User talk:Snail

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Revision as of 11:46, 12 April 2009 by Mobius (talk | contribs) (INFA Controversy)
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User page

Wow... awesome bio. I had no idea of your pure FS fanaticism. Played the OEM version for two years- damn! Kudos. You've really seen it all. Mustang19 23:40, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

Yeah I've basically never played any other game but FreeSpace for most of my life. :D Snail 15:14, 31 March 2008 (CST)


If you see a spelling eror, you're welcome to correct it, but thanks for pointing that out. --Mars 02:20, 18 August 2006 (BST)

When I was tinkering around with mission tables, I got light capital when I tried out the Seraphim. AllStarZ 00:18, 5 November 2007 (CST)

Not Sparta...

What's it take to drive Snail mad? 124 consecutive edits. Nice job with the cleanup of the user-made ship pages. -- BlueFlames 16:45, 5 September 2008 (CDT)

random whatever

Actually I intend to make a bunch of Vasudan ships for exactly that reason. Have a bunch of rough sketches I've been doodling while at work. And also have one Shivan Cruiser in mind, but if I do him I'd probably save it for my campaign so that'd be a long ways off. Got the Anouke just about done, after that I might try to put together a pack of 6-8 fighters. Akalabeth

That sounds really cool and would give the community so many more Vasudan ships to play with. - Snail 14:32, 7 September 2008 (CDT)

Inferno: Alliance Controversy

Excuse me, but what are you saying? As far as I remember you were the one who pointed my ideas out as idiotic, and even in an arrogant way (remember the INFA1/INFA2/INFA3 plans or I need to take screenshots?). You were pretty stubborn in using the word idiotic against me. You were becoming boring because you didn't work on the project but rather decided to criticize my choices, like missions' names. Also, I'd like to know who are the "other INF members" you refer to near the middle of your Controversy section. You had no access to INF SCP internal so you don't knoy anything. I'm in very good relationships with brugger (who rejoined the team thanks to me), SadisticSid (we PMed each other for a while and then he posted interesting hints on the internal forum), Hippo (who will eventually rejoin in the future), freespaceking (who works actively on the textures, kudos to him) and Rampage (who is sad for not giving a contribute because of Real Life, but wholeheartedly supports the renewed team). Who are the INF members who're not happy to work with me? Tell us all, because I'm curious.

You should really stop using your Wiki user profile to spread false information. I don't mind if you simply post and say that you lost interest on INFA, but saying stuff like "The other Inferno team members don't like working with Mobius" is unacceptable, because it's completely false. You have nothing to base your arguments on, so you suddenly decided to invent stuff from scratch without even a mere shadow of proof?

Also, if I'm the de facto second Inferno leader now, it's not due to my behavior. It's due to my efforts (FREDding, tabling, planning, upgrading, etc. etc.). It's a matter of Meritocracy, Snail. --- Mobius