PVFr Ma'at

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Transports and freighters
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Notable ships of FreeSpace 1

Terran ships
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Vasudan ships
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Transports and freighters
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Notable ships of FreeSpace 2

The PVFr Ma'at is a Vasudan-designed freighter. It holds the distinction of being the only Vasudan ship to retain the PV (Parliamentary Vasudan) faction prefix even after the dissolving of the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire, formation of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance and subsequent prefix change of all other Vasudan Great War-era vessels from PV to GV (Galactic Vasudan).

The PVFr Ma'at


FS1 Tech Room Description

With three turrets, the Ma'at is a hairy target for GTA pilots to attack. However, it is slow enough that it can be destroyed with enough patience. As always, supply ships for the PVN are considered to be valid targets.

FS2 Tech Room Description

The Ma'at freighter class has served the Vasudan navy for over 50 years. More than 200 of these vessels still serve the GTVA, carrying desperately needed supplies, foodstuffs, and munitions to every theatre of the war. With only three weapon turrets, a lone Ma'at is easy prey for a wing of enemy bombers. Thus Ma'ats usually travel in mixed convoys with other freighters, guarded by cruisers and fighter wings.

Developer Notes


Concept Art

Name Origin

Ma'at was an Egyptian goddess of law, morality, and justice. She was also said to mediate between disputes, both between other deites and the mortals.



Type Freighter
Manufacturer Unknown
Maneuverability N/A
Yaw, Pitch, Roll 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 s
Max Velocity 50.0 - 60.0 ms-1
Max Afterburner Velocity N/A ms-1
Armor N/A
Hitpoints 4 500
Shields N/A
Length 56 m
Compatible Containers VAC 4


The PVFr Ma'at by Durandal and Oddgrim.
FreeSpace 1 FreeSpace 2
Turret Type Amount Turret Type Amount
Terran Turret 2 Terran Turret 2
Avenger 1 Mekhu HL-7 1

Modding Resources


$POF File: freighter05.pof
Textures: freighter05-01a(/b/c), thruster01

MediaVPs 3.6.14:

$POF File: HTL-Ma'at.pof
Textures: HTL-Ma'at, HTL-Ma'at-Debris
Model and textures by: Durandal & Oddgrim
Release thread: [1]
p3d model preview: [2]

Veteran Comments

Please read the Veteran Comments policy before editing this section.

The Ma'at is quite dangerous in the FS1 demo when you must fight it in an Apollo, with the ML-16, without shields. Even a single hit from a Terran Turret hurts an unshielded FS1 ship severely, and most people playing the FS1 demo are new players who will find the Ma'at a formidable opponent. However, in any other situation, this freighter is all but helpless. Terran Turrets are pitiful against shields, and decent weapons will chew the Ma'at up very quickly. It was made for the Terran-Vasudan war, and it shows.

Very similar to the GVFr Bes but it looks better and has another turret, a Avenger / Vasudan HL-7 turret, and not another useless Terran Turret.