalid

               number HitpointsLeft = number
                   Hitpoints an object has left
                   Value: Hitpoints left, or 0 if handle is invalid

               shields Shields = shields
                   Value: Shields handle, or invalid shields handle if object handle is invalid

               number getSignature()
                   Gets the object's unique signature
                   Returns: Returns the objects unique numeric signature, or -1 if invalid. useful for creating a metadata sytem

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               string getBreedName()
                   Gets object type
                   Returns: Object type name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               number CollisionGroups = number
                   Collision group data
                   Value: Current collision group signature. NOTE: This is a bitfield, NOT a normal number.

               vector getfvec([boolean normalize])
                   Returns the objects' current fvec.
                   Returns: Objects' forward vector, or nil if invalid. If called with a true argument, vector will be normalized.

               vector getuvec([boolean normalize])
                   Returns the objects' current uvec.
                   Returns: Objects' up vector, or nil if invalid. If called with a true argument, vector will be normalized.

               vector getrvec([boolean normalize])
                   Returns the objects' current rvec.
                   Returns: Objects' rvec, or nil if invalid. If called with a true argument, vector will be normalized.

               vector, collision info checkRayCollision(vector Start Point, vector End Point, [boolean Local])
                   Checks the collisions between the polygons of the current object and a ray
                   Returns: World collision point (local if boolean is set to true) and the specific collsision info, nil if no collisions

           Asteroid handle
               object Target = object
                   Asteroid target object; may be object derivative, such as ship.
                   Value: Target object, or invalid handle if asteroid handle is invalid

               boolean kill([ship killer=nil, wvector hitpos=nil])
                   Kills the asteroid. Set "killer" to designate a specific ship as having been the killer, and "hitpos" to specify the world position of the hit location; if nil, the asteroid center is used.
                   Returns: True if successful, false or nil otherwise

           Ship class handle
               string (string)
                   Ship class name
                   Returns: Ship class name, or an empty string if handle is invalid

               string Name = string
                   Ship class name
                   Value: Ship class name, or an empty string if handle is invalid

               string ShortName = string
                   Ship class short name
                   Value: Ship short name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string TypeString = string
                   Ship class type string
                   Value: Type string, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string ManeuverabilityString = string
                   Ship class maneuverability string
                   Value: Maneuverability string, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string ArmorString = string
                   Ship class armor string
                   Value: Armor string, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string ManufacturerString = string
                   Ship class manufacturer
                   Value: Manufacturer, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string Description = string
                   Ship class description
                   Value: Description, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string TechDescription = string
                   Ship class tech description
                   Value: Tech description, or empty string if handle is invalid

               number AfterburnerFuelMax = number
                   Afterburner fuel capacity
                   Value: Afterburner capacity, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number CountermeasuresMax = number
                   Maximum number of countermeasures the ship can carry
                   Value: Countermeasure capacity, or 0 if handle is invalid

               model Model = model
                   Value: Ship class model, or invalid model handle if shipclass handle is invalid

               model CockpitModel = model
                   Model used for first-person cockpit
                   Value: Cockpit model

               number HitpointsMax = number
                   Ship class hitpoints
                   Value: Hitpoints, or 0 if handle is invalid

               species Species = Species
                   Ship class species
                   Value: Ship class species, or invalid species handle if shipclass handle is invalid

               shiptype Type = shiptype
                   Ship class type
                   Value: Ship type, or invalid handle if shipclass handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               boolean isInTechroom()
                   Gets whether or not the ship class is available in the techroom
                   Returns: Whether ship has been revealed in the techroom, false if handle is invalid

               boolean renderTechModel(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, [Rotation %, Pitch %, Bank %, Zoom multiplier])
                   Draws ship model as if in techroom
                   Returns: Whether ship was rendered

               boolean renderTechModel2(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, orientation Orientation=null, [Zoom multiplier])
                   Draws ship model as if in techroom
                   Returns: Whether ship was rendered

               boolean isModelLoaded([boolean Load = false])
                   Checks if the model used for this shipclass is loaded or not and optionally loads the model, which might be a slow operation.
                   Returns: If the model is loaded or not

               number getShipClassIndex()
                   Gets the index valus of the ship class
                   Returns: index value of the ship class

           Debris handle
               boolean IsHull = boolean
                   Whether or not debris is a piece of hull
                   Value: Whether debris is a hull fragment, or false if handle is invalid

               shipclass OriginClass = shipclass
                   The shipclass of the ship this debris originates from
                   Value: The shipclass of the ship that created this debris

               number getDebrisRadius()
                   The radius of this debris piece
                   Returns: The radius of this debris piece or -1 if invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Return if this debris handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid false otherwise

           waypoint handle

           waypointlist handle
               waypoint [] number Index
                   Array of waypoints that are part of the waypoint list
                   Returns: Waypoint, or invalid handle if the index or waypointlist handle is invalid

               number #
                   Number of waypoints in the list. Note that the value returned cannot be relied on for more than one frame.
                   Returns: Number of waypoints in the list, or 0 if handle is invalid

               string Name = string
                   Name of WaypointList
                   Value: Waypointlist name, or empty string if handle is invalid

           Ship/subystem weapons bank handle
               weaponclass WeaponClass = weaponclass
                   Class of weapon mounted in the bank
                   Value: Weapon class, or an invalid weaponclass handle if bank handle is invalid

               number AmmoLeft = number
                   Ammo left for the current bank
                   Value: Ammo left, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number AmmoMax = number
                   Maximum ammo for the current bank
                   Value: Ammo capacity, or 0 if handle is invalid

               boolean Armed = boolean
                   Weapon armed status. Does not take linking into account.
                   Value: True if armed, false if unarmed or handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Ship/subsystem weapons bank type handle
               weaponbank [] number Index
                   Array of weapon banks
                   Returns: Weapon bank, or invalid handle on failure

               boolean Linked = boolean
                   Whether bank is in linked or unlinked fire mode (Primary-only)
                   Value: Link status, or false if handle is invalid

               boolean DualFire = boolean
                   Whether bank is in dual fire mode (Secondary-only)
                   Value: Dual fire status, or false if handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               number #
                   Number of weapons in the mounted bank
                   Returns: Number of bank weapons, or 0 if handle is invalid

           Ship subsystem handle
               string (string)
                   Returns name of subsystem
                   Returns: Subsystem name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string ArmorClass = string
                   Current Armor class
                   Value: Armor class name, or empty string if none is set

               number AWACSIntensity = number
                   Subsystem AWACS intensity
                   Value: AWACS intensity, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number AWACSRadius = number
                   Subsystem AWACS radius
                   Value: AWACS radius, or 0 if handle is invalid

               orientation Orientation = orientation
                   Orientation of subobject or turret base
                   Value: Subsystem orientation, or null orientation if handle is invalid

               orientation GunOrientation = orientation
                   Orientation of turret gun
                   Value: Gun orientation, or null orientation if handle is invalid

               number HitpointsLeft = number
                   Subsystem hitpoints left
                   Value: Hitpoints left, or 0 if handle is invalid. Setting a value of 0 will disable it - set a value of -1 or lower to actually blow it up.

               number HitpointsMax = number
                   Subsystem hitpoints max
                   Value: Max hitpoints, or 0 if handle is invalid

               vector Position = vector
                   Subsystem position with regards to main ship (Local Vector)
                   Value: Subsystem position, or null vector if subsystem handle is invalid

               vector GunPosition = vector
                   Subsystem gun position with regards to main ship (Local vector)
                   Value: Gun position, or null vector if subsystem handle is invalid

               string Name = string
                   Subsystem name
                   Value: Subsystem name, or an empty string if handle is invalid

               string getModelName()
                   Returns the original name of the subsystem in the model file
                   Returns: name or empty string on error

               weaponbanktype PrimaryBanks = weaponbanktype
                   Array of primary weapon banks
                   Value: Primary banks, or invalid weaponbanktype handle if subsystem handle is invalid

               weaponbanktype SecondaryBanks = weaponbanktype
                   Array of secondary weapon banks
                   Value: Secondary banks, or invalid weaponbanktype handle if subsystem handle is invalid

               object Target = object
                   Object targetted by this subsystem. If used to set a new target, AI targeting will be switched off.
                   Value: Targeted object, or invalid object handle if subsystem handle is invalid

               boolean TurretResets = boolean
                   Specifies wether this turrets resets after a certain time of inactivity
                   Value: true if turret resets, false otherwise

               number TurretResetDelay = number
                   The time (in milliseconds) after that the turret resets itself
                   Value: Reset delay

               number TurnRate = number
                   The turn rate
                   Value: Turnrate or -1 on error

               boolean TurretLocked = boolean
                   Whether the turret is locked. Setting to true locks the turret, setting to false frees it.
                   Value: True if turret is locked, false otherwise

               number NextFireTimestamp = number
                   The next time the turret may attempt to fire
                   Value: Mission time (seconds) or -1 on error

               boolean targetingOverride(boolean)
                   If set to true, AI targeting for this turret is switched off. If set to false, the AI will take over again.
                   Returns: Returns true if successful, false otherwise

               boolean hasFired()
                   Determine if a subsystem has fired
                   Returns: true if if fired, false if not fired, or nil if invalid. resets fired flag when called.

               boolean isTurret()
                   Determines if this subsystem is a turret
                   Returns: true if subsystem is turret, false otherwise or nil on error

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               nil fireWeapon([Turret weapon index = 1, Flak range = 100])
                   Fires weapon on turret
                   Returns: Nothing

               boolean rotateTurret(vector Pos[, boolean reset=false)
                   Rotates the turret to face Pos or resets the turret to its original state
                   Returns: true on success false otherwise

               vector getTurretHeading()
                   Returns the turrets forward vector
                   Returns: Returns a normalized version of the forward vector or null vector on error

               number, number, number getFOVs()
                   Returns current turrets FOVs
                   Returns: Standard FOV, maximum barrel elevation, turret base fov.

               matrix getTurretMatrix()
                   Returns current subsystems turret matrix
                   Returns: Turret matrix.

           Ship textures handle
               number #
                   Number of textures on ship
                   Returns: Number of textures on ship, or 0 if handle is invalid

               texture [] number Index/string TextureFilename
                   Array of ship textures
                   Returns: Texture, or invalid texture handle on failure

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           Ship handle
               subsystem [] string Name/number Index
                   Array of ship subsystems
                   Returns: Subsystem handle, or invalid subsystem handle if index or ship handle is invalid

               number #
                   Number of subsystems on ship
                   Returns: Subsystem number, or 0 if handle is invalid

               string ShieldArmorClass = string
                   Current Armor class of the ships' shield
                   Value: Armor class name, or empty string if none is set

               string ArmorClass = string
                   Current Armor class
                   Value: Armor class name, or empty string if none is set

               string Name = string
                   Ship name
                   Value: Ship name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               number AfterburnerFuelLeft = number
                   Afterburner fuel left
                   Value: Afterburner fuel left, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number AfterburnerFuelMax = number
                   Afterburner fuel capacity
                   Value: Afterburner fuel capacity, or 0 if handle is invalid

               shipclass Class = shipclass
                   Ship class
                   Value: Ship class, or invalid shipclass handle if ship handle is invalid

               number CountermeasuresLeft = number
                   Number of countermeasures left
                   Value: Countermeasures left, or 0 if ship handle is invalid

               weaponclass CountermeasureClass = weaponclass
                   Weapon class mounted on this ship's countermeasure point
                   Value: Countermeasure hardpoint weapon class, or invalid weaponclass handle if no countermeasure class or ship handle is invalid

               number HitpointsMax = number
                   Total hitpoints
                   Value: Ship maximum hitpoints, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number WeaponEnergyLeft = number
                   Current weapon energy reserves
                   Value: Ship current weapon energy reserve level, or 0 if invalid

               number WeaponEnergyMax = number
                   Maximum weapon energy
                   Value: Ship maximum weapon energy reserve level, or 0 if invalid

               boolean PrimaryTriggerDown = boolean
                   Determines if primary trigger is pressed or not
                   Value: True if pressed, false if not, nil if ship handle is invalid

               weaponbanktype PrimaryBanks = weaponbanktype
                   Array of primary weapon banks
                   Value: Primary weapon banks, or invalid weaponbanktype handle if ship handle is invalid

               weaponbanktype SecondaryBanks = weaponbanktype
                   Array of secondary weapon banks
                   Value: Secondary weapon banks, or invalid weaponbanktype handle if ship handle is invalid

               weaponbanktype TertiaryBanks = weaponbanktype
                   Array of tertiary weapon banks
                   Value: Tertiary weapon banks, or invalid weaponbanktype handle if ship handle is invalid

               object Target = object
                   Target of ship. Value may also be a deriviative of the 'object' class, such as 'ship'.
                   Value: Target object, or invalid object handle if no target or ship handle is invalid

               subsystem TargetSubsystem = subsystem
                   Target subsystem of ship.
                   Value: Target subsystem, or invalid subsystem handle if no target or ship handle is invalid

               team Team = team
                   Ship's team
                   Value: Ship team, or invalid team handle if ship handle is invalid

               shiptextures Textures = shiptextures
                   Gets ship textures
                   Value: Ship textures, or invalid shiptextures handle if ship handle is invalid

               boolean FlagAffectedByGravity = boolean
                   Checks for the "affected-by-gravity" flag
                   Value: True if flag is set, false if flag is not set and nil on error

               boolean Disabled = boolean
                   The disabled state of this ship
                   Value: true if ship is diabled, false otherwise

               boolean kill([object Killer])
                   Kills the ship. Set "Killer" to the ship you are killing to self-destruct
                   Returns: True if successful, false or nil otherwise

               boolean addShipEffect(string name, int duration (in milliseconds))
                   Activates an effect for this ship. Effect names are defined in Post_processing.tbl, and need to be implemented in the main shader. This functions analogous to the ship-effect sexp. NOTE: only one effect can be active at any time, adding new effects will override effects already in progress. 
                   Returns: Returns true if the effect was successfully added, false otherwise

               number hasShipExploded()
                   Checks if the ship explosion event has already happened
                   Returns: Returns 1 if first explosion timestamp is passed, 2 if second is passed, 0 otherwise

               boolean fireCountermeasure()
                   Launches a countermeasure from the ship
                   Returns: Whether countermeasure was launched or not

               number firePrimary()
                   Fires ship primary bank(s)
                   Returns: Number of primary banks fired

               number fireSecondary()
                   Fires ship secondary bank(s)
                   Returns: Number of secondary banks fired

               number getAnimationDoneTime(number Type, number Subtype)
                   Gets time that animation will be done
                   Returns: Time (seconds), or 0 if ship handle is invalid

               boolean clearOrders()
                   Clears a ship's orders list
                   Returns: True if successful, otherwise false or nil

               boolean giveOrder(enumeration Order, [object Target=nil, subsystem TargetSubsystem=nil, number Priority=1.0])
                   Uses the goal code to execute orders
                   Returns: True if order was given, otherwise false or nil

               boolean doManeuver(number Duration, number Heading, number Pitch, number Bank, boolean Force Rotation, number Vertical, number Horizontal, number Forward, boolean Force Movement)
                   Sets ship maneuver over the defined time period
                   Returns: True if maneuver order was given, otherwise false or nil

               boolean triggerAnimation(string Type, [number Subtype, boolean Forwards])
                   Triggers an animation. Type is the string name of the animation type, Subtype is the subtype number, such as weapon bank #, and Forwards is boolean.
                   IMPORTANT: Function is in testing and should not be used with official mod releases
                   Returns: True if successful, false or nil otherwise

               boolean warpIn()
                   Warps ship in
                   Returns: True if successful, or nil if ship handle is invalid

               boolean warpOut()
                   Warps ship out
                   Returns: True if successful, or nil if ship handle is invalid

               boolean isWarpingIn()
                   Checks if ship is warping in
                   Returns: True if the ship is warping in, false or nil otherwise

               number getEMP()
                   Returns the current emp effect strength acting on the object
                   Returns: Current EMP effect strength or NIL if object is invalid

               number getTimeUntilExplosion()
                   Returns the time in seconds until the ship explodes
                   Returns: Time until explosion or -1, if invalid handle or ship isn't exploding

           Weapon handle
               weaponclass Class = weaponclass
                   Weapon's class
                   Value: Weapon class, or invalid weaponclass handle if weapon handle is invalid

               boolean DestroyedByWeapon = boolean
                   Whether weapon was destroyed by another weapon
                   Value: True if weapon was destroyed by another weapon, false if weapon was destroyed by another object or if weapon handle is invalid

               number LifeLeft = number
                   Weapon life left (in seconds)
                   Value: Life left (seconds) or 0 if weapon handle is invalid

               number FlakDetonationRange = number
                   Range at which flak will detonate (meters)
                   Value: Detonation range (meters) or 0 if weapon handle is invalid

               object Target = object
                   Target of weapon. Value may also be a deriviative of the 'object' class, such as 'ship'.
                   Value: Weapon target, or invalid object handle if weapon handle is invalid

               subsystem ParentTurret = subsystem
                   Turret which fired this weapon.
                   Value: Turret subsystem handle, or an invalid handle if the weapon not fired from a turret

               object HomingObject = object
                   Object that weapon will home in on. Value may also be a deriviative of the 'object' class, such as 'ship'
                   Value: Object that weapon is homing in on, or an invalid object handle if weapon is not homing or the weapon handle is invalid

               vector HomingPosition = vector
                   Position that weapon will home in on (World vector)
                   Value: Homing point, or null vector if weapon handle is invalid

               subsystem HomingSubsystem = subsystem
                   Subsystem that weapon will home in on.
                   Value: Homing subsystem, or invalid subsystem handle if weapon is not homing or weapon handle is invalid

               team Team = team
                   Weapon's team
                   Value: Weapon team, or invalid team handle if weapon handle is invalid

               boolean isArmed([boolean Hit target])
                   Checks if the weapon is armed.
                   Returns: boolean value of the weapon arming status

               collision info getCollisionInformation()
                   Returns the collision information for this weapon
                   Returns: The collision information or invalid handle if none

           Beam handle
               weaponclass Class = weaponclass
                   Weapon's class
                   Value: Weapon class, or invalid weaponclass handle if beam handle is invalid

               vector LastShot = vector
                   End point of the beam
                   Value: vector or null vector if beam handle is not valid

               vector LastStart = vector
                   Start point of the beam
                   Value: vector or null vector if beam handle is not valid

               object Target = object
                   Target of beam. Value may also be a deriviative of the 'object' class, such as 'ship'.
                   Value: Beam target, or invalid object handle if beam handle is invalid

               subsystem TargetSubsystem = subsystem
                   Subsystem that beam is targeting.
                   Value: Target subsystem, or invalid subsystem handle if beam handle is invalid

               object ParentShip = object
                   Parent of the beam.
                   Value: Beam parent, or invalid object handle if beam handle is invalid

               subsystem ParentSubsystem = subsystem
                   Subsystem that beam is fired from.
                   Value: Parent subsystem, or invalid subsystem handle if beam handle is invalid

               number getCollisionCount()
                   Get the number of collisions in frame.
                   Returns: Number of beam collisions

               vector getCollisionPosition(number)
                   Get the position of the defined collision.
                   Returns: World vector

               collision info getCollisionInformation(number)
                   Get the collision information of the specified collision
                   Returns: handle to information or invalid handle on error

               object getCollisionObject(number)
                   Get the target of the defined collision.
                   Returns: Object the beam collided with

               boolean isExitCollision(number)
                   Checks if the defined collision was exit collision.
                   Returns: True if the collision was exit collision, false if entry, nil otherwise

               vector getStartDirectionInfo()
                   Gets the start information about the direction. The vector is a normalized vector from LastStart showing the start direction of a slashing beam
                   Returns: The start direction or null vector if invalid

               vector getEndDirectionInfo()
                   Gets the end information about the direction. The vector is a normalized vector from LastStart showing the end direction of a slashing beam
                   Returns: The start direction or null vector if invalid

           Wing handle
               ship [] number Index
                   Array of ships in the wing
                   Returns: Ship handle, or invalid ship handle if index is invawing handle is invalid

               number #
                   Number of wings in mission
                   Returns: Number of wings in mission

           Player handle
               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               string getName()
                   Gets current player name
                   Returns: Player name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string getCampaignFilename()
                   Gets current player campaign filename
                   Returns: Campaign name, or empty string if handle is invalid

               string getImageFilename()
                   Gets current player image filename
                   Returns: Player image filename, or empty string if handle is invalid

               number getMainHall()
                   Gets player's main hall number
                   Returns: Main hall index, or 1 if handle is invalid

               string getSquadronName()
                   Gets current player squad name
                   Returns: Squadron name, or empty string if handle is invalid

           Camera handle
               string (string)
                   Camera name
                   Returns: Camera name, or an empty string if handle is invalid

               boolean isValid()
                   True if valid, false or nil if not
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

               string Name = string
                   New camera name
                   Value: Camera name

               number FOV = number
                   New camera FOV (in radians)
                   Value: Camera FOV (in radians)

               orientation Orientation = orientation
                   New camera orientation
                   Value: Camera orientation

               vector Position = vector
                   New camera position
                   Value: Camera position

               object Self = object
                   New mount object
                   Value: Camera object

               subsystem SelfSubsystem = subsystem
                   New mount object subsystem
                   Value: Subsystem that the camera is mounted on

               object Target = object
                   New target object
                   Value: Camera target object

               subsystem TargetSubsystem = subsystem
                   New target subsystem
                   Value: Subsystem that the camera is pointed at

               boolean setFOV([number FOV, number Zoom Time, number Zoom Acceleration Time, number Zoom deceleration Time])
                   Sets camera FOV
                   FOV is the final field of view, in radians, of the camera.
                   Zoom Time is the total time to take zooming in or out.
                   Acceleration Time is the total time it should take the camera to get up to full zoom speed.
                   Deceleration Time is the total time it should take the camera to slow down from full zoom speed.
                   Returns: true if successful, false or nil otherwise

               boolean setOrientation([world orientation Orientation, number Rotation Time, number Acceleration Time, number Deceleration time])
                   Sets camera orientation and velocity data.
                   Orientation is the final orientation for the camera, after it has finished moving. If not specified, the camera will simply stop at its current orientation.
                   Rotation time is how long total, including acceleration, the camera should take to rotate. If it is not specified, the camera will jump to the specified orientation.
                   Acceleration time is how long it should take the camera to get 'up to speed'. If not specified, the camera will instantly start moving.
                   Deceleration time is how long it should take the camera to slow down. If not specified, the camera will instantly stop moving.
                   Returns: true if successful, false or nil otherwise

               boolean setPosition([wvector Position, number Translation Time, number Acceleration Time, number Deceleration Time])
                   Sets camera position and velocity data.
                   Position is the final position for the camera. If not specified, the camera will simply stop at its current position.
                   Translation time is how long total, including acceleration, the camera should take to move. If it is not specified, the camera will jump to the specified position.
                   Acceleration time is how long it should take the camera to get 'up to speed'. If not specified, the camera will instantly start moving.
                   Deceleration time is how long it should take the camera to slow down. If not specified, the camera will instantly stop moving.
                   Returns: true if successful, false or nil otherwise

           sounds.tbl table entry handle
               number DefaultVolume = number
                   The default volume of this game sound
                   Value: Volume in the range from 1 to 0 or -1 on error

               string getFilename()
                   Returns the filename of this sound
                   Returns: filename or empty string on error

               number getDuration()
                   Gives the length of the sound in seconds.
                   Returns: the length, or -1 on error

               number, number get3DValues(vector Postion[, number radius=0.0])
                   Computes the volume and the panning of the sound when it would be played from the specified position.
                   If range is given then the volume will diminish when the listener is withing that distance to the source.
                   The position of the listener is always the the current viewing position.
                   Returns: The volume and the panning, in that sequence, or both -1 on error

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           sound instance handle
               number Pitch = number
                   Pitch of sound, from 100 to 100000
                   Value: Pitch, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number getRemainingTime()
                   The remaining time of this sound handle
                   Returns: Remaining time, or -1 on error

               boolean setVolume(number)
                   Sets the volume of this sound instance
                   Returns: true if succeeded, false otherwise

               boolean setPanning(number)
                   Sets the panning of this sound. Argument ranges from -1 for left to 1 for right
                   Returns: true if succeeded, false otherwise

               boolean setPosition(number[,boolean = true])
                   Sets the absolute position of the sound. If boolean argument is true then the value is given as a percentage
                   Returns: true if successfull, false otherwise

               boolean rewind(number)
                   Rewinds the sound by the given number of seconds
                   Returns: true if succeeded, false otherwise

               boolean skip(number)
                   Skips the given number of seconds of the sound
                   Returns: true if succeeded, false otherwise

               boolean isPlaying()
                   Specifies if this handle is currently playing
                   Returns: true if playing, false if otherwise

               boolean stop()
                   Stops the sound of this handle
                   Returns: true if succeeded, false otherwise

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid, false if handle is invalid, nil if a syntax/type error occurs

           3D sound instance handle
               boolean updatePosition(vector Position[, number radius = 0.0])
                   Updates the given 3D sound with the specified position and an optional range value
                   Returns: true if succeesed, false otherwise

       control info
           control info handle
               number Pitch = number
                   Pitch of the player ship
                   Value: Pitch

               number Heading = number
                   Heading of the player ship
                   Value: Heading

               number Bank = number
                   Bank of the player ship
                   Value: Bank

               number Vertical = number
                   Vertical control of the player ship
                   Value: Vertical control

               number Sideways = number
                   Sideways control of the player ship
                   Value: Sideways control

               number Forward = number
                   Forward control of the player ship
                   Value: Forward

               number ForwardCruise = number
                   Forward control of the player ship
                   Value: Forward

               number PrimaryCount = number
                   Number of primary weapons that will fire
                   Value: Number of weapons to fire, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number SecondaryCount = number
                   Number of secondary weapons that will fire
                   Value: Number of weapons to fire, or 0 if handle is invalid

               number CountermeasureCount = number
                   Number of countermeasures that will launch
                   Value: Number of countermeasures to launch, or 0 if handle is invalid

               nil clearLuaButtonInfo()
                   Clears the lua button control info
                   Returns: Nothing

               number, number, number,number getButtonInfo()
                   Access the four bitfields containing the button info
                   Returns: Four bitfields

               number, number, number,number accessButtonInfo(number, number, number, number)
                   Access the four bitfields containing the button info
                   Returns: Four bitfields

               nil useButtonControl(number, string)
                   Adds the defined button control to lua button control data, if number is -1 it tries to use the string
                   Returns: Nothing

               string getButtonControlName(number)
                   Gives the name of the command corresponding with the given number
                   Returns: Name of the command

               number getButtonControlNumber(string)
                   Gives the number of the command corresponding with the given string
                   Returns: Number of the command

               boolean AllButtonPolling = boolean
                   Toggles the all button polling for lua
                   Value: If the all button polling is enabled or not

               number, number, number,number pollAllButtons()
                   Access the four bitfields containing the button info
                   Returns: Four bitfields

           Handle to a particle
               vector Position = vector
                   The current position of the particle (world vector)
                   Value: The current position

               vector Velocity = vector
                   The current velocity of the particle (world vector)
                   Value: The current velocity

               number Age = number
                   The time this particle already lives
                   Value: The current age or -1 on error

               number MaximumLife = number
                   The time this particle can live
                   Value: The maximal life or -1 on error

               number Radius = number
                   The radius of the particle
                   Value: The radius or -1 on error

               number TracerLength = number
                   The tracer legth of the particle
                   Value: The radius or -1 on error

               object AttachedObject = object
                   The object this particle is attached to. If valid the position will be relativ to this object and the velocity will be ignored.
                   Value: Attached object or invalid object handle on error

               boolean isValid()
                   Detects whether this handle is valid
                   Returns: true if valid false if not

       Audio (ad)
           Sound/Music Library
               soundentry getSoundentry(string/number)
                   Return a sound entry matching the specified index or name. If you are using a number then the first valid index is 1
                   Returns: soundentry or invalid handle on error

               sound playSound(soundentry)
                   Plays the specified sound entry handle
                   Returns: A handle to the playing sound

               sound playLoopingSound(soundentry)
                   Plays the specified sound as a looping sound
                   Returns: A handle to the playing sound or invalid handle if playback failed

               3Dsound play3DSound(soundentry[, vector source[, vector listener]])
                   Plays the specified sound entry handle. Source if by default 0, 0, 0 and listener is by default the current viewposition
                   Returns: A handle to the playing sound

               boolean playGameSound(Sound index, [Panning (-1.0 left to 1.0 right), Volume %, Priority 0-3, Voice Message?])
                   Plays a sound from #Game Sounds in sounds.tbl. A priority of 0 indicates that the song must play; 1-3 will specify the maximum number of that sound that can be played
                   Returns: True if sound was played, false if not (Replaced with a sound instance object in the future)

               boolean playInterfaceSound(Sound index)
                   Plays a sound from #Interface Sounds in sounds.tbl
                   Returns: True if sound was played, false if not

               number playMusic(string Filename, [float volume = 1.0, bool looping = true])
                   Plays a music file using FS2Open's builtin music system. Volume should be in the 0.0 - 1.0 range, and is capped at 1.0. Files passed to this function are looped by default.
                   Returns: Audiohandle of the created audiostream, or -1 on failure

               nil stopMusic(int audiohandle, [bool fade = false])
                   Stops a playing music file, provided audiohandle is valid
                   Returns: Nothing

       Base (ba)
           Base FreeSpace 2 functions
               nil print(string Message)
                   Prints a string
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil warning(string Message)
                   Displays a FreeSpace warning (debug build-only) message with the string provided
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil error(string Message)
                   Displays a FreeSpace error message with the string provided
                   Returns: Nothing

               orientation createOrientation([p/r1c1, b/r1c2, h/r1c3, r2c1, r2c2, r2c3, r3c1, r3c2, r3c3])
                   Given 0, 3, or 9 arguments, creates an orientation object with that orientation.
                   Returns: New orientation object, or null orientation on failure

               vector createVector([x, y, z])
                   Creates a vector object
                   Returns: Vector object

               number getFrametime([Do not adjust for time compression (Boolean)])
                   Gets how long this frame is calculated to take. Use it to for animations, physics, etc to make incremental changes.
                   Returns: Frame time (seconds)

               state getCurrentGameState([Depth (number)])
                   Gets current FreeSpace state; if a depth is specified, the state at that depth is returned. (IE at the in-game options game, a depth of 1 would give you the game state, while the function defaults to 0, which would be the options screen.
                   Returns: Current game state at specified depth, or invalid handle if no game state is active yet

               string getCurrentMPStatus(NIL)
                   Gets this computers current MP status
                   Returns: Current MP status

               string setControlMode(NIL or enumeration LE_*_CONTROL)
                   Sets the current control mode for the game.
                   Returns: Current control mode

               string setButtonControlMode(NIL or enumeration LE_*_BUTTON_CONTROL)
                   Sets the current control mode for the game.
                   Returns: Current control mode

               control info getControlInfo()
                   Gets the control info handle.
                   Returns: control info handle

               boolean postGameEvent(gameevent Event)
                   Sets current game event. Note that you can crash FreeSpace 2 by posting an event at an improper time, so test extensively if you use it.
                   Returns: True if event was posted, false if passed event was invalid

               gameevent GameEvents[] number Index/string Name
                   Array of game events
                   Returns: Game event, or invalid gameevent handle if index is invalid

                   number #
                       Number of events
                       Returns: Number of events

               gamestate GameStates[] number Index/string Name
                   Array of game states
                   Returns: Game state, or invalid gamestate handle if index is invalid

                   number #
                       Number of states
                       Returns: Number of states

       CFile (cf)
           CFile FS2 filesystem access
               boolean deleteFile(string Filename, string Path)
                   Deletes given file. Path must be specified. Use a slash for the root directory.
                   Returns: True if deleted, false

               boolean fileExists(string Filename, [string Path = "", boolean CheckVPs = false])
                   Checks if a file exists. Use a blank string for path for any directory, or a slash for the root directory.
                   Returns: True if file exists, false or nil otherwise

               file openFile(string Filename, [string Mode="r", string Path = ""])
                   Opens a file. 'Mode' uses standard C fopen arguments. Use a blank string for path for any directory, or a slash for the root directory.Be EXTREMELY CAREFUL when using this function, as you may PERMANENTLY delete any file by accident
                   Returns: File handle, or invalid file handle if the specified file couldn't be opened

               file openTempFile()
                   Opens a temp file that is automatically deleted when closed
                   Returns: File handle, or invalid file handle if tempfile couldn't be created

               boolean renameFile(string CurrentFilename, string NewFilename, string Path)
                   Renames given file. Path must be specified. Use a slash for the root directory.
                   Returns: True if file was renamed, otherwise false

       Controls (io)
           Controls library
               number getMouseX()
                   Gets Mouse X pos
                   Returns: Mouse x position, or 0 if mouse is not initialized yet

               number getMouseY()
                   Gets Mouse Y pos
                   Returns: Mouse y position, or 0 if mouse is not initialized yet

               boolean isMouseButtonDown({MOUSE_*_BUTTON enumeration}, [..., ...])
                   Returns whether the specified mouse buttons are up or down
                   Returns: Whether specified mouse buttons are down, or false if mouse is not initialized yet

               nil setCursorImage(Image filename, [LOCK or UNLOCK])
                   Sets mouse cursor image, and allows you to lock/unlock the image. (A locked cursor may only be changed with the unlock parameter)
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil setCursorHidden(True to hide mouse, false to show it)
                   Shows or hides mouse cursor
                   Returns: Nothing

               boolean forceMousePosition(number, number (coordinates))
                   function to force mouse position
                   Returns: if the operation succeeded or not

               boolean MouseControlStatus = boolean
                   Gets and sets the retail mouse control status
                   Value: if the retail mouse is on or off

               boolean updateTrackIR()
                   Updates Tracking Data. Call before using get functions
                   Returns: Checks if trackir is available and updates variables, returns true if successful, otherwise false

               number getTrackIRPitch()
                   Gets pitch axis from last update
                   Returns: Pitch value -1 to 1, or 0 on failure

               number getTrackIRYaw()
                   Gets yaw axis from last update
                   Returns: Yaw value -1 to 1, or 0 on failure

               number getTrackIRRoll()
                   Gets roll axis from last update
                   Returns: Roll value -1 to 1, or 0 on failure

               number getTrackIRX()
                   Gets x position from last update
                   Returns: X value -1 to 1, or 0 on failure

               number getTrackIRY()
                   Gets y position from last update
                   Returns: Y value -1 to 1, or 0 on failure

               number getTrackIRZ()
                   Gets z position from last update
                   Returns: Z value -1 to 1, or 0 on failure

       HUD (hu)
           HUD library
               boolean HUDDrawn = boolean
                   Current HUD draw status
                   Value: If the HUD is drawn or not

               boolean setHUDGaugeColor(number (index number of the gauge), [number red, number green, number blue, number alpha])
                   Color used to draw the gauge
                   Returns: If the operation was successful

               number, number, number, number getHUDGaugeColor(number (index number of the gauge))
                   Color used to draw the gauge
                   Returns: Red, green, blue, and alpha of the gauge

               HudGauge getHUDGaugeHandle(string Name)
                   Returns a handle to a specified HUD gauge
                   Returns: HUD Gauge handle, or nil if invalid

       Graphics (gr)
           Graphics Library
               camera Cameras[] number Index/string Name
                   Gets camera
                   Returns: Ship handle, or invalid ship handle if index was invalid

                   number #
                       Gets number of cameras
                       Returns: Number of cameras

               font Fonts[] number Index/string Filename
                   Array of loaded fonts
                   Returns: Font handle, or invalid font handle if index is invalid

                   number #
                       Number of loaded fonts
                       Returns: Number of loaded fonts

               font CurrentFont = font
                   Current font
                   Value: (null)

               enumeration CurrentOpacityType = enumeration
                   Current alpha blending type; uses ALPHABLEND_* enumerations
                   Value: (null)

               texture CurrentRenderTarget = texture
                   Current rendering target
                   Value: Current rendering target, or invalid texture handle if screen is render target

               nil clearScreen([number Red, number green, number blue, number alpha])
                   Clears the screen to black, or the color specified.
                   Returns: Nothing

               camera createCamera(string Name, [wvector Position, orientation Orientation])
                   Creates a new camera using the specified position and orientation (World)
                   Returns: Camera handle, or invalid camera handle if camera couldn't be created

               number getScreenWidth()
                   Gets screen width
                   Returns: Width in pixels, or 0 if graphics are not initialized yet

               number getScreenHeight()
                   Gets screen height
                   Returns: Height in pixels, or 0 if graphics are not initialized yet

               vector getVectorFromCoords([number X=center, number Y=center, number Depth, boolean normalize = false])
                   Returns a vector through screen coordinates x and y. If depth is specified, vector is extended to Depth units into spaceIf normalize is true, vector will be normalized.
                   Returns: Vector, or zero vector on failure

               boolean setTarget([texture Texture])
                   If texture is specified, sets current rendering surface to a texture.Otherwise, sets rendering surface back to screen.
                   Returns: True if successful, false otherwise

               boolean setCamera([camera handle Camera])
                   Sets current camera, or resets camera if none specified
                   Returns: true if successful, false or nil otherwise

               nil setColor(number Red, number Green, number Blue, [number Alpha])
                   Sets 2D drawing color; each color number should be from 0 (darkest) to 255 (brightest)
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil drawCircle(number Radius, number X, number Y)
                   Draws a circle
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil drawCurve(number X, number Y, number Radius)
                   Draws a curve
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil drawGradientLine(number X1, number Y1, number X2, number Y2)
                   Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with the CurrentColor that steadily fades out
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil drawLine(number X1, number Y1, number X2, number Y2)
                   Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with CurrentColor
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil drawPixel(number X, number Y)
                   Sets pixel to CurrentColor
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil drawPolygon(texture Texture, [vector Position={0,0,0}, orientation Orientation=null, number Width=1.0, number Height=1.0])
                   Draws a polygon
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil drawRectangle(number X1, number Y1, number X2, number Y2, [boolean Filled=true])
                   Draws a rectangle with CurrentColor
                   Returns: Nothing

               boolean drawSphere([number Radius = 1.0, vector Position])
                   Draws a sphere with radius Radius at world vector Position
                   Returns: True if successful, false or nil otherwise

               int drawModel(model, position, orientation)
                   Draws the given model with the specified position and orientation - Use with extreme care, may not work properly in all scripting hooks.
                   Returns: Zero if successful, otherwise an integer error code

               int drawModelOOR(model Model, vector Position, matrix Orientation, integer Flags)
                   Draws the given model with the specified position and orientation - Use with extreme care, designer to operate properly only in On Object Render hook.
                   Returns: Zero if successful, otherwise an integer error code

               number,number,number,number drawTargetingBrackets(object Object, [boolean draw=true, int padding=5])
                   Gets the edge positions of targeting brackets for the specified object. The brackets will only be drawn if draw is true or the default value of draw is used. Brackets are drawn with the current color. The brackets will have a padding (distance from the actual bounding box); the default value (used elsewhere in FS2) is 5.
                   Returns: Left, top, right, and bottom positions of the brackets, or nil if invalid

               number drawString(string Message, [number X1, number Y1, number X2, number Y2])
                   Draws a string. Use x1/y1 to control position, x2/y2 to limit textbox size.Text will automatically move onto new lines, if x2/y2 is specified.Additionally, calling drawString with only a string argument will automaticallydraw that string below the previously drawn string (or 0,0 if no stringshave been drawn yet
                   Returns: Number of lines drawn, or 0 on failure

               number getStringWidth(string String)
                   Gets string width
                   Returns: String width, or 0 on failure

               texture createTexture([number Width=512, number Height=512, enumeration Type=TEXTURE_DYNAMIC])
                   Creates a texture for rendering to.Types are TEXTURE_STATIC - for infrequent rendering - and TEXTURE_DYNAMIC - for frequent rendering.
                   Returns: New texture handle, or invalid texture handle if texture couldn't be created

               texture loadTexture(string Filename, [boolean LoadIfAnimation, boolean NoDropFrames])
                   Gets a handle to a texture. If second argument is set to true, animations will also be loaded.If third argument is set to true, every other animation frame will not be loaded if system has less than 48 MB memory.
                   IMPORTANT: Textures will not be unload themselves unless you explicitly tell them to do so.When you are done with a texture, call the Unload() function to free up memory.
                   Returns: Texture handle, or invalid texture handle if texture couldn't be loaded

               boolean drawImage(string Filename/texture Texture, [number X1=0, Y1=0, number X2, number Y2, number UVX1 = 0.0, number UVY1 = 0.0, number UVX2=1.0, number UVY2=1.0, number alpha=1.0])
                   Draws an image or texture. Any image extension passed will be ignored.The UV variables specify the UV value for each corner of the image. In UV coordinates, (0,0) is the top left of the image; (1,1) is the lower right.
                   Returns: Whether image was drawn

               boolean drawMonochromeImage(string Filename/texture Texture, number X1, number Y1, [number X2, number Y2, number alpha=1.0])
                   Draws a monochrome image using the current color
                   Returns: Whether image was drawn

               number getImageWidth(string Filename)
                   Gets image width
                   Returns: Image width, or 0 if filename is invalid

               number getImageHeight(Image name)
                   Gets image height
                   Returns: Image height, or 0 if filename is invalid

               nil flashScreen(number Red, number Green, number Blue)
                   Flashes the screen
                   Returns: Nothing

               model loadModel(string Filename)
                   Loads the model - will not setup subsystem data, DO NOT USE FOR LOADING SHIP MODELS
                   Returns: Handle to a model

               boolean hasViewmode(enumeration)
                   Specifies if the current viemode has the specified flag, see VM_* enumeration
                   Returns: true if flag is present, false otherwise

       HookVariables (hv)
           Hook variables repository
               string Globals[] number Index
                   Array of current HookVariable names
                   Returns: Hookvariable name, or empty string if invalid index specified

                   number #
                       Number of HookVariables
                       Returns: Number of HookVariables

       Mission (mn)
           Mission library
               object getObjectFromSignature(number Signature)
                   Gets a handle of an object from its signature
                   Returns: Handle of object with signaure, invalid handle if signature is not in use

               boolean evaluateSEXP(string)
                   Runs the defined SEXP script
                   Returns: if the operation was successful

               boolean runSEXP(string)
                   Runs the defined SEXP script
                   Returns: if the operation was successful

               asteroid Asteroids[] number Index
                   Gets asteroid
                   Returns: Asteroid handle, or invalid handle if invalid index specified

                   number #
                       Number of asteroids in mission. Note that the value returned is only good until an asteroid is destroyed, and so cannot be relied on for more than one frame.
                       Returns: Number of asteroids in the mission, or 0 if asteroids are not enabled

               debris Debris[] number Index
                   Array of debris in the current mission
                   Returns: Debris handle, or invalid debris handle if index wasn't valid

                   number #
                       Number of debris pieces in the mission. Note that the value returned is only good until a piece of debris is destroyed, and so cannot be relied on for more than one frame.
                       Returns: Current number of debris particles

               ship EscortShips[] number Index
                   Gets escort ship at specified index on escort list
                   Returns: Specified ship, or invalid ship handle if invalid index

                   number #
                       Current number of escort ships
                       Returns: Current number of escort ships

               event Events[] number Index/string Name
                   Indexes events list
                   Returns: Event handle, or invalid event handle if index was invalid

                   number #
                       Number of events in mission
                       Returns: Number of events in mission

               sexpvariable SEXPVariables[] number Index/string Name
                   Array of SEXP variables. Note that you can set a sexp variable using the array, eg 'SEXPVariables[1] = "newvalue"'
                   Returns: Handle to SEXP variable, or invalid sexpvariable handle if index was invalid

                   number #
                       Current number of SEXP variables
                       Returns: Counts number of loaded SEXP Variables. May be slow.

               ship Ships[] number Index/string Name
                   Gets ship
                   Returns: Ship handle, or invalid ship handle if index was invalid

                   number #
                       Number of ships in the mission. This function is somewhat slow, and should be set to a variable for use in looping situations. Note that the value returned is only good until a ship is destroyed, and so cannot be relied on for more than one frame.
                       Returns: Number of ships in the mission, or 0 if ships haven't been initialized yet

               waypoint Waypoints[] number Index
                   Array of waypoints in the current mission
                   Returns: Waypoint handle, or invalid waypoint handle if index was invalid

                   number #
                       Gets number of waypoints in mission. Note that this is only accurate for one frame.
                       Returns: Number of waypoints in the mission

               waypointlist WaypointLists[] number Index/string WaypointListName
                   Array of waypoint lists
                   Returns: Gets waypointlist handle

                   number #
                       Number of waypoint lists in mission. Note that this is only accurate for one frame.
                       Returns: Number of waypoint lists in the mission

               weapon Weapons[] number Index
                   Gets handle to a weapon object in the mission.
                   Returns: Weapon handle, or invalid weapon handle if index is invalid

                   number #
                       Number of weapon objects in mission. Note that this is only accurate for one frame.
                       Returns: Number of weapon objects in mission

               beam Beams[] number Index
                   Gets handle to a beam object in the mission.
                   Returns: Beam handle, or invalid beam handle if index is invalid

                   number #
                       Number of beam objects in mission. Note that this is only accurate for one frame.
                       Returns: Number of beam objects in mission

               wing Wings[] number Index/string WingName
                   Wings in the mission
                   Returns: Wing handle, or invalid wing handle if index or name was invalid

                   number #
                       Number of wings in mission
                       Returns: Number of wings in mission

               ship createShip([string Name, shipclass Class=Shipclass[1], orientation Orientation=null, vector Position={0,0,0}])
                   Creates a ship and returns a handle to it using the specified name, class, world orientation, and world position
                   Returns: Ship handle, or invalid ship handle if ship couldn't be created

               waypoint createWaypoint([vector Position, waypointlist List])
                   Creates a waypoint
                   Returns: Waypoint handle, or invalid waypoint handle if waypoint couldn't be created

               weapon createWeapon([weaponclass Class=WeaponClass[1], orientation Orientation=null, world vector Position={0,0,0}, object Parent = nil, number Group = -1)
                   Creates a weapon and returns a handle to it. 'Group' is used for lighting grouping purposes; for example, quad lasers would only need to act as one light source.
                   Returns: Weapon handle, or invalid weapon handle if weapon couldn't be created.

               string getMissionFilename()
                   Gets mission filename
                   Returns: Mission filename, or empty string if game is not in a mission

               boolean startMission([Filename or MISSION_* enumeration, Briefing = true])
                   Starts the defined mission
                   Returns: True, or false if the function fails

               number getMissionTime()
                   Game time in seconds since the mission was started; is affected by time compression
                   Returns: Mission time (seconds), or 0 if game is not in a mission

               boolean loadMission(Mission name)
                   Loads a mission
                   Returns: True if mission was loaded, otherwise false

               nil unloadMission()
                   Stops the current mission and unloads it
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil simulateFrame()
                   Simulates mission frame
                   Returns: Nothing

               nil renderFrame()
                   Renders mission frame, but does not move anything
                   Returns: Nothing

       BitOps (bit)
           Bitwise Operations library
               number AND(number, number)
                   Values for which bitwise boolean AND operation is performed
                   Returns: Result of the AND operation

               number OR(number, number)
                   Values for which bitwise boolean OR operation is performed
                   Returns: Result of the OR operation

               number XOR(number, number)
                   Values for which bitwise boolean XOR operation is performed
                   Returns: Result of the XOR operation

               number toggleBit(number, number (bit))
                   Toggles the value of the set bit in the given number for 32 bit integer
                   Returns: Result of the operation

               boolean checkBit(number, number (bit))
                   Checks the value of the set bit in the given number for 32 bit integer
                   Returns: Was the bit true of false

               number addBit(number, number (bit))
                   Performs inclusive or (OR) operation on the set bit of the value
                   Returns: Result of the operation

       Tables (tb)
           Tables library
               ship ShipClasses[] number Index/string Name
                   Array of ship classes
                   Returns: Ship handle, or invalid ship handle if index is invalid

                   number #
                       Number of ship classes
                       Returns: Number of ship classes, or 0 if ship classes haven't been loaded yet

               weapon WeaponClasses[] number Index/string WeaponName
                   Array of weapon classes
                   Returns: Weapon class handle, or invalid weaponclass handle if index is invalid

                   number #
                       Number of weapon classes
                       Returns: Number of weapon classes, or 0 if weapon classes haven't been loaded yet

       Testing (ts)
           Experimental or testing stuff
               nil avdTest()
                   Test the AVD Physics code
                   Returns: Nothing

               particle createParticle(vector Position, vector Velocity, number Lifetime, number Radius, enumeration Type, [number Tracer length=-1, boolean Reverse=false, texture Texture=Nil, object Attached Object=Nil])
                   Creates a particle. Use PARTICLE_* enumerations for type.Reverse reverse animation, if one is specifiedAttached object specifies object that Position will be (and always be) relative to.
                   Returns: Handle to the created particle

               string getStack()
                   Generates an ADE stackdump
                   Returns: Current Lua stack

               boolean isCurrentPlayerMulti()
                   Returns whether current player is a multiplayer pilot or not.
                   Returns: Whether current player is a multiplayer pilot or not

               boolean isPXOEnabled()
                   Returns whether PXO is currently enabled in the configuration.
                   Returns: Whether PXO is enabled or not
