[[{{{previous}}}|Previous Mission]]
[[{{{campaign}}}|Campaign Walkthrough]] | [[{{{next}}}|Next Mission]]
All credit to hawke_ on #osm for writing these templates, Template:NextMission and Template:PreviousMission being the others.
Loop capability was added by Logomancer, with Template:PreviousInLoop and Template:NextInLoop being derived from the previous two templates above.
This collection of templates are to be used as campaign headers for mission walkthroughs.
Add this to the first mission of a campaign - {{Mission|next=The Place of Chariots|first=Surrender, Belisarius|campaign=Campaign Walkthrough}}
, substituing the relevant parameters.
The last mission should have {{Mission|last=Apocalypse|previous=Clash of the Titans II|campaign=Campaign Walkthrough}}
at the top.
Other missions get {{Mission|next=The Romans Blunder|previous=Surrender, Belisarius|campaign=Campaign Walkthrough}}
for instance.
To add next or previous loop missions, add loopnext or loopprev, respectively, to the parameter list. One example would be {{Mission|previous=Feint! Parry! Riposte!|next=Battle of the Wilderness|loopprev=Rebels and Renegades|loopnext=...But Hate The Traitor|campaign=FreeSpace 2 Campaign Walkthrough}}
for the Freespace 2 mission "Love the Treason...". If a next or previous loop mission doesn't exist, just leave it out.
The campaign parameter is the name of the campaign's wiki page.