NF Banshee

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All information related to the NF Banshee is non-canon.
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NF Banshee (Nightmare Banshee).
AdF Dart.
NF Banshee as seen in Shadow Genesis.


Tech Room Description

  • none

Ancient-Shivan War Tech Room Description (AdF Dart)

The Dart seems to be the only fighter class that the Aesdherians actively use against us. Why they would choose to use such a poorly crafted design is unknown. While they are certainly agile and well-armed with their burst-fire lasers, most of these have not been equipped with subspace drives. This seriously compromises their tactical effectiveness against our own fightercraft. Their armour is thin and very penetrable, so they crumble easily under even the most basic of our weapon systems. However, the Aesdherians generally deploy the Dart in large swarms. It is in these numbers that they can pose a significant threat, should they be left unscathed for too long.

Shadow Genesis Tech Room Description

Space superiority fighter

Asmara Bellatoris

The most popular spacecraft of the Nightmare armada classified as space superiority fighter. Banshee is slightly slower than the Avishag, although equipped with heavier armour and stronger weaponry. Widespread aboard all Nightmare destroyers and carrier frigates. Extremely deadly against lightly armoured targets, like civilian transports and freighters, but can also be demanding opponents for light and medium fighters and bombers.

Credits List

  • Model by Aldo



Type Fighter
Manufacturer Unknown
Maneuverability Unknown
Max Velocity Unknown
Max Afterburner Velocity Unknown
Armor Unknown
Hitpoints Unknown
Shields Unknown
Length 16 m


Default Statistics Ancient-Shivan War Shadow Genesis
Bank Guns Standard Loadout Guns Standard Loadout Guns Standard Loadout
1st 2 Unknown 2 Aesdherian Light Laser 2 Negator Sickle
2nd 3 Unknown 3 Aesdherian Light Laser 3 Negator Scythe
Compatible Primaries

Default Statistics Ancient-Shivan War Shadow Genesis
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout Capacity Standard Loadout Capacity Standard Loadout
1st Unknown Unknown 60 Aesdherian Missile 100 Locust
Compatible Secondaries

Veteran Comments

Please read the Veteran Comments policy before editing this section.

An HTL addition to Aldo's "Nightmare" ships. While a complete model, the Banshee did not come with any table entry.

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