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All information related to the Southampton-class is non-canon. |
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Tech Room Description
The smallest capital ship with true offensive capabilities, Southampton-class destroyers serve a 'jack of all trades' role in the Terran Navy. These versatile and multi-purpose vessels can be found as part of carrier battle groups or in destroyer squadrons or even alone. Very well shielded and armored for their size, they are capable of engaging both capships and fighters with either their powerful energy weapons or their array of missile tubes. In addition, these fast and maneuverable warships can run down any capship in the Kilrathi arsenal.
- Wing Commander Saga team
Designer's Comments
Name | Southampton-class | |
Yaw, Pitch, Roll | 72 - 72 - 72 s | |
Max Velocity | 31.578 (31.578) ms-1 | |
Hitpoints | 25000 pts | |
Shields | 20000 pts | |
Length | 363.53 m | |
Width | 112.5 m | |
Height | 117.94 m | |
Turrets | 10 turrets |
Default Statistics | |
Turret Type | Amount |
Laser Turret | 8 |
Anti-Mater Turret | 1 |
Warhammer CSM | 1 |
Modding Resources
- $POF File: tcs_southampton.pof
- Texture list: confed_details_1;confed_hangar_1;debris_1;tcs_southampton_1;tcs_southampton_2;confed_wreckage
Veteran Comments