Inferno: Alliance Ship Database

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Evac Transport

  • GTT Elysium class transport
  • Appears in Evacuation (Sol1-16). It moves the last personnel of Frontier Post 2 to the GTD Auriga

GTC Nilus

  • GTC Tyr class cruiser
  • Suffers damage to its engines in proximity of the Moon and calls for help. Comes under heavy bomber attack in Lunar Rescue (Sol1-13) but manages to escape

GTD Adrasteia

  • GTD Zagreus class destroyer
  • One of the few unengaged Martian units when the GTD Megaera gets in proximity of Mars
  • Is sent to deal with the GTD Panopea and its battle group in Battle for Mars Part I (Sol1-19) and wins the engagement

GTD Auriga

  • GTD Orion class destroyer
  • Flagship of the Martian fleet
  • Appears in Evacuation (Sol1-16) and receives the personnel of Frontier Post 2 brought from the Evac Transport
  • Is the only Martian ship capable of destroying the GTD Megaera during the Earth-Mars war.
  • With the support of Martian bomber wings, takes down the GTD Megaera in Battle for Mars Part II (Sol1-20)

GTD Leander

  • GTD Zagreus class destroyer
  • Came under heavy pirate attack in Those who dare (Sol1-03) when waiting for a Martian tranport
  • Attacks and destroy the main pirate outpost in Strike (Sol1-05) after the Martians have recovered precious data stored in the installation
  • Ordered to move deeper in the asteroid field to attack Admiral Doran's outpost, the GTD Adamanthea. It is attacked by many bomber wings
  • Enters the field of engagement in First Strike (Sol1-11) to engage Earth ships attempting to penetrate in Martian space. Takes down the GTC Lethe and the GTC Iambe and forces the GTD Panopea to withdraw
  • Moves to the outer orbit of Earth from which a planetary bombardment is possible in Leander's Fall (Sol1-15). It is attacked and destroyed by the GTD Megaera

Frontier Post 2

  • GTI Arcadia class installation
  • Appears in Evacuation (Sol1-16), when the Evac Transport moves the personnel of the installation to the near GTD Auriga
  • The outpost in then captured by the Earthers and is used as staging point for their forces
  • Appears in Hornet's Nest with the GTD Megaera and the GTD Panopea

Frontier Post 4

  • GTI Arcadia class installation
  • It is reached by Lambda wing, composed of three GTFr Chronos class freighters, in Bring Home the Prize (Sol1-06)


GTC Basileus

  • GTC Vidar class cruiser
  • Part of the GTD Panopea's escort
  • Attacked and destroyed by the GTD Adrasteia and Martian strike wings in Battle for Mars Part I

GTC Elara

  • GTC Leviathan class cruiser
  • Attacks and destroys a Martian convoy transfering data regarding the Claymore project, thus causing a war between two of the main colonies of the system
  • Attempts to return back to Earth, but it is destroyed by the player and his wings in First Strike (Sol1-11)

GTC Elymus

  • GTC Tyr class cruiser
  • Part of the GTD Panopea's escort
  • Attacked and destroyed by the GTD Adrasteia and Martian strike wings in Battle for Mars Part I

GTC Iambe

  • GTC Tyr class cruiser
  • Enters the field of engagement with the GTC Lethe shorltly after the destruction of the GTC Elara in First Strike (Sol1-11). It is destroyed by the combined firepower of the GTD Leander and the player's squadron

GTC Ichor

  • GTC Leviathan class cruiser
  • Part of the GTD Panopea's escort
  • Attacked and destroyed by the GTD Adrasteia and Martian strike wings in Battle for Mars Part I

GTC Lethe

  • GTC Tyr class cruiser
  • Enters the field of engagement with the GTC Iambe shorltly after the destruction of the GTC Elara in First Strike (Sol1-11). It is destroyed by the combined firepower of the GTD Leander and the player's squadron

GTC Phaeton

  • GTC Vidar class cruiser
  • Escorts the Earth convoy directed to the GTD Megaera alongside with the GTC Thriae in Lifeline (Sol1-17). Is destroyed by the player and his squadron

GTC Thriae

  • GTC Vidar class cruiser
  • Escorts the Earth convoy directed to the GTD Megaera alongside with the GTC Phaeton in Lifeline (Sol1-17). Is destroyed by the player and his squadron

GTD Panopea

  • GTD Zagreus class destroyer
  • Enters the battlefield in First Strike (Sol1-11) to reinforce Earth assets. Launches fighter wings to irritate the player but is easily forced to depart by the GTD Leander
  • Appears in Hornet's Nest (Sol1-18). It is in proximity of Frontier Post 2 with the GTD Megaera
  • Destroyed by the GTD Adrasteia and Martian bomber wings in Battle for Mars Part I

GTD Megaera

  • GTD Megaera class destroyer
  • Flagship of the Earth fleet, the Megaera was born thanks to the research on the debris of the SD Lucifer that remained in Sol
  • Every cruiser that attempts to attack it is destroyed by the beam cannon or by the multiple railgun batteries
  • The Megaera escapes whenever its beam cannon is threatened or heavily damaged
  • Appears in Leander's Fall (Sol1-15) and takes down the GTD Leander
  • Appears in Hornet's Nest (Sol1-18). It is in proximity of Frontier Post 2 with the GTD Panopea. The player is tasked to scan its subsystems during the mission
  • Arrives in outer orbit of Mars from which it could put an end to the war
  • Weakened by Martian bomber wings that destroyed the beam cannon and the navigation subsystem, the Megaera is destroyed by the GTD Auriga in Battle for Mars Part II

Lunar Outpost 4

  • GTI Arcadia class installation
  • Connected to two Communication Arrays Extensions(GTExC, the installation receives most of the Earther communication traffic in the area
  • Martian fighters attack and destroy communication arrays in Word of Mouth (Sol1-14) while avoiding collateral damage to civilians on board


GTSC Narcissus

  • GTSC Faustus class science cruiser
  • Appears in Ambush (Sol1-07) in order to jam transmissions between the player's squadron and Martian Command, but is easily destroyed by the player

GTD Adamanthea

  • GTD Adamanthea class destroyer, derelict of a GTD Orion
  • Used as base of operations by Admiral Doran, leader of the rebellion
  • Attacked and destroyed in Adamanthea (Sol1-10) by the GTC Acgaeus and the GTC Pythia