Briefing texts (FS2)

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COMPILED BY: Quinn Lazerus (The Eishtmo)


Note that the texts may or may not contain the original Volition spelling due to Wiki spellcheckers.

Training mission 1

Start Training-1.fs2


The 53rd Hammerheads

Welcome to Vega, Ensign. I am Lieutenant Loukakis, squadron leader of the 53rd Hammerheads. You have been assigned to our unit. The Hammerheads are a space superiority squadron. We'll be flying the Myrmidon fighter, developed to replace the old GTF Ulysses. The Myrmidon is a Terran-Vasudan design and a versatile ship with high marks for speed, maneuverability, armor, and loadout.


History of the 53rd

The 53rd Hammerheads were formed during the Great War. At the time, we served on board the GTD Bastion, the finest ship in the history of Terran space travel. You may not know this, but the pilots who destroyed the SD Lucifer in 2335 were based on the Bastion, and some were even Hammerheads. With the 53rd, you're part of a long and proud tradition.


Our New Home

When the explosion of the Lucifer collapsed the jump node to the Sol system and severed all contact with Earth, Command transferred the Bastion to the 4th Fleet in Vega. Since then we've called Vega our home. Now Command has de-commissioned the Bastion and reassigned its squadrons to the newer Hecate destroyers. We'll be joining the GTD Aquitaine, flagship of the 3rd Fleet, Capella.


Review Your Training

The Aquitaine will be here in 36 hours. In the meantime, it would be advisable to review your training. We have all the simulator modules you'll need for the Myrmidon fighter. These modules will give you a refresher course on such basics as your Head-Up Display (HUD), throttle controls, and targeting. If you need to review your training, now would be a good time to do so.



Because this is your first combat assignment, you'll be authorized to carry the standard armaments: the Subach HL-7, the Tempest dumb-fire, and the Rockeye heat-seeking missile. These weapons are covered in the training modules and in the tech room database. As you gain experience in combat, you will be authorized to use more advanced weaponry.

Good luck, pilot. And welcome again to the 53rd.


Welcome to training simulator module TSM-103c, Class C qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. This module has been designed to acquaint pilots with basic targeting, throttle, and weapons systems.


TSM units are approved for use as part of the GTVA combat training program or as a review for qualified pilots. The TSM series is not intended as a substitute for actual field training.


Well done, pilot. You have successfully completed TSM-103c, Class C qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. You may now proceed to training simulator module TSM-103b.


Your performance was below acceptable standards for TSM-103c, Class C qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. To restart the module, select the replay mission option in the lower left-hand corner of this screen.


Firing upon your instructor is grounds for immediate failure. To restart module TSM-103c, select the replay mission option in the lower left-hand corner of this screen.

Training Mission 2

Start Training-2.fs2


Welcome to training simulator module TSM-103b, Class B qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. This module has been designed to acquaint pilots with advanced targeting controls, weapons systems, and rearming procedures.


TSM units are approved for use as part of the GTVA combat training program or as a review for qualified pilots. The TSM series is not intended as a substitute for actual field training.


Well done, pilot. You have successfully completed TSM-103b, Class B qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. You may now proceed to training simulator module TSM-103a.


Your performance was below acceptable standards for TSM-103b, Class B qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. You will not be authorized to advance to the next training simulator module until you have completed this unit successfully.

Training Mission 3

Start Training-3.fs2


Welcome to training simulator module TSM-103a, class A qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. This module has been designed to acquaint pilots with dogfighting techniques.


TSM units are approved for use as part of the GTVA combat training program or as a review for qualified pilots. The TSM series is not intended as a substitute for actual field training.


Congratulations, pilot. You have successfully completed TSM-103a, Class A qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter.


Your performance was below acceptable standards for TSM-103a, Class A qualification for the Myrmidon space superiority fighter. You will not be authorized to fly the Myrmidon until you have completed this unit successfully.

Surrender, Belisarius!

Start sm1-01.fs2


Welcome to the Aquitaine

This is Admiral Petrarch, commanding officer of the GTD Aquitaine. For those squadrons joining us here in Vega, welcome aboard.

With a complement of 150 combat spacecraft, the Aquitaine serves as flagship of the GTVA 3rd Fleet, based in the Capella system. You join an elite crew of 10,000, the finest officers and enlisted personnel serving the Alliance today.


The Neo-Terran Front

After 18 months of fighting, Admiral Bosch's Neo-Terran Front has become the most significant threat to regional security since the Great War ended 32 years ago.

The NTF demands the independence of their systems and the revocation of the Beta Aquilae Convention, or BETAC. The BETAC treaty centralized power in the GTVA as the supreme authority in Terran-Vasudan space.


The Ideology of Neo-Terra

Integral to NTF ideology is Bosch's vision of Neo-Terra, a utopian society where the lost grandeur of Earth will be restored. Bosch and his followers oppose any alliance with the Vasudans as a threat to the future of the human race.

The rebels are entrenched in Polaris, Regulus, and Sirius. But before we hit these strongholds, we must secure Epsilon Pegasi, Alpha Centauri, and Deneb. These contested systems are now the focal point of allied operations.


The Battle of Deneb

Allied Command has ordered the Aquitaine into the Deneb system. There we will reinforce the 13th Vasudan Battle Group, led by the GVD Psamtik.

Both the NTF and the GTVA have sustained heavy casualties in the battle for Deneb. In the past seventy-two hours, we have lost the GVC Andromeda, the GTC Trafalgar, and over 15 fighter wings. Command anticipates the arrival of the Aquitaine and the Psamtik will shift the battle for Deneb in our favor and force the NTF to withdraw to Sirius.


This is Captain Loukakis, squadron leader of the 53rd Hammerheads. At 0320 hours, the Aquitaine entered the Deneb system. Admiral Petrarch launched fighter and bomber wings as part of an all-out attack against NTF positions throughout the system. He has kept the Hammerheads on standby, until now.


A situation is developing near the inhabited planet of Cygnus Prime. We have over 100,000 Vasudan refugees fleeing their colonies in transports. Allied ships are rescuing the Vasudans as quickly as possible, though the logistics of this operation leave many refugees still vulnerable to rebel attack.


At 0545, we received a distress signal from a refugee convoy 900 clicks, or kilometers, from the outer orbit of Cygnus Prime. The Vasudans responded with a wing of Serapis fighters, designated Epsilon, which have just called in for reinforcements. Alpha wing, you're going in.


Because these transports do not have jump drives, you must protect the convoy until a recovery ship arrives. With all warships engaged and other convoys in dire need of protection, we do not know when a craft will become available. Command will keep you updated and send in reinforcements as needed.


Good work, pilot. You held off the rebel attack and saved both Vasudan transports from destruction. Your squadmates and I all agree: you'll make a fine addition to the 53rd Hammerheads. Command reports that 75 percent of the refugees have been recovered with few casualties. The remaining 25 percent are under allied protection and will be rescued shortly. We have also won major victories against the NTF. The NTD Jacobus and the NTC Hengst have been destroyed, and our blockades of the Alpha Centauri and Sirius jump nodes has isolated the rebel fleet. Furthermore, 600,000 ground troops will soon land on the surface of Cygnus Prime in our effort to retake the planet. Prepare for your next mission, pilot. The battle for Deneb is not over yet.


As officers of the GTVA, we have sworn to protect all citizens of the Alliance. The destruction of the Iota transport is unfortunate, pilot. If this were not your first sortie, I would recommend your immediate transfer out of the fighter corps. We'll give you another chance.

Command reports heavy casualties among the Vasudan refugee convoys. Only 50 percent have been recovered, and the survivors remain at great risk.

Our efforts to drive the rebels out of Deneb have stalled. Though we destroyed the NTC Hengst, we have lost the GTC Coriolanus and the GVC Mirage. Blockade runners continue to supply the rebel fleet, and the operation to liberate Cygnus Prime has been delayed.

The Alliance remains committed to this counter-insurgency effort, though the battle for Deneb will not be won without sacrifice.


As officers of the GTVA, we have sworn to protect all citizens of the Alliance. The destruction of both Iota transports is a travesty, pilot. You have disgraced the 53rd Hammerheads, and I will recommend your immediate discharge from the fighter corps.

The Alliance's offensive is now in shambles. Only 25 percent of the Vasudan refugees have been recovered, while the NTF continues to massacre thousands without mercy.

Command reports we have lost the GTD Aeneas, the GTC Coriolanus, and the GVC Mirage. Our efforts to blockade the Alpha Centauri and Sirius jump nodes have failed. The Security Council will order the fleet to withdraw from Deneb and negotiate terms with the NTF.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

The Place of Chariots

Start sm1-02.fs2


Command has ordered the 53rd Hammerheads to secure an NTF depot in the Deneb asteroid belt. Six sentry guns are positioned around the depot, and rebel freighters are now moving the cargo out of the area. The NTF has gone through a lot of trouble to hide these materials.


Alpha 1, your mission is to seek and destroy all targets of opportunity, including freighters, cargo, and sentry guns. Beta wing will scan the cargo. Recon sighted a wing of Lokis guarding the depot, so prioritize these bandits.


Do not underestimate the importance of this mission, pilot. A depot raid won't win you any medals, but it can be just as vital as taking down a cruiser or corvette.We must sever rebel supply lines if we want to achieve a decisive victory.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


Command has issued no official explanation for Admiral Bosch's presence in the Deneb system. The hidden base and the shielded cargo units only compound the mystery of the admiral's agenda. Under the circumstances, there was nothing you could have done to stop the escape of Bosch's command frigate, designated the NTF Iceni.


Intelligence has also learned the Neo-Terran Front is working on a secret project known only as ETAK, possibly a weapon of mass destruction. By destroying all cargo units in the depot, we disrupted Bosch's research.


Three rebel freighters escaped the depot with shielded cargo. If they try to flee the system, our blockades will intercept them.

The Romans Blunder

Start sm1-03.fs2


Intelligence has tracked Admiral Bosch's command frigate, the NTF Iceni, through subspace. We have vectored its course to the Sirius jump node. The 53rd is being scrambled to seek and destroy the Iceni before it escapes Deneb. We have pre-assigned your loadout, and your fighters are now standing by. Report to the flight deck pronto.


Admiral Bosch's command frigate reached the Sirius jump node. I have received no explanation, neither on nor off the record, for what happened out there. I assume we'll be informed on a need-to-know basis.

Good job neutralizing those fighters and freighters. You've served the 53rd Hammerheads well. Your performance in this last mission proves you have what it takes to be an ace pilot. I have recommended your transfer to the 107th Ravens. They lost many good officers in Deneb, and they could use someone with your talents. They're a top-notch unit. I know you'll make us proud.

Good luck with your new assignment, pilot. Command has ordered the Aquitaine to return to the Capella system. Admiral Petrarch will address the crew at 0630.


Admiral Bosch's command frigate reached the Sirius jump node. I have received no explanation, neither on nor off the record, for what happened out there. I assume we'll be informed on a need-to-know basis.

Though you performed well under difficult circumstances, we should have destroyed that rebel freighter before it departed the system.

You will no longer be flying with the 53rd Hammerheads. I have recommended your transfer to the 107th Ravens. Eighty percent of their unit was wiped out in Deneb, so they're desperate for new pilots.

Command has ordered the Aquitaine to return to the Capella system. Admiral Petrarch will address the crew at 0630.


Admiral Bosch's command frigate reached the Sirius jump node. I have received no explanation, neither on nor off the record, for what happened out there. I assume we'll be informed on a need-to-know basis.

You faced overwhelming odds, and you were lucky to survive. However, your performance fell short of our goals. We should have destroyed those rebel freighters before they departed the system.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Training 4

Start TSM-104.fs2


Welcome to the Squadron

Welcome to the 107th Ravens, pilot. I'm Lieutenant Samsa, squadron leader. As you know, the Aquitaine is now en route to the Gamma Draconis system. The details of the situation there have been classified at the highest level, so I'm as much in the dark as you are. The Admiral will brief the crew when we reach 3rd Fleet headquarters in Capella.


The 107th Ravens

The 107th is a heavy assault squadron, so our fighter of choice is the Hercules Mark II. Implementing advances in fusion drive technology, the Mark II improves the assault fighter's speed and maneuverability without sacrificing loadout. The Herc has only two missile banks, but its ordnance capacity is greater than the Myrmidon's. The original Herc won the Great War, so we're proud to carry on the tradition.


The Hercules Mark II

I recommend that you review the Herc II training modules before the Aquitaine arrives in Capella. These modules review advanced tactics, such as countermeasures and energy management. The Herc II is slower than the Myrmidon you've been flying with the 53rd, so learn how to evade missiles and equalize shields. These skills will help you push your fighter to the limits. Master them, and the life you save may be your own.


New Weapons

According to your file, you are now authorized to use the GTW-5a Prometheus R, the GTM-19 Harpoon, and the GTM-4 Hornet missile.

The Prometheus R is a retrofit of a cannon developed during the Great War. After the Alliance lost contact with Earth, we lacked materials required for mass production, so engineers developed this retrofit version. The Prometheus packs a bigger wallop than the Subach HL-7, but it will drain your power reserves with extended use.


New Weapons

The Harpoon and the Hornet are both aspect-seeking missiles. While the Harpoon fires individual warheads, the Hornet launches a swarm of four projectiles, eight if you're in double-fire mode. The training modules cover the proper technique for firing aspect-seeking missiles, so be sure to review that section carefully. That's all for now, pilot. The Aquitaine will arrive in Capella in four hours.


Welcome to training simulator module TSM-107m, advanced qualification for the Hercules Mark II heavy assault fighter. This module has been designed to acquaint pilots with communications systems, countermeasures, and aspect-seeking missiles.


TSM units are approved for use as part of the GTVA combat training program or as a review for qualified pilots. The TSM series is not intended as a substitute for actual field training.


Well done, pilot. You have successfully completed TSM-107m, advanced qualification for the Hercules Mark II heavy assault fighter. You are advised to proceed to training simulator module TSM-107se, covering shield management and the energy transfer system.


Your performance was below acceptable standards for TSM-107m, advanced qualification for the Hercules Mark II heavy assault fighter. You will not be advised to advance to the next training simulator module until you have completed this unit successfully.

Training 5

Start TSM-105.fs2


Welcome to training simulator module TSM-107se, advanced qualification for the Hercules Mark II heavy assault fighter. This module has been designed to acquaint pilots with shield management and the energy transfer system.


TSM units are approved for use as part of the GTVA combat training program or as a review for qualified pilots. The TSM series is not intended as a substitute for actual field training.


Congratulations. You have successfully completed TSM-107se, advanced qualification for the Hercules Mark II heavy assault fighter.


Your performance was below acceptable standards for TSM-107se, advanced qualification for the Hercules Mark II heavy assault fighter. You will not be authorized to advance until you have completed this unit successfully.

A Lion at the Door

Start sm1-04.fs2


Shivan Attack

To the officers and crew of the GTD Aquitaine, this is Admiral Petrarch. At 0115 hours, we received a transmission from 3rd Fleet Headquarters. A Shivan cruiser and three fighter wings ambushed and destroyed the GTC Vigilant as it patrolled the Gamma Draconis jump node in the Capella system.

Command deployed the GTD Carthage and GVCv Dahshor. Though these vessels neutralized the immediate threat, all allied units are now in a state of enhanced vigilance.


Gamma Draconis

Command has ordered the Aquitaine to spearhead the operation in Gamma Draconis as we investigate the origin and extent of this incursion.

Gamma Draconis is a remote, uninhabited system discovered shortly before the outbreak of the Great War. The system has no planets and no viable resources. The GTSC Erikson visited the system 15 years ago and reported nothing out of the ordinary.


A Subspace Portal?

Recon flights in Gamma Draconis detected activity near an uncharted jump node. Closer examination has revealed this node is not a natural phenomenon but a massive subspace portal of unknown origin.

We do not know why the Erikson failed to detect the portal when it last visited the system. This device may have been inactive and therefore invisible to long-range sensors, or it may be of recent construction.


The Shivans

The Shivan vessels that destroyed the Vigilant were not of any class encountered in the Great War. The light cruiser, designated Rakshasa, and the fighters, designated Mara, have been added to your on-board database.

This is our first contact with this species in over three decades. Our objectives are clear. We must secure Gamma Draconis or face annihilation a second time.


This is Lieutenant Samsa, squadron leader of the 107th Ravens. Here's the situation. The GTD Aquitaine entered Gamma Draconis at 1640. The flagship will defend the Capella node as we advance to secure the system. Recon discovered a Shivan supply depot near the subspace portal, and this will be our target.


Command believes the Shivans are preparing for a more aggressive attack on Capella. The SC Behemoth, a Rakshasa-class cruiser, guards the depot with a wing of Mara fighters. Enemy freighters are entering the system, dropping their cargo, and departing through the portal. Your mission, pilot, is to execute a clean sweep of the area.


Your primary target will be the Mara fighters. Once the escorts are down, destroy the Behemoth and any freighters in the vicinity. You'll need to hold down the fort until we deploy the Carthage and Dahshor. After you secure the area, we'll send wings Delta and Epsilon to relieve you.


You survived your first sortie against the Shivans. Though we had only a small opposing force to contend with, survival is half the battle. The C.O.s of both the Carthage and Dahshor commend our squadron for the outstanding cover we provided. The Shivan Cain cruiser and its complement of fighters might have destroyed these vessels had we not intervened. Well done, pilot.

A joint Terran-Vasudan task force, under the direction of Dr. Mina Hargrove, is now studying the subspace portal. We expect a preliminary report in a few hours.


You survived your first sortie against the Shivans. Though we had only a small opposing force to contend with, survival is half the battle. Tragically, the 10,000 men and women on board the Carthage were not so lucky. As a unit, we must accept the blame for this catastrophe. Had we fought harder, we could have saved that destroyer. A service for the dead will be held at 0100 hours on Deck 36.

A joint Terran-Vasudan task force, under the direction of Dr. Mina Hargrove, is now studying the subspace portal. We expect a preliminary report in a few hours.


You survived your first sortie against the Shivans. Though we had only a small opposing force to contend with, survival is half the battle. Tragically, the 6,000 Vasudan officers and crew on board the Dahshor were not so lucky. As a unit, we must accept the blame for this catastrophe. Had we fought harder, we could have saved that cruiser. A Vasudan service for the dead will be held at 0100 hours on Deck 36.

A joint Terran-Vasudan task force, under the direction of Dr. Mina Hargrove, is now studying the subspace portal. We expect a preliminary report in a few hours.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


Over 16,000 Terrans and Vasudans perished in this engagement. That our squadron failed to stop this massacre is a disgrace. As officers and pilots of the 107th Ravens, our honor will be stained with the blood of our comrades. Had we fought harder, we could have saved the Carthage and the Dahshor.


For preserving the systems of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance from Shivan invasion, you are hereby awarded the Allied Defense Citation.

Mystery of the Trinity

Start sm1-05.fs2


Research Task Force

With the Gamma Draconis system secure, a task force of Terran and Vasudan scientists is now examining the subspace portal. At this point, the scientists have ruled out the possibility the device is of Shivan origin.

Dr. Mina Hargrove, leader of the research team, has issued a report of its preliminary findings. An excerpt of this report follows.


Dr. Hargrove, Task Force Preliminary Findings (Excerpt)

The subspace portal is unlike any Shivan construction we have yet encountered. Though Shivans demonstrate considerable diversity as a species, all Shivan technology possesses certain distinctive properties. None is present in the subspace device, which means we must look elsewhere for the portal's origin. We do know that the device is very, very old, on the order of several thousand years.


Subspace Vortices

The field generated by the interlocking movement of the portal's components creates a subspace vortex, connecting one part of the universe to another.Dr. Hargrove theorizes that whoever built this device may have used it to stabilize a jump node on the verge of collapse.

If Dr. Hargrove is correct, this technology is a tremendous discovery.


A Way Home?

By constructing our own portal, we might be able to reopen the Sol jump node in Delta Serpentis. Since the destruction of the Lucifer caused the node to collapse thirty-two years ago, Earth has remained isolated from the GTVA.

We might also be able to stabilize subspace nodes that are currently too volatile for travel, thus creating routes to systems previously unexplored.


Beyond the Portal

Our military operation will focus on what lies on the other side of the subspace portal. We must determine where the node leads and the extent of the Shivan presence there. Above all, we must prevent the Shivans from returning to Gamma Draconis.

Because the portal will remain active while the research team studies the technology, our systems are vulnerable to attack. Allied Command has deemed this an acceptable risk given the potential benefits.


At 1540 hours, the GTD Aquitaine entered the subspace portal in Gamma Draconis and jumped to our current position. We have entered a nebula, a vast and dense ionized field, and possibly the remnant of a supernova. We have travelled farther than any Terrans in the history of subspace travel.


The nebula has severely limited the Aquitaine's long-range sensors. We are deploying our fighter wings to explore the immediate vicinity and determine the extent of the enemy presence. Each fighter squadron will deploy a flight of four wings.


Alpha, Zeta, Iota, and Kappa will patrol a series of four waypoints. Zeta wing will lead this sortie, so follow Zeta 1 and do not stray. Be advised the nebula could interfere with your on-board systems. The ionized field will compromise your sensors, even within combat range.


You confronted an overwhelming Shivan force in a hostile environment. Under these circumstances, there was nothing you or anyone else could have done to save the Trinity and our boarding party. You were lucky to survive this sortie, pilot.

We have heard nothing from Kappa wing since they vanished from our sensors. Unfortunately, we must presume the worst. They will be listed MIA unless we find evidence to the contrary. Our search parties have found no trace of these fighters.

The presence of the Trinity deepens the enigma of the NTF's secret agenda. What was the Trinity doing out here, and what does Bosch know about the subspace portal?

All patrols have uncovered an extensive Shivan force in the nebula. Command will deploy more warships through the subspace portal to assist with our mission of exploration and containment. Iota and Epsilon wings encountered two Shivan cruisers near our current location. When our reinforcements arrive, we will move against them.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

The Great Hunt

Start sm1-06.fs2


With recent victories on the civil war front, the GTVA Security Council has authorized the deployment of two Deimos-class corvettes into the nebular theatre of operations. The Lysander and the Actium crossed the subspace portal in Gamma Draconis at 2335 hours and joined up with the Aquitaine's battle group.


On their last sortie, Epsilon and Iota wings encountered two Shivan warships: a Rakshasa-class cruiser designated the Iblis and a Lilith-class cruiser designated the Asuras. Admiral Petrarch has instructed our corvettes to hunt down and destroy these vessels. The 107th will provide fighter cover.


Alpha wing, your mission is to escort the Lysander and the Actium as they carry out this assault. Your first priority will be to eliminate all hostile fighters and bombers. Only then will you assist the corvettes with their strike against the Shivan warships.If we lose either corvette, you will abort the mission and withdraw from the field immediately.


Our primary objective was to defend those corvettes, and we as a unit failed. Our blunders resulted in thousands of casualties and the destruction of an allied corvette. This is no simulator, pilot. When we make mistakes, lives are lost. Command will have no choice but to re-evaluate our objectives in the nebula. Regardless of whether this debacle was our fault or the result of Command's miscalculation, our squadron will play the scapegoat.


The Shivan warship we encountered has been designated the SD Ravana. Allied forces have been deployed to engage this vessel.

Given the number of Shivan fighters our wings have encountered, we knew an enemy destroyer had to be lurking somewhere within the nebula. Our impaired visibility and diminished sensor range made locating their base of operations difficult. Command hoped our offensive against the two Shivan cruisers would lure the destroyer from its hiding place. Under these circumstances, there was nothing you could have done to save the corvettes from destruction.

Admiral Petrarch has informed me that the 107th may be called in to reinforce the vessels attacking the Ravana. Suit up for your next sortie, pilot.


Our primary objective was to defend those corvettes, and we as a unit failed. Our blunders resulted in thousands of casualties and the destruction of the Lysander and the Actium. This is no training module, pilot. When we make mistakes, lives are lost. Command will have no choice but to re-evaluate our objectives in the nebula. Regardless of whether this debacle was our fault or the result of Command's miscalculation, our squadron will play the scapegoat.


The Shivan warship we encountered has been designated the SD Ravana. Allied forces have been deployed to engage this vessel.

Given the number of Shivan fighters our wings have encountered, we knew an enemy destroyer had to be lurking somewhere within the nebula. Our impaired visibility and diminished sensor range made locating their base of operations difficult. Command hoped our offensive against the two Shivan cruisers would lure the destroyer from its hiding place. Under these circumstances, there was nothing you could have done to save that corvette from destruction.

Admiral Petrarch has informed me that the 107th may be called in to reinforce the vessels attacking the Ravana. Suit up for your next sortie, pilot.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Slaying Ravana

Start sm1-07.fs2


This is Lieutenant Samsa. The allied attack against the SD Ravana has deteriorated. We've lost the GTD Delacroix, and the surviving warships in the battle group are damaged. Petrarch is scrambling the 107th to assist. Command will also sortie the GVC Somtus and the GTC Yakiba. Once they cross the subspace portal, we will move them into position.


For this mission, we'll fly the GTB Boanerges, the Alliance's new attack bomber. The Boanerges maximizes shielding and payload, while offering enough manueverability to make it a viable tactical unit. The bomber won't handle as well as the Herc II, so stay on the move. Bombers make easy targets.


With our Cyclops torpedoes, we'll have the firepower to take out the Ravana. If you're too far from the target, the flak guns will neutralize your bomb, so get as close as possible. Once you fire your salvo, hit your burners to get clear of the blast. The Cyclops has an extensive lock time and countdown.


If we succeed, we will have secured the jump node between the nebula and Gamma Draconis. If we fail, we pave the way for a Shivan invasion of our systems. Good luck, pilot. We know you can do it.


The destruction of the Ravana is the most significant victory over the Shivans since the end of the Great War. We have secured the subspace node linking the nebula with Gamma Draconis, and we have demonstrated our technological superiority over our Great War nemesis. We have proven without a doubt that we have the firepower to neutralize any Shivan threat.

A new class of intercept fighter will be stationed on board the Aquitaine. I have recommended that you be transferred to this unit. Interceptors are fast, high-performance fighters requiring pilots with good reflexes. You've got the talent for it, and you'll represent the Ravens well.

Command has ordered the Aquitaine to return to the Capella system. Admiral Petrarch will brief the crew about our upcoming operation.


In the aftermath of this debacle, we are faced with the prospect of fighting an all-out war on multiple fronts. Somebody will have to take the fall for this, and it's going to be the 107th. Command has disbanded our unit and will reassign its survivors to new posts in the allied fleet. Frankly, I think we'll be lucky if they let us fly support ships. Dismissed.


We destroyed the Ravana and secured the subspace node linking the nebula with Gamma Draconis. However, with our losses, this victory is Pyrrhic at best. The Delacroix, the Champion, the Khenmu, the Heisenberg, the Yakiba, and the Somtus all perished in this engagement.

With the heavy casualties we have suffered, Admiral Petrarch will reorganize the Aquitaine's fighter squadrons. As captain of the 107th Ravens, it is my sad duty to report that after forty years of service, our unit will be disbanded.

Command has ordered the Aquitaine to return to the Capella system, and there we will receive our new assignments.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Training 6

Start TSM-106.fs2



Lieutenant Commander Cordova here. Welcome to the 242nd Suicide Kings, pilot. I've heard from unofficial channels that the rebels have launched a surprise attack in the Epsilon Pegasi system. Details at this point are sketchy below Phi level clearance, and Command is in no hurry to fill us in. Petrarch says he'll brief the Aquitaine when we reach Capella.


The 242nd Suicide Kings

The GTA formed the Suicide Kings in the Great War, when the old Valkyrie fighter went into service after the Shivan attack on Ross 128. The 242nd was stationed on the Galatea back then, and our first mission was the capture of Lieutenant Alexander McCarthy. We all studied the McCarthy trials in school, pilot. We're a part of history here, though the Galatea is long gone and the Valkyrie has since been retired.


The Perseus Interceptor

The Perseus is the next-generation interceptor, the fastest fighter in the GTVA. Our primary combat role is charging bombers and chasing down warheads. We're also assigned to surgical strikes against bigger warships. We're not called the Suicide Kings for nothing, pilot. We earn that name on every mission. For that reason, I suggest you review the Perseus training modules as soon as possible. There you'll learn how to target bombs and turrets and everything else you need to serve in an intercept squadron.


Stiletto II

You are now authorized to use the GTM-43a Stiletto II missile, designed to incapacitate subsystems. The 43a improves on the original Stiletto design by modifying its guidance systems and disruptor charge. The Stiletto also boasts a more powerful propulsion system, increasing its speed and effective range.


Welcome to training simulator module TSM-122x, advanced qualification for the Perseus intercept fighter. This module has been designed to acquaint pilots with targeting bombs, turrets, and subsystems.


TSM units are approved for use as part of the GTVA combat training program or as a review for qualified pilots. The TSM series is not intended as a substitute for actual field training.


Well done, pilot. You have successfully completed TSM-122x, advanced qualification for the Perseus intercept fighter. Good luck with your upcoming assignment.


Your performance was below acceptable standards for TSM-122x, advanced qualification for the Perseus intercept fighter. You are advised to repeat this training module until you have completed its course of instruction successfully.

The Sixth Wonder

Start sm1-08.fs2


Enif Massacre

36 hours ago, the NTF launched a full-scale offensive in Epsilon Pegasi, taking the GTVA 6th Fleet by surprise. Commanding his forces from the NTD Repulse, Rear Admiral Koth leads the rebel advance. With 75 percent of our forces in this system decimated, the regional death toll since the incursion now exceeds 80,000.

Unless we act quickly, a decisive rebel victory is imminent.


Stalemate in Sirius

The GTD Aquitaine will lead the allied counterstrike against Koth and his warships. We will resupply in Capella before shipping out to the front.

We have also learned our campaign in Sirius has failed. A two-pronged offensive launched from Alpha Centauri and Deneb encountered fierce resistance. Unless we can devise a military solution for dealing with the rebels, the GTVA will be forced to recognize the NTF's authority in Sirius, Regulus, and Polaris.


On the Vanguard

Allied engineers in the meantime are developing and adapting technologies that will enable us to fight more effectively in the nebula. Dr. Hargrove and her research team continue to study the subspace portal. Their findings have been classified level Phi.

Until the situation in Epsilon Pegasi has been normalized, the GTVA will suspend its operations in the nebula.


This is Lieutenant Commander Cordova, leader of the 242nd Suicide Kings. Welcome to Epsilon Pegasi, pilots. Enif Station, the Alliance's base of operations in this system, is now under attack. Though we have destroyed the NTC Outrage, the Cato continues to bombard the installation with heavy beam fire.


Evacuation of civilian personnel on board Enif Station is now in progress. As you know, civilians are protected under the Beta Aquilae Convention, but the NTF has rejected that treaty and its provisions. Fortunately, most of the civilian convoy has jumped safely to the Capella jump node.


Your mission is to defend Enif Station. As leader of Alpha wing, you will command your squadmates to destroy the fighters and warships besieging our installation. If the rebels sortie their Zeus bombers, intercept the warheads before they impact the base.


Allied forces are engaging the rebels throughout the system. As resources become available, they will be deployed to assist you. Until we get these reinforcements, however, holding down the fort is all up to you. This sortie will be the first combat field test of the Perseus intercept fighter, so let's put on a good show.


When you were selected for the 242nd Suicide Kings, you were singled out as a promising candidate for a command position. The officers who recommended you had faith in your potential to make an outstanding leader. Unfortunately, this assessment seems premature, at the very least.

I am disappointed in you, pilot. Though you probably fought well as an individual, you did not use your squadmates to the best advantage in this scenario. We lost Enif Station because you were placed in a situation you were ill-equipped to handle. That's not your fault. However, if you want to fly with a top-notch unit, you must learn the difference between doing an adequate job and going above and beyond the call of duty.


In your courageous defense of Enif Station, you were eyewitness to an historic moment: the first combat deployment of the GTVA Colossus.

You and your wing also showed us what the Perseus intercept fighter can do. Against overwhelming odds, you repelled an attack against a facility of the utmost strategic importance for the Alliance.

The commander of Enif Station personally extends his gratitude, pilot. I can see you'll make a fine addition to the Suicide Kings.

The Alliance has won battle after battle throughout the system, crushing the NTC Rapier, the NTC Explorer, and the NTD Normandy. These victories have stalled the rebel advance, and now with the help of the Colossus, we will push them back into the Polaris system, securing Epsilon Pegasi once and for all.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


For demonstrating exceptional skill in combat, you are hereby awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Into the Maelstrom

Start sm1-09.fs2


The 242nd will escort a supply convoy as it makes its rendezvous with the GTVA Colossus. As we prepare the Colossus for the allied counterattack, we must handle the logistics of supplying and maintaining this warship. Convoys of transports, gas miners, and freighters have been deployed for this purpose.


The Colossus will jump in and rendezvous with your convoy at the Capella jump node, located on the far side of an asteroid field. The area has been the site of intense fighting and rebel activity. Intelligence believes the rebels might attempt to attack our supply convoys rather than challenge the Colossus directly.


You will be leading Alpha wing, the main escort component. Your mission is to defend the GTFr Parracombe, the GTG Avila, and the GVG Jooyun. The Avila and Jooyun are mining vessels designed to collect fuel from gas giants for the reactors that power the Colossus.


The Vasudans have dispatched a wing of Serapis fighters to guard the Jooyun. You do not have command over this unit. However, the 242nd Suicide Kings are responsible for the Jooyun's safety. Eighteen months of civil war are beginning to strain Terran-Vasudan relations, especially in contested systems. See to it the Jooyun survives.


Excellent job, pilot. The convoy made its rendezvous with the Colossus without losing a single ship. As the other freighters and gas miners transfer their payload to the Colossus, the Alliance is making final preparations for our attack against Admiral Koth and the NTD Repulse. A demonstration of our ultimate weapon should force the rebel leadership to reconsider their territorial ambitions.

GTVA units throughout the system report a successful, coordinated strike against NTF targets. Command is confident the long stalemate in Epsilon Pegasi will soon come to a favorable resolution.


Admiral Petrarch and the 242nd have issued a formal apology to the Vasudans for the loss of the Jooyun. Be thankful, pilot, that we no longer live in an era in which an incident such as this could ignite an all-out war between our species. The GTVA is strong, and we have moved beyond the misunderstandings of the past. However, the destruction of an allied ship under our protection is an embarrassment to the squadron. That this happened under your leadership should give you pause. Ask yourself what you could have done to avoid this outcome, and what you will do in the future to ensure it never happens again.

Our offensive against the NTF has achieved limited success. Only the Colossus has enough firepower to break this stalemate. If we fail, the Alliance will have no choice but to agree to Bosch's demands.


Though our mission was overall a success, we lost the Parracombe. The destruction of a single freighter will not delay the deployment of the Colossus, but our squadron must accept responsibility for vessels lost on our watch. You're in a leadership position, pilot. Ask yourself what you could have done to avoid this outcome, and what you will do in the future to ensure it never happens again.

Our offensive against the NTF has achieved limited success. Only the Colossus has enough firepower to break this stalemate. If we fail, the Alliance will have no choice but to agree to Bosch's demands.


Though our mission was overall a success, we lost the Avila. The destruction of a single gas miner will not delay the deployment of the Colossus, but our squadron must accept responsibility for vessels lost on our watch. You're in a leadership position, pilot. Ask yourself what you could have done to avoid this outcome, and what you will do in the future to ensure it never happens again.

Our offensive against the NTF has achieved limited success. Only the Colossus has enough firepower to break this stalemate. If we fail, the Alliance will have no choice but to agree to Bosch's demands.


The NTF decimated our supply convoys, forcing Command to withdraw the Colossus and postpone our offensive against Admiral Koth and the Repulse. Your convoy lost all three vessels, a dismal failure by any measure.

The news from the captial in Beta Aquilae is not good. Support for a negotiated settlement is growing in the Security Council, even with the Colossus now operational. Opponents of the Colossus program denounce the project as a monstrosity prone to logistical failure. For Admiral Petrarch and the Aquitaine, this outcome could not be more disastrous.


The NTF decimated our supply convoys, with only a handful of freighters and gas miners surviving the well-orchestrated attack. Your convoy lost two out of three vessels, a failed outcome by any measure.

The news from the capital in Beta Aquilae is not good. Support for a negotiated settlement is growing in the Security Council, even with the Colossus now operational. Opponents of the Colossus program denounce the project as a monstrosity prone to logistical failure. For Admiral Petrarch and the Aquitaine, this outcome could not be more disastrous.


The survival of the Jooyun may be good news for our Vasudan allies, but the loss of the Parracombe and the Avila are nothing less than catastrophic.

The news from the capital in Beta Aquilae is not good. Support for a negotiated settlement is growing in the Security Council, even with the Colossus now operational. Opponents of the Colossus program denounce the project as a monstrosity prone to logistical failure. For Admiral Petrarch and the Aquitaine, this outcome could not be more disastrous.


By clearing out the rebel sentry guns in the asteroid field, you have significantly reduced the danger posed to future convoys on this route. Your initiative may save many lives.


You destroyed the Maelstrom but failed to neutralize its forward beam turret first. Had you followed orders, you would have reduced the damage inflicted upon the convoy vessels. Though you have been granted responsibility as a wing leader, this does not privilege you to ignore Command's directives. This incident will be noted in your record.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Feint! Parry! Riposte!

Start sm1-10.fs2


The Alliance will now take the Colossus on the offensive. We intend to break the back of the rebel fleet in Epsilon Pegasi, and the 242nd will play a pivotal role. Rear Admiral Koth is somewhere in this system. He will not commit the Repulse unless it's absolutely necessary. Your job is to create that necessity.


To lure Koth into our trap, the first phase of the mission will involve an attack against the rebel cruisers Majestic and Refute. They are defended by a complement of twelve Hercules-class fighters. With the speed and agility of the Perseus, you should be able to outmaneuver the Hercs and take them down.


Your primary objective will be to eliminate the fighter escort. This will pave the way for the GTC Rampart and our bomber wings, which will deliver the main thrust of the strike. Our plan is to damage the rebel cruisers while presenting the smallest credible threat.


If the rebels think our force consists of nothing more than a Leviathan and a few errant bombers, they may capitalize on this advantage and sortie their fleet. For this reason, the cruisers must not be destroyed before their reinforcements enter the field of engagement.


If Koth sends in the Repulse to finish the job, Command will deploy the Colossus to strike the final blow. Your secondary objective will be to defend the Rampart during this phase of the battle. The cruiser will probably sustain damage from the earlier exchange. Good luck, Alpha.


The Alliance has declared a decisive victory in Epsilon Pegasi. With our blockade of the Polaris jump node, all rebel forces in the system have surrendered. In recognition of your contributions to the allied victory, you are hereby awarded the Epsilon Pegasi Liberation Medal. The GTVA Security Council and General Assembly extend their gratitude for your service.

Admiral Petrarch has requested recommendations for the 134th Barracuda squadron, a combat evaluation unit. I have forwarded your name as an outstanding candidate. The primary role of the 134th is the field testing of new technologies. In my estimation, you will excel in this challenging position.

However, I have also learned that Special Operations Command requires a volunteer for an extremely dangerous operation. If you choose to pursue this course, your assignment with the 134th will be waiting for you upon your return. The decision is yours, pilot.


The Alliance has declared a decisive victory in Epsilon Pegasi. With our blockade of the Polaris jump node, all rebel forces in the system have surrendered. However, the 242nd Suicide Kings have little cause to celebrate.

The destruction of the Rampart reflects poorly on our unit and on your leadership. Command relies on our intercept squadrons to defend our warships. As a wing leader, you must learn how to take initiative, how to evaluate a crisis, and how to manage your squadmates.

I have recommended your immediate transfer to the 134th Barracudas, a combat evaluation unit. At least the consequences of failure in such a squadron are not so grim. I have also learned that Special Operations Command requires a volunteer for a suicide mission. Of course, that decision is entirely up to you.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Rebels & Renegades

Start loop1-1.fs2


Special Operations Command

You have volunteered for a covert assignment with Special Operations Command (SOC), in conjunction with Galactic Terran-Vasudan Intelligence (GTVI).

Our primary objective is to provide the Alliance with accurate and comprehensive information regarding the tactics, technologies, activities, and strategic objectives of forces hostile to the GTVA.


Your Assignment

Missions with the Special Operations Command are carried out deep in enemy territory, with minimal logistical support. Our behind-the-lines activities include infiltration, sabotage, surgical strikes, and intelligence gathering.

You will be working undercover within the Neo-Terran Front, leading Alpha wing of the 185th fighter squadron.


Lt. Commander Snipes

Your contact in this mission is Lieutenant Commander Christopher Snipes, an allied officer who staged his defection to the NTF six months ago. As squadron leader of the 185th, Snipes will advise you of your mission objectives both as an NTF pilot and as an allied operative.

You will be equipped with a device that will enable you and Snipes to communicate over a secure frequency in battle. NTF ships will interpret your transmissions as targeting data.


The ETAK Project

The focus of this covert operation is the NTF's ETAK project. Because access to information is restricted to the highest echelon, our knowledge here is limited. ETAK involves the development of a new, cutting-edge technology, possibly a weapon of mass destruction.

Admiral Bosch oversees the project directly, and the rebels are constructing a prototype on the Iceni command ship. We need to get a closer look. Even a scan of the Iceni would be valuable.


A Final Warning

We are working with the full cooperation of Vasudan Tactical Command and the Terran 6th Fleet. The probability that you will engage allied fighters will be minimal. However, should you come under allied attack, you have limited authorization to return fire in self-defense or to complete your mission objectives as defined by Lieutenant Commander Snipes.

Show restraint, and use your judgement.


This is Lieutenant Commander Snipes. For all you replacement pilots, welcome to the 185th. As you know, Admiral Koth's defeat in Epsilon Pegasi has opened the Polaris system to allied attack. At 1425 hours, GTVA expeditionary forces crossed our jump node blockade. The Colossus won't be far behind.


Bosch isn't taking chances. We're moving the Iceni command ship to the Regulus system, where Bosch will install his provisional government. We've practiced this drill before, pilots. Alpha and Beta wing will escort the Iceni to the jump node. Delta, you're on standby.


The Regulus node is located within a small asteroid field. Our job is to clear a path. Asteroids on a collision course with the Iceni will be indicated in white brackets on your HUD. That's how you know which asteroids to shoot. The gunners on the Iceni will help us out, so we shouldn't have too much trouble


All right, pilot. I've got some good news and some bad news. Good news is we got the Iceni and the Hinton to Regulus. The scan data you collected has been transmitted to the GTVI, and our operation to uncover the secret of ETAK continues as planned.

The bad news is we're in a lot more danger than I think you realize. The Vasudan warships were under the command of Admiral Ahmose, who had full knowledge of our activities. The fact the Vasudans knew the exact time and position of the Iceni's departure has made the rebels just a little suspicious.

As usual, the GTVA is overplaying its hand. Ahmose and his subordinates now face a court martial for insubordination. The rebs are all over that one. Not only did the Admiral know the position of the Iceni, he wasn't authorized to act on that information. Our squadron will be high on the NTF's list of suspects.

One more thing. The pilots under Ahmose's command had been informed of his renegade status before they launched their attack. Under these circumstances, we had little choice but to return fire or blow the entire operation.

Watch your back, pilot. This ain't gonna get any easier.


All right, pilot. I've got some good news and some bad news. Good news is the Iceni has been destroyed along with Admiral Bosch and the ETAK project, whatever that was.

The bad news is the allied warships that attacked the Iceni were under the command of Admiral Ahmose, who had full knowledge of our operation. The fact the Vasudans knew the exact time and position of the Iceni's departure to Regulus has made the rebels just a little suspicious. Counterintel double-checked the dossiers of all new pilots and found some discrepancies in your file.

As your superior officer, it is my duty to inform you that you will be executed at 2100 hours for crimes of espionage and high treason. Sorry it had to end this way, pilot.


You did not have authorization to return to base. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the NTF's objectives in this theatre. Unless Command decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Neo-Terran Front.

You will be confined to the brig pending your execution at 2100.


All right, pilot. I've got some good news and some bad news. Good news is we got the Iceni to Regulus. The scan data you collected has been transmitted to the GTVI, and our operation to uncover the secret of ETAK continues as planned.

The bad news is we're in a lot more danger than I think you realize. The Vasudan warships were under the command of Admiral Ahmose, who had full knowledge of our activities. The fact the Vasudans knew the exact time and position of the Iceni's departure has made the rebels just a little suspicious.

As usual, the GTVA is overplaying its hand. Ahmose and his subordinates now face a court martial for insubordination. The rebs are all over that one. Not only did the Admiral know the position of the Iceni, he wasn't authorized to act on that information. Our squadron will be high on the NTF's list of suspects.

One more thing. The pilots under Ahmose's command had been informed of his renegade status before they launched their attack. Under these circumstances, we had little choice but to return fire or blow the entire operation.

Watch your back, pilot. This ain't gonna get any easier.

Love the Treason...

Start loop1-2.fs2


As you have no doubt already heard, the GVD Psamtik has destroyed the NTD Cyrene, flagship of the Sirius fleet. As bad as things look in Polaris, the situation in Sirius is even worse. Bosch has redeployed our battle group to reinforce NTF positions in that system.


We arrive in Sirius in six hours. The 185th will be deployed immediately to rendezvous with the NTT Sunder. Our mission will be to escort the transport back to the Regulus jump node. The cargo on board the Sunder has been classified well beyond my level of clearance. Let's just say if the Sunder goes down, so do we.


The Alliance is fighting to secure the Alpha Centauri and Deneb jump nodes, so intelligence believes the risk of engagement will be low. Of course, that's what they told us in Polaris, where we got jumped by half the Vasudan armada. Expect the unexpected, kids, and report to the flight deck at 1310 sharp. Dismissed.


Thanks to our heist, the Sunder is now in allied custody. With our scan of the Iceni and the capture of the rebel transport, the GTVI can begin to unravel the secret of Bosch's ETAK project.

The C.O. of the Sevrin has taken the brunt of Bosch's wrath for the Sunder's alleged destruction. The captain and his lieutenants have faced a summary court martial and will be executed at 0700. When you sign up for the wrong outfit, you get what you deserve.

This doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet. The rebs are nuts, but they're not slow. It won't take them long to figure out our involvement in this attack and the Vasudan ambush in Polaris was more than just coincidence. If it looks like they're on to you, your duty as an operative of the GTVI is to escape and report everything you know to allied forces. Understood?


Thanks to our heist, the Sunder is now in allied custody. With our scan of the Iceni and the capture of the rebel transport, the GTVI can begin to unravel the secret of Bosch's ETAK project.

The destruction of the Hamaka forced our hand. The rebs are now fully aware that we're card-carrying members of Galactic Terran-Vasudan Intelligence. As far as I'm concerned, we achieved the objectives of this covert operation. It wouldn't have taken the rebs long to figure out our involvement in this attack and the Vasudan ambush in Polaris was more than just coincidence.

We're taking you to Deneb, where you'll catch a transport back to Capella. You'll rendezvous with the Aquitaine there and continue with your next squadron assignment. It's been an honor working with you, pilot. Good luck!


With the destruction of the Sunder, our heist failed. With only our scan of the Iceni to go on, unraveling the secret of Bosch's ETAK project will be nearly impossible. We invested six months into this operation and came away empty-handed.

We're taking you to Deneb, where you'll catch a transport back to Capella. You'll rendezvous with the Aquitaine there and continue with your next squadron assignment. Sorry your tour with the GTVI wasn't more successful, pilot. You had potential.


You did not have authorization to return to base. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the NTF's objectives in this theatre. Unless Command decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Neo-Terran Front.

You will be confined to the brig pending your execution at 2100.

...But Hate the Traitor

Start loop1-3.fs2


I'm Lieutenant Commander Jack Niven, your new squadron leader. Commander Snipes has been reassigned, so until further notice, you'll get your orders from me. With the 13th and 11th Vasudan battle groups advancing, we have a hard fight ahead of us. If we lose Sirius, our backs will be against the wall. The NTF has fought too hard to surrender now.


The 4th Fleet, based in Vega, is providing the Vasudans with logistical support. They've established a cargo depot near the Alpha Centauri jump node. Recon reports a perimeter defense of 16 sentry guns, and fighter patrols inspect the depot at regular intervals. The 185th has been called in to sever that supply line. All targets are of Terran construction.


Our attack will be timed between fighter patrols. Our objective is to destroy all cargo and sentry guns. Once we secure the area, we'll be in a position to ambush allied targets. The attack should lure the enemy to the depot and improve our odds in more critical engagements deeper in the system.


We are lucky to get you back alive, pilot. Our deep-cover operatives stashed vital schematic data in your fighter's on board computer. With this information, GTVI analysts will be able to unravel the enigma of Bosch's ETAK project.

These operatives also advised us of your impending execution. Unfortunately, we have no information concerning the whereabouts or status of Lieutenant Commander Snipes. We fear the odds of his survival are not favorable.

In recognition of your outstanding service to the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Intelligence and Special Operations Command, you are hereby awarded the Distinguished Intelligence Cross. With this honor, you are now one of an elite few.

We will bring you as far as Vega, where you'll catch a transport back to Capella. You'll rendezvous with the Aquitaine and continue with your next squadron assignment. Congratulations on a successful tour with the GTVI.


You willfully fired upon and destroyed a civilian transport. Allied Command has expressed its shock and dismay that an allied officer would indulge in the slaughter of innocent people.

When you received your commission in the GTVA, you swore a solemn oath to lay down your life for all citizens of the Alliance. You swore to uphold the Beta Aquilae Convention, which explicitly forbids attacks against civilian vessels. Your actions violate every ethical principle we as a civilization hold sacred, and you will be made to answer for these crimes.

You will be held in custody pending your preliminary hearing. If you are indicted, you will be brought before the war crimes tribunal in Beta Aquilae.

Battle of the Wilderness

Start sm2-01.fs2


News from the Front

At 2150, the Colossus entered the Polaris system and neutralized the NTD Andronicus and the NTC Camisard, securing the jump node from Epsilon Pegasi. Meanwhile, the 13th Vasudan Battle Group has destroyed the NTD Cyrene and gained foothold in Sirius. Intelligence reports that Admiral Bosch and his elite guard have withdrawn to the rebel enclave of Regulus.

Command anticipates a total allied victory in less than 30 days.


The Subspace Portal

Dr. Hargrove's task force has determined that the subspace portal in Gamma Draconis was constructed by the Ancients, an extinct civilization discovered near the end of the Great War. Artifacts excavated in the Altair system contained data that enabled the GTA and PVN to destroy the SD Lucifer. Many Terran and Vasudan systems once belonged to the Ancients' empire, which the Shivans obliterated eight thousand years ago. The portal has been renamed Knossos, after the Earth's Minoan civilization.


The Deneb Connection

Intelligence has learned that Bosch acquired Ancient materials from an excavation site in the Deneb system. These artifacts somehow enabled Bosch to locate and activate the Knossos portal. This explains the presence of the admiral's command ship in the Deneb asteroid belt. Bosch then sent the NTC Trinity into Gamma Draconis to activate the portal, which lured the Shivans into that system.

We do not know Bosch's motives or what the Shivans are doing in the nebula.



Allied scientists studying the portal remain optimistic about the potential for this technology. In five to ten years, we might be able to restore contact with Earth or create new jump nodes to unexplored regions of the galaxy. For this reason, the portal must remain open for as long as possible.

Command has issued a standing order to destroy the device should a full-scale invasion be imminent.


Our Objectives

The destruction of the Ravana has intensified Shivan activity in the nebula. The Shivan fleet appears to be smaller than the armada we defeated three decades ago, and our improved technology gives us a tactical advantage. However, with the possibility of uncharted jump nodes leading to more Shivan-infested systems, we cannot know with any certainty the full extent of the enemy force.

A miscalculation on our part could unleash the second Shivan invasion of our home systems.


New Technologies

The Aquitaine will spearhead the next phase of our exploration and containment operation in the nebula. To help us achieve our objectives, the Alliance has developed new technologies, including Advanced Warning And Control Systems, or AWACS, and gas mining vessels to gather deuterium for our fusion reactors.

Prototypes of these new tactical weapons and fighters will be deployed pending successful completion of field tests. The 134th Barracudas will be conducting these combat exercises near the Gamma Draconis jump node.


GTW ML-70 Morning Star

Two next-generation weapons are now available: the Morning Star and the EMP missile. The GTW ML-70 Morning Star improves upon the Flail gun developed during the Great War. Recent advances in high-temperature optics enable the primary focusing chamber of the Morning Star to produce a more coherent charge. Though an energy weapon, the Morning Star has a powerful kinetic effect on its target.


EMP Missile

The EMP missile interferes with the electronics systems of vessels caught within the blast radius of the warhead. The detonation scrambles targeting data and jams communications. Tactically, the EMP is an effective anti-bomber weapon. It prevents these craft from acquiring aspect lock and temporarily shuts down the guidance and propulsion systems of warheads in flight.


Welcome to the 134th Barracudas, pilot. I'm Commander Vincey, your squadron leader. The 134th is a combat evaluation unit, or CEU, which means we're among the first to test new ships and weapons in the field. While we carry out our missions, engineers will gather data on the systems we've been assigned to test.


In this mission, our primary objective is to escort two Triton-class freighters, the Erinpura and the Vauban. They will enter the nebula at the Gamma Draconis node and travel to their waypoint, where they will rendezvous with the GTCv Warspite. Their cargo is the new Target Acquisition and Guidance missile system.


The GTA Lucidity will provide AWACS support for this mission. With its powerful sensor array, the Lucidity will transmit targeting data to your fighter, effectively increasing your sensor range. The 134th will be the first to test the system in the nebula.


Now keep in mind that the C in CEU stands for Combat. These aren't controlled laboratory experiments. Shivan activity has intensified, so you can expect to engage some Maras and Cains out there. If the action gets too intense, call in reinforcements at your discretion. Good luck, pilot.


Our squadron lost the Erinpura, the Vauban, and the TAG missile prototypes. Not only will the TAG exercise be cancelled, but Command has also ordered a full investigation. As we speak, analysts are reviewing the data from our flight recorders. The entire squadron has been grounded pending the conclusion of this inquiry.

Command considers this deployment of the AWACS to be a total failure.


Though we lost a freighter in this engagement, the combat field test of the Target Acquisition and Guidance missile will proceed on schedule. The 134th will be working with the Warspite to conduct this exercise.

The destruction of the AWACS reveals a critical flaw. Though the AWACS improved our sensor capabilities, its vulnerability limits the potential of the craft in combat scenarios. On the other hand, your unit's failure to protect the AWACS indicates that more effective leadership may be required here.


Both the Erinpura and the Vauban survived the Shivan attack. The combat field test of the Target Acquisition and Guidance missile will proceed on schedule. The 134th will be working with the Warspite to conduct this exercise.

The destruction of the AWACS reveals a critical flaw. Though the AWACS improved our sensor capabilities, its vulnerability limits the potential of the craft in combat scenarios. On the other hand, your unit's failure to protect the AWACS indicates that more effective leadership may be required here.


Both the Erinpura and the Vauban survived the Shivan ambush. The combat field test of the Target Acquisition and Guidance missile will proceed on schedule. The 134th will be working with the Warspite on this exercise.

Command rates the initial deployment of the AWACS a complete success. Our improved sensor capability gave us the tactical advantage we required to respond quickly and decisively to the Shivan attack.

Prepare your wing for your next sortie, pilot. The TAG missile combat field test begins at 0315.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


Our squadron lost the Erinpura, the Vauban, and the TAG missile prototypes. Not only will the TAG exercise be cancelled, but Command has also ordered a full investigation. As we speak, analysts are reviewing the data from our flight recorders. The entire squadron has been grounded pending the conclusion of this inquiry.

The destruction of the AWACS also reveals a critical flaw. Though the AWACS improved our sensor capabilities, its vulnerability limits the potential of the craft in combat scenarios. On the other hand, your unit's failure to protect the AWACS suggests that more effective leadership may be required here.


Though we lost a freighter in this engagement, the combat field test of the Target Acquisition and Guidance missile will proceed on schedule. The 134th will be working with the Warspite on this exercise.

Command rates the initial deployment of the AWACS a partial success. Our improved sensor capability gave us the tactical advantage we required to respond quickly to the Shivan attack.

A Game of TAG

Start sm2-02.fs2


The 134th will now assist with the combat evaluation of the Target Acquisition and Guidance missile. Captain Forsythe of the Warspite has requested you specifically for this mission, so you must have made quite an impression on your last sortie. The Warspite will supervise this combined arms exercise.


The 134th will now assist with the combat evaluation of the Target Acquisition and Guidance missile. This will be the first deployment of this system in an actual combat exercise. Our laboratory simulations indicate it has significant potential as a tactical weapon.


When you hit a target with the TAG warhead, the missile's beacon will illuminate the target for allied capital ships within range. All available firepower will be brought to bear for a quick resolution. This technology could be a decisive advantage for the GTVA. In this exercise, we will test the prototype TAG-A.


Command has deployed scout wings to Shivan positions. They will lure targets within range of our guns. Once the enemy approaches, get in behind the target quickly and launch your TAGs. Stay within 3000 meters of the corvette for maximum effectiveness. The Lucidity will provide AWACS coverage.


Command has deployed scout wings to Shivan positions. They will lure targets within range of our guns. Once the enemy approaches, get in behind the target quickly and launch your TAGs. Stay within 3000 meters of the corvette for maximum effectiveness.


For this mission, you'll be flying a refurbished Ulysses space superiority fighter, specially modified for this exercise. The Ulysses is a Great War antique, but the fighter still handles well, and the modifications will enable TAG engineers to monitor the progress of the exercise.


Though this exercise did not proceed as planned, the 134th met the challenge head-on and defended our warships admirably.

Overall, this field deployment of the TAG missile exceeded our expectations. Research and Development is now working on improvements to the TAG-A prototype, including an aspect-seeking warhead and a more maneuverable projectile. These enhancements should make the TAG a versatile weapon for our tactical wings.


The destruction of the Warspite was a senseless tragedy. The lives of Captain Forsythe and his crew should not have been sacrificed for the sake of a prototype exercise. The 134th was called upon to get our warships out of a difficult situation, and we failed. As leader of Alpha wing, re-evaluate this scenario carefully. What could you have done to save the Warspite?


The destruction of the Lucidity was a senseless tragedy. The lives of its crew should not have been sacrificed for the sake of a prototype exercise. The 134th was called upon to get our warships out of a difficult situation, and we failed. As leader of Alpha wing, re-evaluate this scenario carefully. What could you have done to save the Lucidity?


As a result of this debacle, we lost both the Warspite and the Lucidity. You alone had the opportunity to make a difference here. Instead, you disgraced our squadron. As a pilot serving in a Combat Evaluation Unit, you must be prepared to confront any challenge.

Further development on the TAG missile will be suspended until further notice.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Proving Grounds

Start sm2-03.fs2


In this mission, the 134th will participate in a test of the new Pegasus-class stealth fighter, developed for allied operations in the nebula. The unusual design of the Pegasus minimizes the EM signature emitted by the fighter, making it all but impossible to detect with sensors. This exercise will be the first simulation of the Pegasus under combat conditions in the nebula environment.


Alpha wing, your objective is to defend the GTC Oberon, a decommissioned Fenris cruiser. The Oberon has served the Alliance since the Great War, and most of its systems have been stripped down to repair other cruisers in circulation. Flying the Pegasus prototypes, Delta wing will attack the Oberon. Your job is to repel their offensive.


Your weapons will be neutralized for the duration of the test. Though you may fire your lasers and missiles, they will inflict only superficial damage against Delta wing. Engineers on board the GTD Aquitaine will monitor the progress of the exercise and gather data to verify the stealth capability and combat potential of the Pegasus.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


The Shivans destroyed the Aquitaine. Without this ship, our operations in the nebula are in jeopardy. Though we were outnumbered and outgunned, the Aquitaine went down on our watch. The 10,000 officers and crew who perished were our friends and comrades. The 134th is the disgrace of the allied fleet.

Because we serve on the front lines, the brass think it's our duty to take the fall for their mistakes. As your squadron leader, I will testify on your behalf. More wings should have been deployed to cover the Aquitaine's retreat. However, until Command completes its inquiry, you will be stripped of your wings and held in custody. You are dismissed, pilot.


Well done, pilot. Outnumbered and outgunned, you covered the Aquitaine's retreat through the Gamma Draconis jump node. The Moloch and its fighters inflicted severe damage, and repair crews are now working to get the destroyer back on line. Nevertheless, your actions saved thousands of lives.

The 64th Raptors are in need of bomber pilots. I've recommended that you be transferred. Flying bombers is hard work, but with a bank of Cyclops torpedoes, you'll have the firepower to neutralize enemy corvettes and destroyers.

We have just received word that Bosch and his rebel fleet are en route to Gamma Draconis. We'll be redeployed ASAP to head them off. Admiral Petrarch will outline the details of our upcoming operation at 2150 hours.


Excellent work, pilot. Outnumbered and outgunned, you covered the Aquitaine's retreat through the Gamma Draconis jump node. For saving a capital ship of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance from imminent destruction, you are hereby awarded the Order of Galatea. Congratulations.

The 64th Raptors need a wing leader, and I think you are just the pilot for the job. Flying bombers is hard work, but with a bank of Cyclops torpedoes, you'll have the firepower to neutralize enemy corvettes and destroyers.

We have just received word that Bosch and his rebel fleet are en route to Gamma Draconis. We'll be redeployed ASAP to head them off. Admiral Petrarch will outline the details of our upcoming operation at 2150 hours.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions compromized our combat evaluation of the Pegasus stealth fighter. You have been grounded until further notice.


Well done, pilot. Outnumbered and outgunned, you covered the Aquitaine's retreat through the Gamma Draconis jump node. The Moloch and its fighters inflicted severe damage, and repair crews are now working to get the destroyer back on line. Nevertheless, your actions saved thousands of lives.

The 64th Raptors are in need of bomber pilots. I've recommended that you be transferred. Flying bombers is hard work, but with a bank of Cyclops torpedoes, you'll have the firepower to neutralize enemy corvettes and destroyers.

We have just received word that Bosch and his rebel fleet are en route to Gamma Draconis. We'll be redeployed ASAP to head them off. Admiral Petrarch will outline the details of our upcoming operation at 2150 hours.


Excellent work, pilot. Outnumbered and outgunned, you covered the Aquitaine's retreat through the Gamma Draconis jump node. For saving a capital ship of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance from imminent destruction, you are hereby awarded the Order of Galatea. Congratulations.

The 64th Raptors need a wing leader, and I think you are just the pilot for the job. Flying bombers is hard work, but with a bank of Cyclops torpedoes, you'll have the firepower to neutralize enemy corvettes and destroyers.

We have just received word that Bosch and his rebel fleet are en route to Gamma Draconis. We'll be redeployed ASAP to head them off. Admiral Petrarch will outline the details of our upcoming operation at 2150 hours.

The King's Gambit

Start sm2-04.fs2


Bosch's Gambit

We have received news of an alarming development on the civil war front. Massing his forces in the Regulus system, Admiral Bosch outmaneuvered the Colossus and its battle group. The rebel armada is now en route for the Gamma Draconis system, via Polaris, Epsilon Pegasi, and Capella.

Their final destination: the Knossos subspace portal.


Running the Gauntlet

Allied forces destroyed a number of NTF warships as they ran our gauntlet of jump node blockades. However, the rebels have sufficient firepower to threaten our positions in Gamma Draconis.

The Colossus and its battle group are in close pursuit, neutralizing enemy stragglers. We must hold Gamma Draconis until these reinforcements arrive.


On the Barricades

Our squadrons will assist with the blockade of the Capella node. As the rebels begin their incursion, our objective will be to inflict as much damage as possible. The second phase will involve a counterstrike against enemy rallying positions, where the rebels will gather to coordinate their final attack.

We must diminish the NTF's offensive capability before our confrontation at the node.


Rebellion's End

This campaign may prove to be the admiral's final gambit. Whether or not Bosch reaches the portal, the NTF regime and its domination of Polaris, Regulus, and Sirius are effectively over. Command has disclosed neither the motives behind Bosch's actions nor the consequences should the admiral succeed.

We do know that 18 months of carnage and terror will soon come to an end.


Artemis Bomber

The Aquitaine has just received four wings of the new GTB Artemis, the Alliance's next-generation light bomber. The most agile ship of its class, the Artemis will carry the Cyclops torpedo, our modified anti-cruiser warhead. I have reassigned pilots to the 64th Raptors. This squadron will play a bomber and heavy assault role in the upcoming operation.


Prometheus S

The Artemis will be armed with the new Prometheus cannon. Our nebula gas miners have gathered sufficient resources to resume production of the GTW-5 Prometheus S. The S-type is based on the original design of the Prometheus cannon. With high marks for shield and hull damage, the Prometheus was our weapon of choice in the Great War.


This is Commander Beckett, leader of the 64th Raptors Bomber Squadron. At 0457, NTF warships entered the Gamma Draconis system and engaged our blockade. So far we've taken down the NTC Absalon, the NTC Cunaxa, and several troop transports.Admiral Petrarch has called in the 64th to assist.


The Vasudans are leading the blockade with the GVD Hedetet, a Typhon-class destroyer. The Alliance has also set up a network of five Mjolnir RBCs, or Remote Beam Cannons. These unmanned experimental weapon platforms discharge anti-warship beams to complement the defense of a strategic target.


The NTF fleet will enter through the Capella jump node. Each warship will then jump to a rallying point within the Gamma Draconis system. In the interval between jumps, they will re-energize their subspace drives. Your role will be to neutralize the warships with your Cyclops torpedoes.


The Iceni has already slipped through our defenses, but we will make every effort to track Bosch down before the rebels rally their forces and attack. According to Intelligence, the NTD Uhuru, the NTC Pax, the NTC Liberty, and the NTC Undaunted have entered the subspace node and are heading for the blockade.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


The 64th Raptors are the disgrace of the Aquitaine and the GTVA. Every warship that ran our blockade threatens our positions in the Gamma Draconis system. Though we have the strength to crush the rebellion, our failure here will cost lives and resources we should not have to sacrifice.

Admiral Petrarch has grounded the 64th until further notice. Our bombers will be reassigned to the 107th Ravens. Dismissed, pilot.


Excellent work, pilot. With our blockade of the Capella jump node, the Alliance has achieved a major victory. The Mjolnir RBCs and the bombing action of the 64th negated a significant component of the rebel fleet. The Raptors neutralized all hostile warships that crossed our lines. No other squadron can make that claim.

Our unit will be redeployed ASAP. Report to the ready room on the double.


Good work, pilot. The Mjolnir RBCs and the bombing action of the 64th reduced the offensive capability of the NTF fleet. Our chances of minimizing allied casualties in Gamma Draconis have improved significantly.

The Raptors will be redeployed ASAP. Report to the ready room on the double.


For demonstrating exceptional skill in combat, you are hereby awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

The Sicilian Defense

Start sm2-05.fs2


Reconnaissance has located one of the NTF's rallying points within the Gamma Draconis system. The rebels are preparing to execute a coordinated strike to acquire control of the Knossos subspace portal. Intelligence believes the NTF has sufficient firepower to mount a credible offensive.


Your primary target is the Iceni, Bosch's command ship. The 64th Raptors will lead the strike. The Vasudans will sortie the GVC Hyksos and a wing of Serapis fighters to assist. We will deploy additional forces as they become available.


You are now authorized to carry the GTM-10 Piranhas. A third-generation version of the Synaptic bomb, the Piranha provides a high-explosive anti-fighter screen. Trigger the Piranha's detonation by pressing your launch button a second time.


You faced down fierce resistance and damaged the rebel fleet. The NTF has commenced its attack on the Knossos subspace portal, but the efforts of our squadron have significantly reduced their offensive capability. Our strikes against the other rebel rallying points also achieved major victories, though Admiral Bosch remains at large. This is the beginning of the end for the NTF.


Our inability to inflict significant damage against the rebel warships may compromise our defense of the Knossos subspace portal. Our strikes against the other rebel rallying points also failed to achieve decisive results. Though the Neo-Terran Front remains on the brink of collapse, we cannot afford to underestimate Bosch and his followers.


We mourn the loss of our ships and crew. Many lives were lost in this battle that perhaps could have been saved had we been more vigilant. We will defeat Bosch and the Neo-Terran Front, but this victory should not come at such a high price. The end of the civil war does not mean peace for the Alliance. We have the Shivans to contend with, and for that battle, we will need every warship in the armada.


Command is pleased we have succeeded in minimizing allied casualties throughout this operation. We will defeat Bosch and the Neo-Terran Front, though a victory in the civil war does not mean peace for the Alliance. We still have the Shivans to contend with, and for that battle, we will need every warship in the armada.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


Start sm2-06.fs2


The NTF has attacked our warships defending the Knossos. We repelled their first offensive, but the NTC Alexandria reached the portal and made the jump into the nebula. We believe the rebels are regrouping to launch a second assault. Command has positioned the GTA Monitor to hold off the attack, and reinforcements are on their way.


The 64th will play a fighter role in this mission. The NTF have a few Zeus and Medusa wings remaining, so your objective will be to engage all rebel bombers and neutralize their fighter escort. The Colossus has engaged the NTC Vanguard and the NTCv Congreve. We will move the Colossus into position as soon as this battle has been resolved.


Keep an eye out for the NTF Iceni. If this vessel emerges within range, you are authorized to engage and destroy it. Bosch has eluded our forces since he entered the Gamma Draconis system. Though we anticipate Bosch will either attempt to gain control of the Knossos or enter the portal itself, be prepared for any development.


This is the endgame, pilot. Bosch's Neo-Terran Front has been crushed.Only the die-hard fanatics remain. They'll fight to the death and take as many of us with them as they can. We have every confidence in your ability to get the job done. Good luck.


The Aquitaine now has available the GTM-4a Tornado, a modified version of the Hornet missile. With improved fire control systems and guidance computers, the Tornado can fire more often and with greater accuracy than the Hornet. Be advised the Tornado will fail to arm its ordnance properly if aspect lock has not been achieved.


You are also authorized to carry the new GTM-11 Infyrno, a wide-area fighter suppression warhead. The Infyrno is a remote detonation missile. Hit your secondary trigger a second time to detonate. A HUD indicator will display the warhead's distance. The Infyrno will release multiple submunitions with ultra-high explosive charges.


The Alliance charged the 64th Raptors with the duty of defending the Monitor, the Fortune, and the thousands of lives on board these warships. We failed our mission. Though these officers and crew sacrificed their lives for the GTVA, there is no hero's welcome for our squadron. Our job was to get these men and women home alive.

I am recommending your immediate transfer out of this unit. The Admiral and I believe you might be better suited to pilot a support ship, a freighter, or maybe a transport. A tactical squadron is no place for officers who cannot get the job done. There's too much at stake here.


The Alliance mourns the loss of the GTC Monitor. Thousands of courageous officers and crew sacrificed their lives for the GTVA. We as a squadron must ask ourselves what could have been done to avert this tragedy.

Aken Bosch has eluded capture once again. Jumping in near the Knossos was a risky maneuver, but it enabled him to reach the nebula. Rebel saboteurs on board the Colossus temporarily shut down fire control to give the Iceni a window of opportunity. These operatives are now in custody.

You have been reassigned. Admiral Petrarch has requested recommendations for pilots to participate in an officer exchange program with the Vasudans. The Admiral and I believe a tour of duty with Vasudan Tactical Command may do you some good.


The Alliance mourns the loss of the GTC Fortune. Thousands of courageous officers and crew sacrificed their lives for the GTVA. We as a squadron must ask ourselves what could have been done to avert this tragedy.

Aken Bosch has eluded capture once again. Jumping in near the Knossos was a risky maneuver, but it enabled him to reach the nebula. Rebel saboteurs on board the Colossus temporarily shut down fire control to give the Iceni a window of opportunity. These operatives are now in custody.

You have been reassigned. Admiral Petrarch has requested recommendations for pilots to participate in an officer exchange program with the Vasudans. The Admiral and I believe a tour of duty with Vasudan Tactical Command may do you some good.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


In recognition of your contributions to the GTVA's victory over the NTF insurgency, you are hereby awarded the NTF Campaign Victory Star. For your service in Deneb, Epsilon Pegasi, and Gamma Draconis, the GTVA Security Council and General Assembly extend their gratitude for your service.

Aken Bosch has eluded capture once again. Jumping in near the Knossos was a risky maneuver, but it enabled him to reach the nebula. Rebel saboteurs on board the Colossus temporarily shut down fire control to give the Iceni a window of opportunity. These operatives are now in custody.

Admiral Petrarch has requested recommendations for pilots to participate in an officer exchange program with the Vasudans, and your name is at the top of the list. You'll be an outstanding representative of our squadron, our ship, and our species.

The Fog of War

Start sm2-07.fs2



This is Admiral Khafre, commanding officer of the GVD Psamtik, 13th Vasudan Battle Group.

The NTF rebellion is over. Polaris, Regulus, and Sirius are now under allied control, and we begin the process of rebuilding these systems after 18 months of bloodshed. NTF officers responsible for the genocide of Vasudan civilians will face a war crimes tribunal in Beta Aquilae. GTVA warships in the nebula are now hunting down the Iceni and the other blockade runners.


Welcome, Terrans

For those Terran pilots joining us in Gamma Draconis, welcome aboard. Your reassignment is part of an officer exchange program to foster better cooperation and understanding. You will serve in Vasudan wings and pilot Vasudan fighters. Our crews have modified our craft to accommodate Terran pilots.

We as an alliance have come a long way since the Terran-Vasudan War, and initiatives such as this can only strengthen the bond between our species.


The Second Front

With the rebellion defeated, we are now able to focus on our exploration and containment operation in the nebula.

We have three objectives in this theatre: to locate uncharted Shivan jump nodes, to destroy all hostiles encountered, and to apprehend Admiral Aken Bosch.

We begin launching our squadrons at 3230, Vasudan Galactic Time.



The Psamtik has received a shipment of the new GTW-66 Maxim Gun. The Maxim is by definition an energy weapon, though it behaves like a mass-driver, accelerating caseless uranium slugs along its smoothbore barrel. The Maxim has difficulty penetrating shield defenses but its effect on hull plating is devastating.

Use the Maxim at your discretion.



You have also been issued the GTW-83 Lamprey Cannon. A second-generation Leech gun, the Lamprey affects the energy systems of your target, draining its weapon, shield, and afterburner reserves. Coupled with a balanced hull and shield damaging weapon, the Lamprey is highly effective against smaller vessels.


Mekhu HL-7

All Terrans be advised that Vasudan fighters and bombers may be equipped with the Mekhu HL-7. A modified version of the Subach HL-7, the Mekhu design has been optimized for the reactor grids of Vasudan craft to increase the cannon's rate of fire.


Welcome to the 203rd, Terran. I am Commander Habu, squadron leader. Our unit has served the Emperor since the war between our species, nearly five decades ago. I understand you were among the pilots who assisted our counter-insurgency effort in the Deneb system. We are honored to fight by your side, pilot. You will lead Alpha wing.


Allied Command has ordered the 203rd to nullify a gas mining operation in the vicinity of our secured perimeter. Reconnaissance has located six $h Rahu-class miners, defended by a screen of sentry guns. Your primary objective is to destroy the miners. Your secondary objective is to neutralize the sentry guns.


Be advised the shockwave of a gas miner explosion will have a destructive radius greater than that of a ship of comparable size. As the hull integrity of your target approaches zero, put as much distance as possible between yourself and the miner. We believe the Shivans are using the nebular gas for energy. Good luck.


Allied Intelligence has no conclusive data on the Sathanas, the Shivan juggernaut that destroyed the Tatenen. The GTVA Security Council has declared a state of emergency.

If our preliminary assessment is correct, the Shivans are preparing a full-scale incursion. However, the Sathanas could pose a much greater threat than the Lucifer superdestroyer of the Great War. Our priority must be to gather as much data as possible. Meanwhile, Command is preparing to execute a contingency plan should the Shivans move this vessel into Gamma Draconis.

You performed well in this mission, Terran. Though we damaged their gas-mining operation, we now have greater concerns to attend to.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.


Allied Intelligence has no conclusive data on the Sathanas, the Shivan juggernaut that destroyed the Tatenen. The GTVA Security Council has declared a state of emergency.

If our preliminary assessment is correct, the Shivans are preparing a full-scale incursion. However, the Sathanas could pose a much greater threat than the Lucifer superdestroyer of the Great War. Our priority must be to gather as much data as possible. Meanwhile, Command is preparing to execute a contingency plan should the Shivans move this vessel into Gamma Draconis.

Your valor and skill are formidable, Terran. Your commanders spoke very highly of you, and we see now their praise was not exaggerated. You risked your life above and beyond the call of duty to fulfill your objectives, regardless of the danger. We'll make a Vasudan of you yet.

A Monster in the Mist

Start sm2-08.fs2


Alpha 1, you will pilot the new Ptah-class stealth fighter. Your mission is to scan the subsystems of the Sathanas Juggernaut. Allied Intelligence has requested data regarding the navigation, weapons, sensors, and communications subsystems of the warship.


To scan a subsystem, you must first select it with the subsystem targeting control. Then close to 150 meters to scan. The lead indicator must be in the center of your reticle. Maintain that position until the scan indicator has moved across your target view. Average scanning time is five seconds.


The design of the stealth fighter will minimize your EM signature, though we have not tested the stealth fighter against Shivan targets. Avoid flying into the line of sight of enemy fighters, and keep moving as much as possible. The longer you stay in one position, the greater your risk of detection. Firing weapons will also reveal your position.


To create a diversion, the GVCv Maahes will direct an assault toward the stern of the warship. This will draw enemy fire away from you and the systems you must target. The Sathanas has a smaller concentration of turrets in this quadrant, but you must complete your mission quickly. The corvette will not last long against the Juggernaut.


Very impressive, Terran. Though Vasudan Tactical Command had its doubts, our deployment of the Ptah-class stealth fighter was successful. Against difficult odds, you acquired subsystem scans of the Shivan Juggernaut.

GTVI analysts are now reviewing the data, searching for a weakness in the Juggernaut's defenses. Once Intelligence completes its report, Allied Command will outline our strategy for neutralizing the Sathanas threat.


The operation did not proceed as smoothly as we had anticipated. However, you survived a difficult engagement and scanned 3 of the 4 subsystems. Though we are lacking 25% of the requested data, our analysts assure us your performance was satisfactory, under the circumstances. Perhaps a Vasudan pilot would have been more successful, given the unusual design of our stealth fighter.


The mission did not proceed as smoothly as we planned. With data acquired for only 2 of the 4 subsystems, our analysts lack sufficient information to devise a viable attack. We have no choice but to attempt the operation a second time.

Rest assured, you will not be selected to pilot the Ptah fighter. Vasudan Tactical Command has expressed its disappointment with your performance. Your participation in the officer exchange program has been terminated. For the sake of the Alliance, let us hope a Vasudan pilot will have greater success.


This mission was a complete failure. With data acquired for only 1 of the 4 subsystems, our analysts lack sufficient information to devise a viable attack. We have no choice but to attempt the operation a second time.

Rest assured, you will not be selected to pilot the Ptah fighter. Vasudan Tactical Command has expressed its disappointment with your performance. Your participation in the officer exchange program has been terminated. For the sake of the Alliance, let us hope a Vasudan pilot will have greater success.


This mission was a disaster, pilot. You failed to scan any of the Juggernaut's subsystems, and our analysts have no information to plan a viable attack. We have no choice but to attempt the operation a second time.

Rest assured, you will not be selected to pilot the Ptah fighter. Vasudan Tactical Command has expressed its disappointment with your performance. Your participation in the officer exchange program has been terminated. For the sake of the Alliance, let us hope a Vasudan pilot will have greater success.


The Sathanas vaporized the Maahes, killing all on board. Perhaps if you had completed your objectives in a more timely fashion, this tragedy might have been averted. Of course, Command must accept its share of the blame for failing to assess the status of the engagement.


Your attack against the turrets of the Sathanas has yielded important data regarding the relative strength of the Juggernaut's weapons. This information should prove useful.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.


For conspicuous gallantry at the risk of your own life, you are hereby awarded the Medal of Valor.

Speaking in Tongues

Start sm2-09.fs2


Your reconnaissance of the Sathanas identified weak points in the Juggernaut's defenses. However, exploiting these weaknesses will require firepower that can be provided only by the main guns of our capital ships. The GVD Psamtik, the GTD Aquitaine, and the GVD Toeris are standing by. Your mission is to lure the Sathanas into position.


In the first phase, you will attack the SC Rephaim, a Rakshasa-class warship. Our recon flights have located the Rephaim near the allied secure zone. The cruiser is accompanied by two wings comprised of Mara-class fighters. Our analysis of the Rephaim's flight pattern suggests the vessel is patrolling the region.


Your first task is to eliminate the fighter escort. This must be achieved quickly, before reinforcements arrive. Once the escort has been neutralized, call in Delta wing. The bombers will help you destroy the Rephaim. If necessary, your wing will need to incapacitate the cruiser's beam turrets to clear a path for your bombers.


We anticipate the attack on the Rephaim will bring Shivan reinforcements.Your squadron is charged with the duty of engaging and destroying these hostiles until the Sathanas arrives. Sigma wing will also be available to assist, once these bombers have returned from their current sortie.


The upgraded Target Acquisition and Guidance warhead is now available. The TAG-B, an aspect-seeking missile, features an improved shock-resistant substrate that enables the beacon to transmit data with greater precision.The GVCv Sopedu will provide fire support for this operation.


The Alliance will execute simultaneous, coordinated strikes against Shivan positions in the nebula. For this reason, our destroyers will not be deployed unless the Sathanas appears in your field of engagement.If we fail to lure the Sathanas, or if the Juggernaut engages our forces elsewhere, we will abort this mission.


At 0745 hours, reconnaissance sighted the Sathanas juggernaut heading for the jump node to Terran-Vasudan space. Because of the immediate risk to our home systems, Command has aborted the plan to attack the juggernaut in the nebula. All allied forces have been ordered to withdraw immediately to Gamma Draconis. Further orders will be issued upon our arrival. We have no conclusive data regarding the transmissions exchanged between the Iceni and the Rephaim.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.

A Flaming Sword

Start sm2-10.fs2



The Shivan juggernaut Sathanas is now en route to the jump node leading to Terran-Vasudan space. Command ordered all units to rally in Gamma Draconis in three hours' time. Though we have accounted for most of our fleet, at least six warships have failed to reach the rendezvous point. We can wait for them no longer.The GTVA Security Council has authorized the immediate destruction of the Knossos subspace portal.


Meson Bomb

To demolish the Knossos portal, we will detonate the meson bomb, an experimental new weapon under development at the Hideki Institute in the Vega system. Though its specifications are highly classifed, physicists claim the meson bomb has more explosive power than any other warhead in our arsenal, sufficient to destroy any small craft within a three-kilometer radius. The size of the bomb prohibits tactical deployment.


Allied Strategy

A small task force will oversee the demolition of the Knossos while the bulk of the allied fleet blockades the jump node leading to the densely-populated Capella system. Command has begun the process of evacuating the two hundred fifty million civilians inhabiting Capella, the largest exodus since the Great War. The Colossus will remain in that system to engage the Sathanas should we fail.


At 2230 hours, the GTVA announced its plan for the destruction of the Knossos device. For strategic and scientific reasons, we will not attack the portal with the main guns of our warships. The demolition of the subspace portal will be accomplished with the use of the experimental Meson bomb


Our first objective will be to sanitize the area. Observers report that Shivan scouting wings have already entered Gamma Draconis, and enemy activity will intensify before the arrival of the Sathanas Juggernaut. The Renenet, a Sobek-class corvette, will monitor the operation and provide fire support.


Once we have eliminated the enemy presence, a freighter carrying the Meson warhead will deposit the bomb at the detonation site. This is the first deployment of the weapon prototype. Because computer simulations predict only a forty percent chance of success, we have two more warheads standing by.


We demolished the portal but to no avail. The subspace vortex generated by the Knossos device has stabilized, and the Sathanas entered the Gamma Draconis system. Our forces are standing by to intercept the juggernaut at the Capella jump node.

We do not know how long the nebula jump node will remain open. In theory, it could be centuries before it collapses again. Scientists assure us that we have gathered sufficient data to reconstruct the Knossos, but a project of that magnitude would take decades to complete.


We mourn the loss of the GVCv Renenet, its crew and the scientists on board. Under the circumstances, there was nothing you could have done to avert this catastrophe.


Nevertheless, your tenacity is impressive. You eliminated all Shivan fighters. You are a credit to your species. Vasudan Tactical Command has taken note of your performance.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.


The destruction of the freighter was unacceptable, Terran. You have sufficient combat experience to understand that freighters and transports are vulnerable targets, and they require fighter support in hostile environments. In an operation such as this, when millions of lives are at stake, we cannot afford the luxury of error. Better situational awareness on your part would have yielded a more satisfactory resolution.


We mourn the loss of the GVCv Renenet, its crew and the scientists on board. In an operation such as this, when millions of lives are at stake, we cannot afford the luxury of error. Better situational awareness on your part would have yielded a more satisfactory resolution.


Start sm3-01.fs2


The Sathanas decimated our fleet at the Capella node. Your bomber wing will be scrambled to destroy the Juggernaut's forward beam turrets before it reaches Capella. You must destroy at least two turrets to give the Colossus a fighting chance. You will be armed with the new long-range Trebuchet missile and the Helios torpedo, the GTVA's most powerful tactical warhead.


Your wing destroyed the Juggernaut's forward beam cannons. The tactical significance of this achievement cannot be over-emphasized. Initial reports from Capella are favorable, though the battle is far from over. You will be scrambled immediately to assist the Colossus.


Your wing destroyed three of the Juggernaut's forward beam cannons. Under these circumstances, your performance is superb. Initial reports from Capella are favorable, though the battle is far from over. You will be scrambled immediately to assist the Colossus.


Your wing destroyed two of the Juggernaut's forward beam cannons. Under these circumstances, your performance is adequate. Initial reports from Capella are favorable, though the battle is far from over. You will be scrambled immediately to assist the Colossus.


You destroyed only one of the Juggernaut's forward beam cannons, pilot. You faced overwhelming odds, but they were not insurmountable. The Sathanas poses a dire threat, not only to the Colossus but to all systems of the GTVA. We are on the threshold of a second Shivan invasion, and we have limited resources to wage this war.


You failed to destroy any of the Juggernaut's forward beam cannons, pilot. You faced overwhelming odds, but they were not insurmountable. The Sathanas poses a dire threat, not only to the Colossus but to all systems of the GTVA. We are on the threshold of a second Shivan invasion, and we have limited resources to wage this war.


You also helped to eliminate the Beleth. Consequently, our remaining forces in Gamma Draconis are on the verge of securing the system.


The destroyer Thebes, however, did not survive the engagement. Our sacrifice in this battle is immeasurable.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.


Regrettably, you were unable to stop the Beleth. However, neutralizing the Sathanas must remain our highest priority.

High Noon

Start sm3-02.fs2


The Satahanas has entered the Capella system and engaged the Colossus. Your exceptional performance in Gamma Draconis has significantly improved the odds for the Alliance. We are deploying your wing to provide bomber support for the Colossus. Eliminate any target of opportunity, but do not take unnecessary risks.


The Satahanas entered the Capella system and obliterated the line of defense we had established to intercept it. We now have no choice but to send in the Colossus. With its beam cannons still operational, the Sathanas has sufficient firepower to win this engagement.

Your wing will be scrambled immediately. There is no time to select your ship or armaments. Your mission is to neutralize these remaining beam cannons as quickly as possible. If you fail, we risk losing the Colossus and the Capella system.


With the destruction of the SJ Sathanas, Allied Command has declared a decisive victory. In the months ahead, we will isolate and eradicate the remnants of the Shivan fleet. This operation could not have succeeded without your intervention, pilot. By neutralizing the forward beam cannons of the Sathanas, you gave the Colossus the advantage it required to win the battle.

For your outstanding record of service, you are hereby awarded the Nebula Campaign Victory Star. This medal recognizes your contributions to our mission of exploration and containment, from your first engagement in Gamma Draconis to our victory in the Capella system. Most notably, we commend you for three successful sorties against the Shivan Juggernaut Sathanas. Congratulations, Terran.


With the destruction of the SJ Sathanas, Allied Command has declared a decisive victory. In the months ahead, we will isolate and eradicate the remnants of the Shivan fleet. The outcome of this operation would have been more favorable had you completed your objectives. Though the Colossus won the engagement, neutralizing the Juggernaut's forward beam cannons would have reduced the damage it sustained.


The GTVA Colossus, the largest Terran-Vasudan warship ever constructed, over twenty years in the making, has been destroyed. Thirty thousand perished in the Juggernaut's attack, and millions more are in jeopardy. Though you neutralized the four beam cannons, you completed your objectives too late.


The GTVA Colossus, the largest Terran-Vasudan warship ever constructed, over twenty years in the making, has been destroyed. Thirty thousand perished in the Juggernaut's attack, and millions more are in jeopardy. You failed to neutralize the forward beam cannons, pilot, and now we will all pay the price of that failure.

Return to Babel

Start sm3-03.fs2


Colossus Triumphant

At 0345 hours, the GTVA Colossus destroyed the Shivan juggernaut Sathanas near the Gamma Draconis jump node in Capella. This victory proves without a doubt our technological superiority over our Great War nemesis. For the second time, the Alliance defeated a species which has annihilated entire civilizations across this galaxy.

With the Colossus, we will have nothing more to fear.


Damage Control

We still have much to accomplish, however. The Sathanas inflicted moderate damage against the Colossus, though its systems remain 80% operational. Terran and Vasudan engineers anticipate it will take several months to fully repair the warship's hull. Until we completely secure the nebula, our evacuation of Capella's civilian population will proceed as planned.


Chasing the Iceni

With the immediate Shivan threat neutralized, we must now focus on capturing Admiral Bosch. Recon units are scouring the nebula for any sign of his command ship. The Psamtik will lead a task force assigned to recover the Iceni once its position has been determined.

Command has disclosed new information concerning the NTF's secret agenda.



We now know that Admiral Bosch has developed a Shivan communication technology that transmits and modulates quantum pulses. Bosch secretly resurrected a defunct GTI project involving captured Shivan specimen, terminated after the GTI's Hades rebellion in 2335. Bosch referred to his project as ETAK, short for Etamnanki, the tower that may have inspired the story of Babel.


Stealing History

Through a rigorous study of Ancient archeology, Bosch learned the location of the Knossos subspace device, the portal to the region of the galaxy where the Ancients first encountered the Shivans. His genocidal war was a smoke screen to cover his plunder of Ancient sites in Vasudan systems. In Deneb, he learned how to activate the portal and deployed the Trinity to power up the device.


An Infernal Pact

Integral to Bosch's vision of Neo-Terra was an alliance with the Shivans upon their return to our systems. When Bosch realized his regime was on the brink of collapse, he ordered his forces into the nebula to make contact with the enemy. Interrogation of rebel prisoners reveals that only Bosch's immediate subordinates had access to the ETAK project. No further details are available at your level of clearance.



You are now authorized to use the GTW-19 Circe. Derived from advanced EM weaponry, the Circe disrupts shield systems by directing a barrage of fluctuating EM harmonics on the target. This energy is completely ineffective against armor plating or insulated subsystems. For this reason, the Circe is best paired with a weapon such as the Maxim or the Prometheus, which inflict heavy hull damage.


Reconnaissance has located the NTF Iceni. Bosch has made contact with the Shivans a second time. An Azrael-class transport is currently docked with the vessel. A second transport appears to be waiting nearby. We do not know if the Shivans are boarding the Iceni, or if Bosch and his followers are boarding the transports.


Our objective is to capture the Iceni and the ETAK technology. Two Shivan cruisers are guarding the vessel, the Azmedaj and the Sammael. Once the cruisers have been destroyed, we will deploy a Special Forces unit to board and secure the rebel command ship. Your second objective will be to defend our transport, the GVT Qeb.


To our knowledge, the Iceni holds the only example of the ETAK technology in existence. Bosch took extraordinary measures to destroy all evidence of his research. If we fail, we have little hope of rebuilding the device. Command has absolute faith in your ability to succeed in this endeavor.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.


Our transport failed to dock with the Iceni. The NTF survivors and our boarding party are now dead, and we lost the communication technology. All evidence of Bosch's ETAK project has been destroyed.

I regret to inform you that your participation in the officer exchange program has been terminated by order of Vasudan Tactical Command. I petitioned in your favor but to no avail. You faced overwhelming odds, and many of our own Vasudan pilots died in the struggle. However, Command failed to anticipate the intensity of the Shivan attack.

You must not blame yourself, pilot. You are, after all, only human.


The GVT Qeb rescued the survivors of the Iceni and retrieved the specifications for Bosch's ETAK device.

Command has classified these materials Level Omega, accessible only by persons specially authorized by the GTVA Security Council. Be advised that divulging any information regarding this operation is punishable under the GTVA Security Act, Antares Convention, Section 15-5-7.

We arrived too late to stop the Azrael transport carrying Admiral Bosch and his immediate subordinates. Our questioning of the survivors reveals the encounter had been violent. The motives of the Shivans cannot be determined, though it seems Bosch's experiment attracted their attention. Reconnaissance is now searching for the Shivan transport.

Against overwhelming odds, you destroyed the Shivan cruisers, protected the Iceni, and escorted the transport safely home. It is indeed an honor to serve with a pilot of your caliber.


The Shivans destroyed the GVT Qeb while the transport was still docked with the Iceni. The NTF survivors and our boarding party are now dead, and all evidence of Bosch's ETAK project has been destroyed.

I regret to inform you that your participation in the officer exchange program has been terminated by order of Vasudan Tactical Command. I petitioned in your favor but to no avail. You faced overwhelming odds, and many of our own Vasudan pilots died in the struggle. However, Command failed to anticipate the intensity of the Shivan attack.

You must not blame yourself, pilot. You are, after all, only human.


We were almost there, pilot. Our transport was mere seconds away from jumping to safety. The NTF survivors and our boarding party are now dead, and all evidence of Bosch's ETAK project has been destroyed.

I regret to inform you that your participation in the officer exchange program has been terminated by order of Vasudan Tactical Command. I petitioned in your favor but to no avail. You faced overwhelming odds, and many of our own Vasudan pilots died in the struggle. However, Command failed to anticipate the intensity of the Shivan attack.

You must not blame yourself, pilot. You are, after all, only human.


Our transport failed to dock with the Iceni, and we lost the ETAK technology. All evidence of Bosch's research has been destroyed.

I regret to inform you that your participation in the officer exchange program has been terminated by order of Vasudan Tactical Command. I petitioned in your favor but to no avail. You faced overwhelming odds, and many of our own Vasudan pilots died in the struggle. However, Command failed to anticipate the intensity of the Shivan attack.

You must not blame yourself, pilot. You are, after all, only human.

Straight, No Chaser

Start sm3-04.fs2


At 1640 hours, reconnaissance detected the Shivan transport carrying Admiral Bosch and his subordinates deep within a Shivan-controlled zone of the nebula. A wing of Maras repelled our recon unit, but we now have an approximate location. Alpha and Beta, your mission is to find and disable the Azrael transport.


The attack must be executed quickly, before the transport escapes. Once its engines are disabled, defend the transport until the recovery team arrives on Lambda 1. They will dock with the Azrael and haul the vessel back to Gamma Draconis. Lambda 2 will be standing by in case Lambda 1 should fail.


Capturing Bosch and his lieutenants is of the utmost importance. We do not know if they are alive or dead, or what the Shivans intend to do with them.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.


Welcome to the GVD Memphis, Terran. The annihilation of the Psamtik and the thousands on board is a tragedy for all Vasudans. A people birthed in sorrow will die in sorrow, as the old proverb goes. The discovery of the second Knossos portal was of extraordinary significance, but there will be no expedition.

Allied forces have sighted multiple Sathanas-class juggernauts converging on our positions throughout the nebular theater. We stand on the brink of a new Shivan resurgence, and our systems are once again in jeopardy.

For the second time, Command has ordered a full retreat of all allied vessels from the nebula. We will withdraw immediately to the Capella system, where we will mount our defense. However, not even the Colossus has the firepower to repel a juggernaut fleet.

With the disappearance of the Azrael, and the extreme secrecy surrounding the Alliance's handling of the ETAK project, it could be many years before we learn what happened out here.


Start sm3-05.fs2


At 3320 Vasudan Galactic Time, we received a distress signal from the GTD Aquitaine. The destroyer came under attack 4,000 meters from the Gamma Draconis jump node. The SC Urobach and its fighter escort incapacitated the Aquitaine's engines and fighterbay.


Admiral Petrarch reports that his gunners destroyed the Urobach and all but one of the fighter wings. With the entire Shivan armada now heading for Terran-Vasudan space, we must get the Aquitaine out as soon as possible. Your mission is to defend the Aquitaine until its propulsion systems are restored.


A damage control team is currently en route from Gamma Draconis. The GTC Agrippa, an Aeolus-class warship, escorts the Argo transport carrying the team and the components needed for the repair. When the Argo arrives, your objective will be to ensure it docks safely with the damaged destroyer.


The Aquitaine's Engineering Officer estimates that once the damage control team arrives with the required materials, the repair will be accomplished in a matter of minutes. However, this provides the Shivans sufficient time to launch additional wings and threaten the Aquitaine.


With sorrow, we remember the 10,000 officers and crew of the GTD Aquitaine. They fought courageously and died with valor.

Your next assignment would have been on board the Aquitaine, leading the 70th Blue Lions squadron. However, with these recent developments, you have been reassigned to fly support for the 12th Fleet in the remote Wolf 359 system.

Your transport departs at 0150.


Because of your actions, the GTD Aquitaine safely reached the Gamma Draconis system. The damage to the vessel's fighterbay and targeting system is now being repaired.

Vasudan Tactical Command has informed us you are to be transferred immediately to the GTD Aquitaine for your next assignment. You will serve as leader of the elite 70th Blue Lions. However, you have also received an urgent transmission from Special Operations Command. Your talents are in demand, pilot.

For your exceptional service to the crown of Emperor Khonsu II, Heir of the Dynasty of Ten Thousand Years, you are hereby inducted into the Imperial Order of Vasuda. Rarely is this honor conferred upon those of your species. Congratulations, Terran.


Your sighting of the Shivan juggernaut has provided Intelligence with valuable information regarding the potential strength and movements of the enemy fleet.


A Vasudan never leaves the field of battle without authorization from a superior officer. Your cowardice jeopardized the lives of our brothers and sisters. You are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. You will be taken into custody and handed over to the Terran 3rd Battle Group authority, where you will face a court martial. You are a disgrace to your species, Terran.

As Lightning Fall

Start loop2-1.fs2


Special Operations Command

You have been selected for a covert assignment with Special Operations Command (SOC), in conjunction with Galactic Terran-Vasudan Intelligence (GTVI). Our primary objective is to provide the Alliance with accurate and comprehensive information regarding the tactics, technologies, activities, and strategic objectives of forces hostile to the GTVA.


Lieutenant Commander Snipes

At 0437 reconnaissance units received a coded transmission from Lieutenant Commander Snipes. The Commander's vessel, the NTT Grall, is now adrift in a Shivan-infested region of the nebula and will not survive much longer. The Grall was docked to the NTC Alexandria when the cruiser ran our blockade of the Knossos portal in Gamma Draconis.



Here is part of the actual transmission. We processed the message to enable better comprehension:

Granite Mountain, this is Black Dove requesting immediate extraction. Engines and jump drives are inoperative. Location, Delta 429 by 372. Deployed Pharos beacons to assist search. Heavy Shivan presence. Severe nebula storms. Probability of survival not good.


Allied Retreat

As you know, Allied forces are in full retreat to Gamma Draconis, so logistical support will be virtually non-existent. We have no available reinforcements and only one recovery ship. We're operating in a Shivan-infested area, so expect a fierce enemy offensive. The odds are against you on this one, pilot.


You know why you're here, pilot, so let's get down to work. Recon located a Pharos navigation buoy not far from where Snipes's transmission was received. Your wing will be inserted at that position to find the Grall and make contact with Snipes. His transport has been incapacitated, and there's a high probability he's already a goner.


This sector of the nebula is extremely volatile. Recon reports heavy EM interference, scrambling sensors and communications. These buoys are the only chance we have of finding Snipes and the Grall. The EM storm will make aspect lock difficult to acquire and maintain, so we recommend you loadout with Tempests and Rockeyes.


Once you locate Snipes, call in Lambda 1. This is critical. Do not deploy the recovery craft until you are ready. Our transport will dock with the Grall and extract the survivors. You'll need to buy them some time as they complete this procedure. Good hunting.


Congratulations, pilot. You saved my life, and I owe you big. If I had more clout with the brass, I'd have them give you a Service Medallion, but they don't just hand those out. You didn't have to volunteer for this assignment, but I'm damn glad you did.

Now here's an important lesson. SOC didn't mount a rescue op because they liked me. They did it because I had information they needed, and information is what keeps you alive out here. Now I'm heading up the 99th for another mission, and I think we're going need you on this one. I already cleared it with Command, so it's your call, pilot. Hope you do the right thing.


Lieutenant Commander Christopher Snipes distinguished himself as one of the best operatives ever to serve in the SOC. His courage, resourcefulness, and determination helped us defeat Admiral Bosch and his Neo-Terran Front. Snipes worked deep-cover for over six months, advising the GTVI of the enemy's movements, strategies, and capabilities. His career will stand as a shining example of service and sacrifice to the GTVA and the ideals for which the Alliance stands.

Lieutenant Commander Snipes is hereby posthumously awarded the SOC Service Medallion, the most prestigious honor bestowed by the GTVA Special Operations Command. I know of no officer more worthy of such recognition.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Into the Lion's Den

Start loop2-2.fs2


Here's the situation. Allied Command has ordered the full retreat of all GTVA forces. They've written off Gamma Draconis, so they're moving the armada into Capella to hold down the system. Meanwhile, SOC needs a unit to fly suicide to check out a second Knossos device the Vasudans found deep in the nebula.


To give us a fighting chance, our unit will fly a wing of Shivan fighters SOC forces captured early in the nebula campaign. Our engineers have modified and optimized these craft. They'll handle even better than the Shivan original, and if you play it right, you might even avoid enemy detection.


We're going in with a handpicked squad. You'll fly Alpha 1. I've got Alpha 2. Two of our top pilots, Xinny and Zero, will cover Alphas 3 and 4, respectively. Our Maras will be equipped with intersystem jump drives so we can use the node.


The timetable for this mission is 15 minutes. We'll jump in, gather data, hold down the fort, then jump out. Your drives will be inoperative inside a window of exactly 15 seconds. If we miss our jump, the recovery ship will leave us behind. There's no room for error.


Here's something else to think about. By the time we launch, we'll be the only allied operatives left in the nebula. There'll be no reinforcement, no support, and no base to run to. That's why this mission has to be carried out by the numbers. We have fifteen minutes. No more. No less.


Good work, Alpha 1. Most pilots only get to fly one suicide mission. We survived what should've been our last sortie. GTVA analysts are now reviewing our flight data.

Unfortunately, we failed to destroy a single one of those Shivan devices. The Alliance demands top-notch flying from its elite squads, and our performance out there was a little disappointing. At least we were able to warn the Alliance.

It's been a privilege and an honor, pilot. Allied Command has reassigned you to the GTD Aquitaine. Rumor has it you'll be leading the 70th Blue Lions, and I can't think of a better pilot for the job. Good luck.


Good work, Alpha 1. Most pilots only get to fly one suicide mission. We survived what should've been our last sortie. I've advised the GTVI that multiple Juggernaut-class warships are now en route to the Capella system. We'll have our hands full getting everyone out of there alive.

By the way, nice work destroying that Shivan technology. Analysts are poring over the scan data now, but you can rest assured the results will be classified beyond your level of clearance. They always are.

For helping to provide the Alliance with accurate and comprehensive information regarding the tactics, technologies, activities, and strategic objectives of forces hostile to the GTVA, you are hereby awarded the SOC Service Medallion, the most prestigious honor bestowed by Special Operations Command. Congratulations.

It's been a privilege and an honor, pilot. Allied Command has reassigned you to the GTD Aquitaine. Rumor has it you'll be leading the 70th Blue Lions, and I can't think of a better pilot for the job. Good luck.


Outstanding job. Most pilots only fly one suicide mission. We survived what should've been our last sortie. I've advised the GTVI that multiple Juggernaut-class warships are now en route to the Capella system. We'll have our hands full getting everyone out of there alive.

Great work neutralizing those Shivan devices. You delivered a top-notch performance. Analysts are poring over the scan data now, but you can rest assured the results will be classified beyond your level of clearance. They always are.

One more thing. For helping to provide the Alliance with accurate and comprehensive information regarding the tactics, technologies, activities, and strategic objectives of forces hostile to the GTVA, you are hereby awarded the SOC Service Medallion, the most prestigious honor bestowed by Special Operations Command. Congratulations.

It's been a privilege and an honor, pilot. Allied Command has reassigned you to the GTD Aquitaine. Rumor has it you'll be leading the 70th Blue Lions, and I can't think of a better pilot for the job. Good luck.


Start sm3-06.fs2


70th Blue Lions

Welcome back to the Aquitaine. Because of your outstanding service to the Alliance, the GTVA has granted you command of your own elite fighter squadron, the 70th Blue Lions. This is quite an honor, pilot. You'll receive all your briefings directly from quarterdeck.

As squadron leader of the Blue Lions, you will be granted the highest priority in ship and weapon selection, but choose your ordnance carefully. Review the techroom database if you have any questions.


The Shivan Armada

Nine Sathanas juggernauts have now entered the Capella system, and Intelligence has sighted even more in the nebula, converging on the jump node to Terran-Vasudan space.

We are on the threshold of a new apocalypse. Though the juggernauts have not engaged our warships, they have set course for the Capella star. We can only speculate about their intentions, but this development cannot bode well for the Alliance.



Allied Command is committed to evacuating all non-essential personnel. A contingency plan is in the works to hold the Shivans here, in Capella, and prevent the expansion of the Shivan incursion to other systems of the GTVA.

The 70th Blue Lions will provide the fighter cover needed to get our convoys out of the system. Millions of lives are at stake here, pilot. And if we fail, all our worlds and systems will be in jeopardy.


Erinyes Fighter

The GTVA has just unveiled the newly developed Erinyes-class heavy assault fighter. With eight gun banks, you'll have sufficient firepower to make short work of enemy targets at close range.The Erinyes can accommodate fire control for up to two different primary systems.

You may need to allocate more power to weapons to fight effectively, so make adjustments as needed.


GTW UD-8 Kayser

You have also been issued the GTW UD-08 Kayser. For its limited OpEval period, only select units will be authorized to carry this weapon. The Kayser emits focused wavelets of subatomic particles that bombard the target, causing the wave function of the particles to collapse and emit intense zero-point energy microbursts. The Kayser is the product of our research into Shivan weapon technology.


GTM-11 Infyrno

Finally, we have received the new GTM-11 Infyrno, a wide-area fighter suppression warhead. To use the Infyrno, press your secondary trigger once to launch the missile, then press it again to detonate. A HUD indicator will display the distance of the warhead from your ship.Upon detonation, the Infyrno releases multiple submunitions which themselves contain ultra-high explosive charges.


As we speak, convoys of transports, freighters, and medical ships are heading for the jump nodes to Vega and Epsilon Pegasi. The evacuation of civilian personnel proceeds on schedule, but the enemy offensive has intensified. We have blockaded the Gamma Draconis node, though Shivan forces are swarming into the system.


The 53rd will relieve the 309th at the Gamma Draconis node, and we'll deploy the 19th to hold down the fort at 3rd Fleet Headquarters as we evacuate non-essential personnel. Command needs a closer look at the Juggernauts, so we'll be sending in the 91st.70th Blue Lions will be sortied to the Epsilon Pegasi node.


Blue Lions, your mission is to escort a four-ship convoy to Epsilon Pegasi. The group consists of civilian transports Lambda 1 and 2, GTFr Sulla, and the medical ship GTM Vesalius. All have minimal armaments and vulnerable hull plating. GVCv Nebtuu leads the escort.


At 1415 hours, the Shivan corvette Abraxis and a wing of Manticore fighters attacked the convoy. The Nebtuu called for assistance, so you're going in. Theta wing will stand by to reinforce your position. Call them in at your discretion. Good luck, pilots. The people of Capella are counting on you.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


Excellent work, pilot. Your first sortie as leader of the 70th Blue Lions proved you are just the officer to lead this outfit. The Shivans launched a savage attack, but you and your squadron held them off. Because of your tactical leadership, the entire convoy safely reached Epsilon Pegasi.


The Shivans launched a massive offensive against all our outbound convoys. The death toll has escalated into the hundred of thousands. We do not have the resources to defend every ship escaping this system. Even your elite 70th Blue Lions failed to complete all mission objectives.


Both Lambda transports perished in the Shivan attack. Thousands of civilians were lost.


Both Lambda transports reached Epsilon Pegasi. Your efforts saved thousands of lives.


One of the Lambda transports reached the jump node. Half the civilians perished in the Shivan attack.


Relief workers in Vega and Epsilon Pegasi report a shortage of vital provisions and medical supplies. The loss of the Sulla will only complicate matters.


We managed to save the GTFr Sulla. The provisions it carried will help alleviate the supply shortages in Epsilon Pegasi.


The destruction of the GTM Vesalius is a tragedy. With the casualties the Shivans have inflicted in Capella, every medical vessel is vital to our efforts.


The GTM Vesalius arrived in Epsilon Pegasi. The medical vessel will play a crucial role in handling the influx of refugees from Capella.


Your squadron eliminated all hostile targets. If we are to halt the Shivan advance, every effort must be made to diminish the enemy force.


We need to deploy your unit to 3rd Fleet Headquarters pronto. Assemble your squadron in the ready room.


For demonstrating exceptional leadership under fire, you are hereby awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation.


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At 2345 hours, Allied Command authorized the immediate evacuation of 3rd Fleet Headquarters in the Capella system. The installation has come under heavy fighter and bomber attack. The Shivans are deploying their wings from the SD Nebiros, a Ravana-class destroyer. The 19th squadron, assigned to defend headquarters, has been wiped out.


The evacuation will proceed as follows. Lambda 1, an Argo-class transport, will dock with the installation. Personnel will then board the Argo, which will take them to the GTD Messana. Command will deploy a second transport to extract the remaining personnel on board the installation. The injured have already been transferred to the medical vessel GTM Galen.


After Lambda 2 has docked with the Orion, the Messana will leave the system, and you will be authorized to return to base. You will take Alpha and Delta wings and provide fighter cover for this operation. You must protect the installation, the Messana, and the two transports. Once evacuated, the installation will be destroyed.


We have already extracted non-essential personnel, so the operation should proceed quickly. With the evacuation of Headquarters, the Alliance is preparing to initiate the final phase of its plan to hold the Shivans in Capella.


Outstanding work, pilot. Both Lambda transports safely docked with the GTD Messana. The evacuation of 3rd Fleet Headquarters was a complete success. Under your capable leadership, the 70th Blue Lions upholds its standing among the elite squadrons of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

The GTVA Security Council has revealed its strategy for holding the Shivans in the Capella system. I will address the officers and crew of the Aquitaine in one hour. The 70th Blue Lions will play a critical role in the upcoming operation. I know that you and your squadron are up to the challenge.


Though we lost the first transport, Lambda 2 safely docked with the GTD Messana. The evacuation of 3rd Fleet Headquarters was only a partial success. Under the circumstances, this outcome is perhaps the best we could hope for. However, may I remind you that elite squadrons earn their status by going above and beyond the call of duty.

The GTVA Security Council has revealed its strategy for holding the Shivans in the Capella system. I will address the officers and crew of the Aquitaine in one hour. The 70th Blue Lions will play a critical role in the upcoming operation. I know that you and your squadron are up to the challenge.


Though we lost the second transport, Lambda 1 safely docked with the GTD Messana. The evacuation of 3rd Fleet Headquarters was only a partial success. Under the circumstances, this outcome is perhaps the best we could hope for. However, may I remind you that elite squadrons earn their status by going above and beyond the call of duty.

The GTVA Security Council has revealed its strategy for holding the Shivans in the Capella system. I will address the officers and crew of the Aquitaine in one hour. The 70th Blue Lions will play a critical role in the upcoming operation. I know that you and your squadron are up to the challenge.


Both Lambda transports were lost. With 3rd Fleet leadership all but annihilated, the outcome of this engagement could not have been more disastrous. The GTVA Security Council has expressed its extreme displeasure with your performance as leader of the 70th Blue Lions, a so-called elite squadron. You have been relieved of command, pilot.


The loss of the GTD Messana is a tragedy. Many friends and colleagues perished today, and we are left only to ask what could we have done to save them. As Commanding Officer of the Aquitaine, I placed my faith in you and your squadron. The 70th Blue Lions have earned a reputation as one of the finest units in the GTVA. But reputations do not save lives. Reputations do not achieve results. I have no choice but to relieve you of your command. You are dismissed, pilot.


We have lost the GTD Messana. With 3rd Fleet leadership all but annihilated, the outcome of this engagement could not have been more disastrous. The GTVA Security Council has expressed its extreme displeasure with your performance as leader of the 70th Blue Lions, a so-called elite squadron. You have been relieved of command, pilot.


The perseverance and courage of your unit are well noted, pilot. You eliminated all hostile targets. With our backs against the wall, every advantage we achieve can make the difference between annihilation and victory.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


For conspicuous gallantry at the risk of your own life, you have distinguished yourself above and beyond the call of duty in the highest traditions of military service. You are hereby awarded the GTVA Legion of Honor, the highest decoration awarded by the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Their Finest Hour

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With over one hundred thousand casualties and more Shivans incoming, we have no hope of holding Capella. Our only real chance is to seal off the system and prevent the invasion from spreading to other Terran-Vasudan worlds. If we fail to contain the Shivan advance, we will unleash the second Great War, a conflict we have virtually no chance of surviving. The Lucifer fleet we defeated 32 years ago is nothing compared to the strength of this armada. Command is committed to getting every last Terran out of the system.


A Subspace Anomaly

Over 80 Shivan Juggernauts are now in position around the Capella sun. Science vessels monitoring their activity have detected an anomalous subspace field rippling from the Juggernaut fleet. Though we can barely detect the field with our instruments, its intensity has been increasing slowly over the past seventy-two hours. We have known since the Great War that the Shivans possess advanced subspace technologies, but this field goes beyond our wildest speculations. The Shivans may be powering up a new kind of weapon, the likes of which we have never before encountered.



Preparations are now underway to collapse the Epsilon Pegasi jump node. A Great-War-era destroyer, the GTD Bastion, will contain multiple meson warheads that will detonate inside the node. Scientists believe an explosion of sufficient magnitude will cause this node to collapse, as evidenced by the destruction of the Lucifer 32 years ago. The detonation of the Lucifer's reactors sealed off the Sol jump node in Delta Serpentis and severed all contact with Earth. The Bastion has completed its modifications in the Vega system and is now entering Capella.


Will the Strategy Work?

Skeptics have argued the Shivans made intersystem jumps without using nodes in Ross 128, Ikeya, Vega, and other systems at the outbreak of the Great War. However, scientists assure us this plan will work. Though Shivans have used uncharted nodes and nodes too unstable for Terran and Vasudan vessels, they are as dependent on jump nodes as we are. Nevertheless, we must accept this strategy as nothing more than a temporary measure.



Once we have evacuated all civilian and military personnel from the Capella system, we will send a second destroyer, also carrying meson warheads, through the Capella jump node in Vega. If we succeed in sealing off both nodes, the Alliance will have trapped the Shivans in this system. If we fail, we face certain annihilation.

This is our Alamo, pilots. We hold them here, or we die trying.


The GTD Bastion will enter the Capella system at 1835 hours. We're sending in the 116th to escort the warship into position. Our forward observer units near the Juggernauts are calling for backup, so we'll send in the 83rd. The 309th will assist with the containment effort at the Vega node, and as for the 70th Blue Lions, we've got something special for you.


Your mission is to create a diversion at the Gamma Draconis node. The operation here will be a feint to lure the Shivan armada. The Colossus and its group will form a battle line near the node. By focusing our firepower here, we'll draw the brunt of the Shivan offensive. Meanwhile, on the other side of the system, the Bastion will collapse the node to Epsilon Pegasi.


Your objectives are simple. Destroy all enemy targets. Be advised reinforcements will not be readily available. In a recent engagement, the Colossus sustained damage to its fighterbays. You'll have to hold out until they get the flight deck cleared. Good luck, pilot.


The Colossus has been destroyed. Over thirty thousand officers and crew, our colleagues, compatriots, and friends, perished in this battle. The most powerful Terran-Vasudan warship ever constructed, twenty years in the making, was vaporized in a matter of minutes.

Command acknowledges there was nothing you could have done to save the Colossus. Many of your squadmates were killed, and you are lucky to have survived the engagement. However, we have no time to mourn the dead. We have a job to do, and if we fail, millions more will suffer and die.

The 70th Blue Lions are being scrambled to assist the Bastion. Report to the ready room on the double.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.

Clash of the Titans II

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The GTD Bastion, loaded with Meson warheads, is now en route to the Epsilon Pegasi jump node. The Bastion will be detonated inside the node to create a subspace cataclysm that will seal off the Capella system. If the Bastion fails to achieve this objective, the Shivans will swarm into our adjacent systems.


The task force defending the Bastion has been decimated. Three ships remain: the Templar, the Malta, and the Ertanax. All are Aeolus-class cruisers. The Shivans continue to send wave after wave of fighters and bombers. Only a handful of the Bastion's original fighter complement have survived the onslaught.


Alpha, Delta, and Beta wings will fly heavy intercept. Your mission is to take out enemy bombers before they close within targeting distance. You'll be armed with the Trebuchet missile, which has an effective range of four kilometers. Gamma wing will fly the Perseus. Their role will be to engage enemy fighters.


The majority of the fleet is fending off a massive attack at the Vega node. Thousands of civilians await evacuation and the enemy continues to flood in from Gamma Draconis. We will not get a second chance to pull this off. If we fail here, we unleash the Second Shivan War. We must get the Bastion through at any cost.


You did not have authorization to return to base, pilot. Your actions jeopardized the lives of those involved in this mission and the GTVA's objectives in this theatre. Desertion is grounds for a court martial, and you are confined to quarters pending your preliminary hearing. Until a military court decides otherwise, you are hereby stripped of your wings and all privileges bestowed upon you as an officer of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.


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Excellent work. The detonation of the Bastion's Meson bombs created a subspace cataclysm that sealed off the node. You and the 70th Blue Lions deserve the highest commendation.

The Security Council has authorized the deployment of the GTD Nereid. The destroyer will depart from the Vega system and collapse the node in fifteen minutes. We must therefore complete our evacuation of Capella by that time. Any ship that remains behind will be trapped with the Shivan armada.

Your objective is to defend our convoys as they flee through the Vega node. Cargo ships, personnel transports, medical vessels, and the remnants of the allied fleet are now in transit. These convoys are under heavy bomber fire. If we don't provide cover, thousands will die.

Your secondary objective is to prevent Shivan warships from entering the Vega node. The Allied fleet has been pulverized, so for the sake of all Terrans and Vasudans, the war must end here. You will receive authorization to enter the Vega node and leave the system once the Nereid has been deployed.