Hud gauges.tbl

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hud_gauges.tbl is used for modifying the elements of the HUD. Not all gauges can be modified. However, custom gauges may be added to mimic their behavior (such as the wingman status display).

HUD Elements in FS2 are called Gauges, and each gauge has various options to customize appearance and, in some cases, their behavior as well.

This table is one of the Modular Tables and can be extended with xxx-hdg.tbm


HUD Configurations

The following entries are used on the HUD system, but have not been grouped with any particular gauge.

$Load Retail Configuration:

Optional. If yes, any gauge missing from the HUD gauge definitions below will be loaded using the retail defaults.

If no, any missing (default) gauge will prompt an error.

  • Syntax: Boolean


Optional. Sets the default HUD color for all gauges.

  • Sytax: Integer Red, Integer Green, Integer Blue
  • Valid Values: all values from 0 to 255


Optional. Sets the font type to use for the HUD.

  • Syntax: Integer font index number
  • Valid Values: Any font index as defined in Fonts.tbl

$Max Directives:

Optional. Sets the default maximum number of directives displayed simultaneously.

  • Syntax: Integer maximum number of directives
  • Valid Values: Any positive number
  • Default Value: 5

$Max Escort Ships:

Optional. Sets the default maximum number of escort ships to be shown in the escort list.

  • Syntax: Integer
  • Valid Values: Any positive number
Warning: Entries more than 16 will cause the list to overflow into the weapons list for resolutions lower than 1024x768.

$Length Unit Multiplier:

Optional. Sets the multiplier to applied to the reported distances. For example, if the multiplier is 0.5, then the distance reported to the player will (or at least should) be 0.5 x actual distance.

  • Syntax: Float
  • Valid Values: Any positive number

$Speed Unit Multiplier:

Optional. Analogous to $Length Unit Multiplier, this sets the multiplier to be applied to all speeds reported to the player. For example, if the multiplier is 0.5, the the speed reported to the player will (or at least should) be 0.5 x actual speed.

  • Syntax: Float
  • Valid Values: Any positive number
  • Default Values:
The value used in $Length Unit Multiplier, or
1, if $Length Unit Multiplier is undefined

$Wireframe Targetbox:

Optional. Defines the default draw method for the target viewer (a.k.a. targetbox).

  • Syntax: Integer Draw method ID
  • Valid Values:
0 - Standard with full, bright lighting
1 - Wireframe
2 - Standard with proper lighting (i.e. lit the same as the actual target)
FS2 Open, 3.6.16:
3 - Untextured with full bright lighting (i.e. drawn with a single flat color)

$Targetbox Shader Effect:

FS2 Open, 3.6.16:

Optional. If set, defines a unique ID for a shader effect to be used when rendering a ship for the targeting box. The ID will be passed to the main shader as in #Ship_Effects, but a table entry for the effect is not needed.

  • Syntax: Integer
  • Valid Values: Any positive number

$Lock Wireframe Mode:

Optional. If set, prevents targetbox draw method from being changed during the gaming session.

  • Syntax: Boolean

$Reticle Style:

Optional. Defines which aiming reticle to use.

  • Syntax: String
  • Valid Values:
FS1 - uses reticle1_fs1.ani
FS2 - uses reticle1.ani

#Gauge Config

The following entries define default gauge appearance and behavior. Each gauge has the option of overriding these options.


Optional. If defined, the following config data will only be used if the player ship is of the supplied ship class. Can be defined multiple times within a #Gauge config group to allow unique HUD configurations per ship class.

If not defined, all following config data will be applied to all ships.

  • Syntax: String, ship class name

$Load Retail Configuration:

Optional. Overrides the $Load Retail Configuration global option for this ship class.

  • Syntax: Boolean


Optional. Overrides the $Color global option for this ship class.


Optional. Overrides the $Font global option for this ship class.


Defines the base resolution for this HUD configuration.

  • Syntax: (Integer width, Integer height)
  • Valid Values: All supported resolutions (?)

$Required Aspect:

Optional. If set, this configuration will only be loaded for the specified aspect ratios.

  • Syntax: String
  • Valid Values:
"Full Screen" (4:3)
"Wide Screen" (16:9, 16:10, or similar)


Minimum resolution for this config. Any resolution lower than specified will not use this configuration.

  • Syntax: (Integer width, Integer height)
  • Valid Values: All supported resolutions (?)


Maximum resolution for this config. Any resolution higher than specified will not use this configuration.

  • Syntax: (Integer width, Integer height)
  • Valid Values: All supported resolutions (?)


Following entries define gauge-specific behavior. For the most part, each gauge has its own overrides that, if not defined, would otherwise use the global values.

Since many gauges have the same configuration options, each gauge entry has a list of valid sub-entries. Unless stated otherwise, these options must be defined in the same order as they are shown, starting from the top and ending at the bottom.


Adds a custom gauge type.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
X-Offset: (Optional)
Y-Offset: (Optional)
Gauge Type:
Slew: (Optional)
Active by default: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that display mission messages.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Max Lines: (Optional)
Max Width: (Optional)
Line Height (Optional)
Total Lifetime: (Optional)
Scroll Time (Optional)
Step Size: (Optional)

+Training Messages:

Adds a text box, like the ones seen in the FS1 and FS2 training missions.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Font: (Optional)


Adds a text box that shows the Support ship's status and ETA

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
Text Y-offset: (Optional)
Dock Status X-offset: (Optional)
Dock Time X-offset: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that shows how much damage a target (or the player?) has.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Top Background Filename: (Optional)
Entry Background Filename: (Optional)
Bottom Background Filename: (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
Hull Integrity Offsets (Optional)
Hull Integrity Value X-offset (Optional)
Top Background Height: (Optional)
Subsystem Entry Height: (Optional)
Subsystem List Start Offsets: (Optional)
Subsystem Entry Value X-offset: (Optional)

+Wingman Status:

Adds a gauge that monitors the status of your wing and squadron.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Left Background Filename: (Optional)
Right Background Filename: (Optional)
Entry Background Filename: (Optional)
Dot Filename: (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
Left Background Width: (Optional)
Entry Width: (Optional)
Single Wing Offsets: (Optional)
Multiple Wing Start Offsets: (Optional)
Wing Name Offsets: (Optional)
Dot Offsets: (Optional)
Expansion Mode: (Optional)

+Auto Speed:

Adds the Auto-Speed mode gauge.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Auto Offsets: (Optional)
Speed Offsets: (Optional)

+Auto Target:

Adds the Auto-target mode gauge.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Auto Offsets: (Optional)
Target Offsets: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that monitors the amount of remaining countermeasures the player's ship currently has.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Text Offsets: (Optional)
Value Offsets: (Optional)

+Talking Head:

Adds a video window to display pilot message videos (a.k.a talking heads).

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
Animation Offsets: (Optional)
Animation Background Size: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that displays all currently active directives (includes current , completed, and failed)

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Top Background Filename: (Optional)
Entry Background Filename: (Optional)
Bottom Background Filename: (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
Top Background Height: (Optional)
List Start Offsets: (Optional)
Entry Height: (Optional)


Adds a weapon status and ammunition gauge.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Primary List Top Background Filename: (Optional)
Primary List Middle Background Filename: (Optional)
Primary List Bottom Background Filename: (Optional)
Secondary List Top Background Filename: (Optional)
Secondary List Entry Background Filename: (Optional)
Secondary List Bottom Background Filename: (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
Text X-offset: (Optional)
Top Primary Frame Height: (Optional)
Top Secondary Frame Height: (Optional)
Primary List Start Y-offset: (Optional)
Secondary List Start Y-offset: (Optional)
Primary Weapon Ammo X-offset: (Optional)
Primary Weapon Link X-offset: (Optional)
Primary Weapon Name X-offset: (Optional)
Secondary Weapon Ammo X-offset: (Optional)
Secondary Weapon Linked X-offset: (Optional)
Secondary Weapon Name X-offset: (Optional)
Secondary Weapon Reload X-offset: (Optional)
Primary Weapon Entry Height: (Optional)
Secondary Weapon Entry Height: (Optional)

+Objective notify:

Adds a Objective notifier gauge. This gauge alerts the player when receiving a new objective, or when an objective has been completed or failed. Additionally, this gauge alerts the player when entering subspace, and when a Red Alert mission orders are being received (prior to a forced subspace jump).

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Objective Text Y-offset: (Optional)
Objective Value Y-offset: (Optional)
Subspace Text Y-offset: (Optional)
Subspace Value Y-offset: (Optional)
Red Alert Text Y-offset: (Optional)
Red Alert Value Y-offset: (Optional)

+Squad Message

Adds the squad message gauge. In FS1 and FS2, this gauge is used to send commands to your squad. (?)

  • Valid sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Top Background Filename: (Optional)
Entry Background Filename: (Optional)
Bottom Background Filename: (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
Top Background Height: (Optional)
List Start Offsets: (Optional)
Entry Height: (Optional)
Command X-offset (Optional)
Hud_gauges.tbl#Page Up Offsets:Page Up Offsets (Optional)
Hud_gauges.tbl#Page Down Offsets:Page Down Offsets (Optional)


Adds a Lag gauge.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)

+Mini Target Shields:

Adds a mini Target shields gauge. In FS1 and FS2, the Mini Target Shield gauge is the one right below the center reticle, and shows the hull damage in %

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
3 Digit Hull Offsets: (Optional)
2 Digit Hull Offsets: (Optional)
1 Digit Hull Offsets: (Optional)

+Player Shields:

Adds a gauge that shows the shield and hull status icon of the player's craft or ship.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)

+Target Shields:

Adds a gauge that shows the shield and hull status icon of the targeted craft or ship.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)

+Escort View:

Adds an escort monitor/view gauge. This gauge monitors the status of all ships assigned to the player to escort.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Top Background Filename: (Optional)
Entry Background Filename: (Optional)
Bottom Background Filename: (Optional)
Entry Height (Optional)
Entry Stagger Width: (Optional)
Header Text (Optional)
Header Offsets: (Optional)
List Start Offsets: (Optional)
Hull X-offset (Optional)
Name X-offset (Optional)
Status X-offset (Optional)

+Mission Time:

Adds a gauge that displays the current mission time.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Text Offsets: (Optional)
Value Offsets: (Optional)

+ETS Retail:

FS2 Open, 3.6.14:

Draws the three other ETS gauges as a single gauge. Will automatically rearrange itself (like retail) if shields or other systems are missing. SVN 8830

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)
Letter Offsets: (Optional)
Top Offsets: (Optional)
Bottom Offsets: (Optional)
Gauge Offset: (Optional)

+ETS Weapons:

Adds a gauge that displays the energy transfer rate for the energy weapons.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)
Letter Offsets: (Optional)
Top Offsets: (Optional)
Bottom Offsets: (Optional)

+ETS Engines:

Adds a gauge that displays the energy transfer rate for the afterburner/engines.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)
Letter Offsets: (Optional)
Top Offsets: (Optional)
Bottom Offsets: (Optional)

+ETS Shields:

Adds a gauge that displays the energy transfer rate for the shields.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)
Letter Offsets: (Optional)
Top Offsets: (Optional)
Bottom Offsets: (Optional)

+Target Monitor:

Adds a target monitor gauge that shows the targeted ship's relative orientation and hull strength, among other things.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Monitor Filename: (Optional)
Integrity Bar Filename: (Optional)
Viewport Offsets: (Optional)
Viewport Size: (Optional)
Integrity Bar Offsets: (Optional)
Integrity Bar Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)
Status Offsets: (Optional)
Name Offsets: (Optional)
Class Offsets: (Optional)
Distance Offsets: (Optional)
Speed Offsets: (Optional)
Hull Offsets: (Optional)
Cargo Contents Offsets: (Optional)
Cargo Scan Start Offsets: (Optional)
Cargo Scan Size: (Optional)

+Extra Target Data:

Adds a gauge that displays "extra" target data, such as its current orders and docking status.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Bracket Offsets: (Optional)
Dock Offsets: (Optional)
Order Offsets: (Optional)
Time Offsets: (Optional)


Adds a standard radar gauge

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Infinity Distance Offsets (Optional)
Long Distance Offsets: (Optional)
Short Distance Offsets: (Optional)

+Radar Orb:

Adds a 3D orb radar gauge

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Infinity Distance Offsets (Optional)
Long Distance Offsets: (Optional)
Short Distance Offsets: (Optional)

+Radar BSG:

Adds a BSG style radar.

Position (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Size: (Optional)
XY Disc Filename: (Optional)
XZ YZ Disc Filename: (Optional)
Sweep Disc Filename: (Optional)
Default Contact Filename: (Optional)
Unknown Contact Filename: (Optional)
Cockpit Target: (Optional)
Canvas Size:
Display Offset:
Display Size:
Loop Volume: (Optional)
Minimum Beep Delay (Optional)

+Afterburner Energy:

Adds a gauge that shows the remaining afterburner energy.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)

+Weapon Energy:

Adds a gauge that shows the remaining weapon energy.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)
Text Offsets: (Optional)

+Text Warnings:

Adds a gauge that warns the player (of something).

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)

+Center Reticle:

Adds a "custom" center reticle.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Firepoint display: (Optional)
Firepoint size: (Optional)
Firepoint X coordinate multiplier: (Optional)
Firepoint Y coordinate multiplier: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that shows the current throttle position.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Bottom Y-offset: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Width: (Optional)
Foreground Clip Height: (Optional)
Afterburner Clip Height: (Optional)
Show Background: (Optional)
Max Speed Label Offsets: (Optional)
Min Speed Label Offsets: (Optional)
Orbit Center Offsets: (Optional)
Orbit Radius: (Optional)

+Threat Indicator:

Adds a gauge that indicates when a lock-on has been achieved by an attacker, and if the player is being shot at.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Arc Filename: (Optional)
Dumbfire Filename: (Optional)
Lock Filename: (Optional)
Dumbfire Offsets: (Optional)
Lock Offsets: (Optional)

+Multiplayer Messages:

Adds a gauge that displays the multiplayer messages.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Font: (Optional)

+Voice Status:

Adds a gauge that displays the voice status.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that the ping time to the multiplayer server.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that warns the player of an impending supernova shock wave.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)

+Lock Indicator:

Adds a Lock Indicator gauge.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Font: (Optional)
Lock Filename: (Optional)
Locked Filename: (Optional)
Lock Center Offsets: (Optional)
Locked Center Offsets: (Optional)

+Offscreen Indicator:

Adds an Offscreen Indicator.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Font: (Optional)

+Target Brackets:

Adds a Target Bracket gauge. This is drawn around current target(s) and talkers.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Font: (Optional)
Dot Filename: (Optional)

+Hostile Triangle:

Adds a gauge that points to the nearest attacker, if it is off-screen and is not currently targeted.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Radius (Optional)
Triangle Base: (Optional)
Triangle Height: (Optional)

+Target Triangle:

Adds a gauge that points to the targeted craft, if it is currently off-screen.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Radius (Optional)
Triangle Base: (Optional)
Triangle Height: (Optional)

+Missile Triangles:

Adds a gauge that is used during attempting to lock onto a target when using an aspect seeking missile.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Radius (Optional)
Triangle Base: (Optional)
Triangle Height: (Optional)

+Lead Indicator:

Adds a gauge that is used to raise the probability of hitting a target with primary weapons.

  • Valid Sub-entries:
Font: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Center Offsets: (Optional)

+Orientation Tee:

Adds a gauge that indicates the targeted craft's orientation in relation to the player's craft.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Radius (Optional)

+Lead Sight:

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)


Adds a gauge that keeps track of how many kills the player has scored during a mission.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Filename: (Optional)
Text Offsets: (Optional)
Value Offsets: (Optional)

+Weapon Linking:

Adds a gauge that indicates the selected weapons and their firing rates.

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)
Slew: (Optional)
Arc Filename: (Optional)
Single Primary Filename: (Optional)
Double Primary Filename: (Optional)
Single Secondary Filename: (Optional)
Double Secondary Filename: (Optional)
Triple Secondary Filename: (Optional)
Single Primary Offsets: (Optional)
Double Primary Offsets: (Optional)
Single Secondary Offsets: (Optional)
Double Secondary Offsets: (Optional)
Triple Secondary Offsets: (Optional)

+Fixed Messages:

  • Valid Sub-Entries:
Position (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Font: (Optional)