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All information related to the Fralthi is non-canon. |
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Tech Room Description
The Fralthi was at a time one of the most commonly-seen heavy warships in the Terran-Kilrathi War. These cruisers served as system patrol ships, capital ship interceptors, escorts, and even light carriers due to its fighter complement. It was a heavily-armed warship that could travel without escorts when necessary. They often filled the role of carrier during the Vega Sector Campaign, in addition to the Snakeir-Class Carriers.
- Model by Klav
- Conversion by CrazyCanuck
Designer's Comments
Name | Fralthi | |
Yaw, Pitch, Roll | 1 - 1 - 1 s | |
Max Velocity | 28.421 (31.578) ms-1 | |
Hitpoints | 784 pts | |
Shields | 756 pts | |
Length | 474.59 m | |
Width | 221.58 m | |
Height | 85.02 m | |
Turrets | 12 turrets | |
Fighterbays | 2 |
Default Statistics | |
Turret Type | Amount |
Laser Turret | 10 |
Anti-Mater Turret | 2 |
Modding Resources
- $POF File: Fralthi.pof
- Texture list: color;Fralthi;KilrathiTurret
Veteran Comments