Naval Base
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All information related to the Naval Base is non-canon. |
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Tech Room Description
These series of installations serve as forward command posts and system HQs for Confed sector forces. Being able to hold over 100 combat spacecraft, they also have docking mounts for a dozen capital ships. Naval bases feature extensive communications and command and control systems, with the ability to be converted to a Sector HQ if the need ever arises. Without any weaponry, their main defense comes from their defense fighters, patrol craft, and a battery of laser turret mines. Notable bases are in Blackmane, Vega, Venice, Vespus, Hell's Kitchen, Gateway, and Enyo.
- Wing Commander Saga team
Designer's Comments
Name | Naval Base | |
Yaw, Pitch, Roll | 200 - 200 - 200 s | |
Hitpoints | 300000 pts | |
Shields | 40000 pts | |
Length | 2616.75 m | |
Width | 227.52 m | |
Height | 710.88 m | |
Fighterbays | 2 |
Modding Resources
- $POF File: tb_naval_base.pof
- Texture list: confed_details_1;confed_details_2;confed_hangar_1;debris_1;tb_naval_base_1;tb_naval_base_4;tb_naval_base_2;tb_naval_base_3;confed_wreckage
Veteran Comments