GTDr Amazon IV-R

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All information related to the GTDr Amazon IV-R is non-canon.
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The GTDr Amazon Model IV-R is an Apollo reskin as the initial prototype of the expansive Surplus Autonomy Initiative, to propose a solution to civil security and address the training of new pilots in the wake of Capella's destruction. The IV-R is a museum piece, serving on its last legs as a cheap security monitor for companies. It poses no true threat to the modern pilot.

GTDr Amazon Model IV-R.


Tech Room Description

The initial prototype of the Surplus Autonomy Initiative was a retrofitted Apollo fighter to demonstrate the advancements made in drone computational power. The proposal was made to the GTVA in the wake of Capella’s destruction for a new security force of autonomous drones. The Amazon IV-R was never refitted in great numbers, and sees limited use as a short patrol craft by small companies. Even fewer of this line see the sad life of training dummy. In the civilian sector, the Apollo is still used as a flight trainer for new pilots.


Retail: MediaVPs:

$POF File: GTDrAmazonIV-R
Credits: Eserai, Hades, Fightermedic (Media VPs GTF Apollo)
Texture: ???, modification by Muninn_Crow (GTDR Amazon IV-R)



Name GTDr Amazon IV-R
Type Space Superiority
Manufacturer Morgan Technologies (Surplus Autonomy Initiative)
Maneuverability Fair
Yaw, Pitch, Roll 3.2, 3.2, 6.0 s
Max Velocity 60 - 82 ms-1
Max Afterburner Velocity 140 ms-1
Armor Medium
Hitpoints 240 pts
Shields 350 pts
Length 21 m
Primary weapons
1st bank 4 guns
2nd bank 2 guns
Secondary weapons
1st bank capacity 40
2nd bank capacity 40
Countermeasure capacity 25 countermeasures


FreeSpace 2
Bank Guns Standard Loadout
1st 4 Subach HL-7
2nd 2 Prometheus R
Compatible primaries
Subach HL-7, Akheton SDG, Prometheus R, Prometheus S, UD-8 Kayser
FreeSpace 2
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout
1st 60 Rockeye
2nd 60 Harpoon
Compatible secondaries
MX-64, Tempest, Hornet, Tornado, Harpoon, Trebuchet

Veteran Comments

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