GTM Hippocrates

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The GTM Hippocrates


FS2 Tech Room Description

Terrans developed the GTM Hippocrates early in the post-war Reconstruction period. With the outbreak of the NTF insurgency, the GTVA has once again called the Hippocrates into active military service. Its on-board facilities provide state-of-the-art medical care to thousands of patients. Hippocrates also help transport refugees out of contested systems into the safety of Allied-controlled regions. The unusual design of the Hippocrates enables its crew to isolate sections of the ship quickly in the event of quarantine or hull breach.

FS2 MetaStream Model Description

Terrans developed the GTM Hippocrates early in the post-war Reconstruction. The urgent need for mobile medical units that could respond to humanitarian crises across multiple systems prompted the Alliance to commission a new class of hospital ship. With the outbreak of the NTF insurgency, the GTVA has once again called the Hippocrates into active military service. Its on-board facilities provide state-of-the-art medical care to thousands of patients and help transport refugees out of contested systems into the safety of Allied-controlled regions. The unusual design of the Hippocrates enables its crew to isolate sections of the ship quickly in the event of quarantine or hull breach.

Developer Notes


Name origin

Hippocrates (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC) was a Greek physician, and is considered one of the greatest figures in the history of medicine. He is the one who revolutionized the way medicines were used, even if he had to reject superstition and beliefs as means of recuperation. He also rejected the idea that illnesses are caused by divine forces as punishment.



Type Medical Ship
Manufacturer Unknown
Maneuverability N/A
Yaw, Pitch, Roll 20.0 s
Max Velocity N/A ms-1
Max Afterburner Velocity N/A ms-1
Armor 10 000
Hitpoints N/A
Shields 546
Length m


FreeSpace 2
Turret Type Amount
Terran Turret 3
Anti-Fighter Beam 1
Light Terran Slashing Beam 1

Veteran Comments

Please read the Veteran Comments policy before editing this section.

It has been thought by some that this "Medical Frigate" has approximately the same combat capability as the Fenris. It has the same LTerSlash beam, one less AAA turret, 2 fewer Terran Turrets and is Fusion Mortar-less. It has 2,000 more hitpoints, however, as well as slightly tougher sub-systems. In spite of this it is obviously not a combat craft, because it has a very large target profile, and its point defenses are too widely spaced.

This ship has better weaponry than a Triton, but blows up just as well. If a bomber sneezes on this thing, it's all over for the poor folks aboard. If you make escort missions with these, it adds challenge and difficulty, just because it dies too easily.

Living proof that Terran Turrets have a purpose; the Hippocrates will rarely if ever intercept an inbound bomb. Suffers from poor turret placement to defend its largest profiles, the sides, which proves pretty conclusively this is not a combat ship.