Apocalypse (torpedo)

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and is therefore not canon for the FreeSpace universe.

This article is about the weapon from Blue Planet. For the mission from the FreeSpace 2 campaign, see Apocalypse.


War in Heaven Tech Room Description

Like the Jackhammer and Sledgehammer, the GES-101 Apocalypse is an anti-ship torpedo empowered by the antimatter harvest of the Federation's Mercury-orbit stations. Enormous antimatter reserves have allowed the manufacture of tens of thousands of Apocalypse warheads. Unlike their fighter-borne cousins, the Apocalypse is warship-launched, and a proportionally greater component of its mass is devoted to range and speed as opposed to yield. Fired in salvoes of four, the Apocalypse gives Federation frigates and destroyers all-aspect, 360 by 360-degree engagement capability at excellent range. It would not be an exaggeration to suggest that the Apocalypse is the single greatest reason why the Federation fleet has not yet been shattered. GTVA warship commanders and fighter pilots have struggled to effectively screen their own ships from incoming Apocalypse flights, and although their yield is not astounding, they very effectively destroy subsystems and turrets. Larger versions of the Apocalypse torpedo with uprated engines are used by Narayana frigates as artillery weapons. They are also routinely carried on Solaris class Destroyers as main armament.



Range 7200 m
Reload time 20 s
Velocity 200 ms-1
Base Damage 500
Armor Damage Full 500
Shield Damage Low 50
Subsystem Damage Average 250
Shockwave Radius 10 / 20 m
Type: Aspect Seeking
View Cone: 360
Minimum Lock Time: 4
Turn Rate (360 degrees): 1


Range 14400 m
Reload time 20 s
Velocity 200 ms-1
Base Damage 1000
Armor Damage Full 1000
Shield Damage Low 100
Subsystem Damage Average 500
Shockwave Radius 150 / 300 m
Type: Aspect Seeking
View Cone: 360
Minimum Lock Time: 4
Turn Rate (360 degrees): 2


Range 7200 m
Reload time 20 s
Velocity 200 ms-1
Base Damage 1000
Armor Damage Full 1000
Shield Damage Low 100
Subsystem Damage Average 500
Shockwave Radius 10 / 20 m
Type: Aspect Seeking
View Cone: 360
Minimum Lock Time: 4
Turn Rate (360 degrees): 1.5


  • Weapon is capable of easily damaging large vessels (Huge)
  • Weapon cannot be mounted on small ships (Big Ship)
  • Weapon lifetime not penalized if the angle to the target is too big (No Lifeleft Penalty)
  • Weapon projectile generates particles (Particle Spew)
  • Weapon can be shot down (Bomb)
  • Weapon fires on the designated rate of fire on all difficulty levels and all AI levels (Same Turret Cooldown)
  • Weapon alternates firing points (Cycle)
  • Weapon must be locked onto the target in order to be fired (No Dumbfire)

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