GTMf Sparta
All information related to the GTMf Sparta is non-canon. |
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Tech Room Description
The GTMf Sparta class is a heavy personel carrier, designed primarily as a troop transport and command and control facility for planetary operations. While the Sparta does not have the ability to dock herself with a hostile ship for boarding action, she can use her dropships or a secondary transport to ferry marines out through one of her many airlocks. With the lessons learned from the Capella incident, the Sparta can also double up as an evacuation transport once her compliment of marines is offloaded in a secure system. The Sparta-class is too heavily armed to be designated a transport, but by no means is a frontline warship and as such they must be protected at all times while within contested zones. But for prolonged invasions or occupations, the Sparta serves her purpose admirably once a target planet's orbitals are secure. The Sparta contains a small fighterbay (max 2 wings, fighters, too small for bomber deployment) and has a loading platform for offloading heavy armor onto dropships.
- Model by StratComm
Name | GTMf Sparta | |
Yaw, Pitch, Roll | 8 - 12 - 12 s | |
Max Velocity | 25 (35) ms-1 | |
Hitpoints | 45000 pts | |
Length | 898.86 m | |
Width | 374.66 m | |
Height | 374.07 m | |
Turrets | 15 turrets | |
Fighterbays | 1 |
Default Statistics | |
Turret Type | Amount |
Standard Flak | 3 |
AAAf | 6 |
Terran Turret | 6 |
Modding Resources
- $POF File: marine3t-01.pof
- Texture list: TMar1A;TMar2A;Tcov4A;DocTile5A;Tcov7A;AWACtile3;dctile5;install01-02a;DocTile3A;thrust;TMar4;MarineNm;invisible;bigtur;turbar;BeamTur;RegTur;damage
Veteran Comments
External links:
- Stratcomm's Fleetpack
- Download | FSmods - No tables provided.
- Stratcomm's Fleet Pack in Green | FSmods - Contains tables.