FTDS Baikal
All information related to the FTDS Baikal is non-canon. |
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FTDS Baikal Tech Room Description
The Baikal-class High-Speed Heavy Destroyer is a warship intended to serve as a next-generation systems patrol vessel. A versatile design inspired by the Orichalcum-class escort carrier, the Baikal incorporates a well-rounded array of weapons as well as a strikecraft hangar, allowing the Baikal to perform swift and effective enforcement of Commonwealth power. While not expressly intended for frontline action against Exarchy warships, reflected in its average point defenses and armor, the Baikal-class's low-power quad 'Siegfried' Mega Particle Cannon mount gives it tremendous firepower for its size, allowing it to serve as fire support in a pinch.
UGC Rhino Tech Room Description
The Rhino is a multi purpose cruiser size ship with a vast variety of weaponry and a medium sized hangar bay. The UGC relies heavily on this ship class.
- Model by Arvis Taljik
- Textures by Droid803
Developer Notes
Design from Gundam 00.
- FTDS Baikal
Type | Heavy Destroyer |
Max Velocity | 180.0 mps |
Hitpoints | 8500 |
Shields | 6500 |
Length | 909m |
- UGC Rhino
Name | UGC Rhino | |
Yaw, Pitch, Roll | 90 - 90 - 90 s | |
Max Velocity | 45 (45) ms-1 | |
Hitpoints | 8000 pts | |
Shields | 3000 pts | |
Length | 908.56 m | |
Width | 171.73 m | |
Height | 193.51 m | |
Turrets | 29 turrets | |
Fighterbays | 3 |
- FTDS Baikal
Dimensional Eclipse | |
Turret Type | Amount |
HA Railgun | 1 |
FTC Plasma Turret | 15 |
M-3A Strelka | 10 |
M-6G Valkyria | 6 |
- UGC Rhino
Default Statistics | |
Turret Type | Amount |
Type-3100 Neutron Beam | 3 |
Type-125 125mm VLS | 16 |
Type-31 Neutron FLAK | 10 |
Modding Resources
- $POF File: UGC_Rhino.pof
- Texture list: UGC_Rhino;UGC_RhinoTurr;damage
- $POF File: ContraRhino.pof
- Texture list: Contravention;ContraTurr;damage
Veteran Comments