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Fighter squadron: 74th Templars
Description: Reclaim Alshain Station.
The 74th Templars are assigned to recapture Alshain Station in Beta Aquilae, to disrupt the Earth Alliance's communications hub across the system and to cripple their command and control network in Janus.
You will have four three-ship wings to start. Alpha and Delta Wings consist of Artemis bombers (can be customized), while Beta and Gamma Wings consist of Ereshkigals (fixed).
A preferred loadout is an Artemis with a Cyclops/Stiletto/Cyclops setup. If you need extra torpedoes on hand, you can swap the Artemis out for the Boanerges (preferably with an Arbalest/Stiletto/Cyclops setup). If you want to fly an Ereshkigal, load both of your secondary banks with Stilettos. The Artemis is capable of mounting the Hurricane or Shadow missiles, so you and your fellow bombers can join the dogfight if pressed.
Start charging the Array Dishes, but defend yourself in the furball involving Claymores, Stentors and stolen Ereshkigals first. Do not concern yourself with having to destroy any of the specific Array subsystems, simply damaging the Arrays as a whole will suffice.
If any bombers are dispatched to counter the Alacritas, thin them out at any opportunity to make Zeta Wing's life easier.
Two capital assets are capable of calling for reinforcements, the Hypax and the Junor.
When Command warns you about the Hypax: Take out its Navigation Subsystem to prevent it from jumping for reinforcements (aim for the rotating antenna, five to six Stilettos will do the trick). The Junor can be dispatched by your bombers or you can disable it.
Should the Junor escape, they will call in two cruisers: The Formidable and the Deception. They will attempt to go for the Alacritas.
Once the Comms Arrays are offline, the Reyes will come in and the Alacritas will depart. Should the Formidable and Deception be in play, they will also leave. Take out the station's Beam Cannons (for the sake of speed, order your bombers to disarm the station).
After the Beam Cannons are down, the Reyes will force the station to surrender. After all of that is done, you can park in the Reyes.
Total number of forces
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(*): Player-selected craft: may be replaced with the GTF Ereshkigal or GTB Boanerges.
(#): Called in should the Junor escape.