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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
04:17, 6 July 2017 Medusa.png (file) 77 KB   2
04:12, 6 July 2017 Jotun.PNG (file) 281 KB   2
04:01, 6 July 2017 Pvf thoth.png (file) 132 KB Thoth concept art. 1
07:35, 21 December 2009 CrIm34.png (file) 110 KB Contains the Ashema, the Manticore, and an unknown fighter which bears no resemblance to any canon FreeSpace craft. 1
21:58, 9 October 2009 VasudanHeadz.png (file) 110 KB A concept of the helmet for Vasudan pilots. 1
21:57, 9 October 2009 Shivan3.png (file) 110 KB Another Shivan concept, looks to be a Shivan crouching. 1
21:54, 9 October 2009 Shivan2.png (file) 110 KB Another Shivan concept showing what looks to be a Shivan attacking. 1
21:53, 9 October 2009 Shivan.png (file) 110 KB A Shivan concept which has what looks like armoured Shivans. 1
21:50, 9 October 2009 Vasudan4.png (file) 110 KB Yet another Vasudan concept, which shows Vasudans in flight suits. 1
21:47, 9 October 2009 Vasudan3.png (file) 110 KB Another Vasudan concept, a very freaky one indeed. 1
21:40, 9 October 2009 PVFr Ma'at.png (file) 110 KB Obviously the concept art for the PVFr Ma'at from Freespace 1. Would be a good basis for a high-poly model. 1
21:36, 9 October 2009 Vasudan2.png (file) 110 KB Another Vasudan concept, seems to be farther from the final than "vasudan1.png". 1
21:32, 9 October 2009 Vasudan1.png (file) 110 KB Obviously a concept to finalize the Vasudan look, much closer to what we see in game than some of the other concepts. 1
21:29, 9 October 2009 Cronus.png (file) 110 KB This is, obviously, the GTFr Cronus. This would make a good basis for a high-poly model as well. 1
04:08, 9 October 2009 Vasudan World.jpg (file) 58 KB This is obviously a Vasudan world. This was never seen in either of the games in any way, shape, or form. 1
04:05, 9 October 2009 SF ???.jpg (file) 10 KB Looks like another Basilik-like fighter, definitely a FS1 concept art. 1
04:01, 9 October 2009 SB Bhavani.jpg (file) 14 KB Another unknown fighter that never made it into the game. It's definitely a FS1 concept art. 1
03:57, 9 October 2009 SCv Devata.jpg (file) 27 KB This is a FS1 concept art, however, it is not present in either game. Galemp has, however, made a (low-poly) version of it available to the public. 1
03:56, 9 October 2009 GVFr Hesat.jpg (file) 33 KB This is definitely FS2, however, it does not look like any canon ship in the game. It looks more like a bomber that was supposed to have its 'claws' open, and then it deploys its bombs. 1
03:52, 9 October 2009 FS Concept Art.jpg (file) 156 KB Obviously this is the concept art used for te Vasudan in their flight suit and for a Shivan. 1
03:51, 9 October 2009 GVF Tuat.jpg (file) 12 KB This looks like the concept art for the Isis, however it also looks like a Vasudan fighter, with the guns on the sides. 1
03:49, 9 October 2009 GVF Chensit.jpg (file) 8 KB FS1 concept art, doesn't seem to be any of the canon ships, however. 1
03:42, 9 October 2009 GTF Icarius.jpg (file) 7 KB Odd fighter, likely a FS1 concept art. I recall a fighter like this in INFR1, though I may be mistaken. 1
03:40, 9 October 2009 GTF Iaso.jpg (file) 53 KB Likely a FS2 concept which, again, never made it to the modeling stages. INFA has their own version, which is high-poly, but is not smooth like this concept. 1
03:39, 9 October 2009 GTF Enceladus.jpg (file) 9 KB It is a FS1 concept art, which also probably never made it to the modeling stage. However, INFA, and The Terran Vasudan War Project have both made their own versions, which are low-poly. 1
03:36, 9 October 2009 GTC Caucasus.jpg (file) 46 KB A FS2 concept, most likely did not make to the modeling stages, as it does not look very Freespace-like. There have been several attempts to modeled it, such as Earth Defense' version. 1
03:32, 9 October 2009 GTB Notus.jpg (file) 24 KB Most likely never made it past the modeling stage, but INFR1 made their own version of it, which is low-poly. 1
03:28, 9 October 2009 GTB Antea.jpg (file) 22 KB A somewhat odd concept, looks vaguely like the Boa, but is still different. If it isn't the GTB Boa, then it probably never made it to the modeling stage. 1
03:25, 9 October 2009 Concept2.png (file) 21 KB Contains what we call the "Gorgon", another Basilisk-like fighter, and another fighter that INFR1 made, but was low-poly. 1
03:21, 9 October 2009 Concept8.png (file) 31 KB It seems to contain the concept arts for the Manticore, unknown Shivan fighter, the Scorpion, and another unknown. 1