The FreeSpace Port

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Revision as of 19:22, 22 September 2008 by Mobius (talk | contribs) (Very little help to tell more about the FS Port's team efforts.)
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Mods: lots
Staff: Goober5000, GalEmp
Missions: 30

The FreeSpace Port is a user-made FreeSpace 2 port of the main Descent: FreeSpace campaign, created by Ian Warfield (Goober5000) and GalEmp (Peter Oliver). The package ports all the mission, ship and weapon data from Descent: FreeSpace to FreeSpace 2 format, thus allowing FreeSpace 2 player to use ships and weapons from Descent: FreeSpace.

This project also upgrades several FS1 campaigns like Cardinal Spear and several ship models like the PVI Karnak that, although not present in the main FS1 campaign, are oftentimes used in FS1 era custom campaigns.

See also