Their Finest Hour

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Fighter squadron:70th Blue Lions
Description:Volition's big flop


The 70th Blue Lions are, along with the GTVA Colossus and a small contingent of warships, to create a diversion while the Meson bomb laden Bastion eliminates the Capella - Epsilon Pegasi jump node.


This mission was planned big and executed small, there is evidence that the Colossus had a complicated set of waypoints, that are never executed. Also, although all allied ships are beam freed, they are beam freed before they jump in... so they never fire their beams. You basically need to take an Ares with Trebs and a quad bank of Maxims and dedicate yourself to killing everything within Treb range, especially cruisers. Hang out near the GVCv Sobek to prevent yourself from getting wasted by interceptors.

Notable ships present