AK FR Cintamani
All information related to the AK FR Cintamani is non-canon. |
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Tech Description
The Cintamani is a modular freighter employed by the Exarchy, used to maintain supply lines in secured systems. The design of the Cintamani is distinctly Askaeldian, and reflects the paranoia the Exarchy have towards exposed supply lines - the Cintamani has multi-layered protection system for its cargo ranging from a shield system to dedicated gun carriages, and is even equipped with a light Thermal Lance to deter raiders. Capable of forming cargo trains of various lengths, the Cintamani is a versatile and tough bulk-hauler, though its cargo protection systems make it far slower to load/unload compared to traditional Terran freighters.
Credits List
- Model by Droid803
Name Origin
Cintāmaṇi is a wish-fulfilling jewel within both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, equivalent to the philosopher's stone (Paras Pathar) in Western alchemy.
Statistics (Head module)
Name | AK FR Cintamani | |
Type | Freighter/Logistics | |
Max Velocity | 150 ms-1 | |
Hitpoints | 4000 pts | |
Shields | 2500 pts | |
Length | 462 m | |
Width | 661 m | |
Height | 572 m | |
Turrets | 1 turrets |
Statistics (Poly module)
Name | AK FR Cintamani | |
Hitpoints | 4000 pts | |
Shields | 2500 pts | |
Length | 397 m | |
Width | 271 m | |
Height | 268 m |
Statistics (Tail module)
Name | AK FR Cintamani | |
Max Velocity | 150 ms-1 | |
Hitpoints | 4000 pts | |
Shields | 2500 pts | |
Length | 543 m | |
Width | 271 m | |
Height | 279 m | |
Turrets | 3 turrets |
Default Statistics | |
Turret Type | Amount |
EX SBlue | 1 |
Default Statistics | |
Turret Type | Amount |
EX Blue Rifle | 6 |
Default Statistics | |
Turret Type | Amount |
EX Plasma Flak | 3 |
Veteran Comments
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