Marching Through Georgia

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Campaign Walkthrough Next Mission

Location: Stewart Cowley Station, Lunar orbit


The Chanticleer and the 52nd are ordered to destroy a Federation fuel refinery orbiting Luna.


The GTF Aurora is the preferred option for this mission. Take dogfight missiles, as you'll be fighting swarms of light fighters and you have to take them down fast.

You'll jump in at 7000 meters from the station, with two old Purusha frigates and two wings of Scimitar fighters between you and the station. Ignore the frigates and clear the fighters. Once the fighter screen is destroyed, a jump node and nav beacon target will appear on radar where the Chanticleer will emerge from subspace. The Chanticleer will jump in below the frigates and begin blasting them.

The UEF will send a sad group of four [FTF Lancer|Uhlans] to reinforce the station, and Cowley Station will launch two waves of Scimitars carrying Warhammer torpedoes. Take the Scimitars down ASAP. The Chanticleer is so close to the station that the Scimitars are in Warhammer range from the second they leave the hangar bay, so move fast. If you lose the Chanticleer, you lose the mission.


  • Stewart Cowley is an English sci-fi writer who created the celebrated Terran Trade Authority series of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  • Marching Through Georgia is a Unionist song from the American Civil War.