The Avenger

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Fighter squadron: N/A

Description: Avenge the Apesokari. Slay the Demon.


The Demon has been located orbiting the gas giant in the Verbek System. The squadron is assigned to destroy its escorting fleet elements, while the Akrotiri moves in to slay the Demon itself.


This is a capital assault mission. Adjust your escort loads as necessary. You will also have three other escort wings.

The Demon is escorted by the following:

  • The Moloch, Paresh.
  • The Lilith, Abhidi.
  • The Cains, Yadva and Depta.

Note that although each escort is a secondary, destroying the Demon takes top priority when called to do so.

Stay on the move (you have no shielding and turrets can eat away at your hull) and prioritize weapons systems first. Be very wary of the Paresh's and Abhidi's heavy cannons and cluster missiles. When you are called to disable the Demon, come up from its back, otherwise the flak cannons from the top will eat you up.

The escorts will leave on the Demon's destruction. If you want to down all the escorts, go for their engines.

Watch out for Arjuna and Indra Wings.
