Mod Incomplete Reasons

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Revision as of 18:10, 19 July 2012 by Scourge of Ages (talk | contribs) (GTF Raziel)
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Bek'Tah Interceptor

Missing table file.

Cargo Platform

Missing table file in download, example provided on ship page.

GTF Raziel

Missing table file, no eye points, no MOI


Missing table file.

Lizard Killercraft

Missing table file.

Lizard Swarmercraft

Missing table file.

NF Banshee

Missing table file.

NF Larvae

Missing table file.

NF Phantasm

Missing table file.

RLF Panther

Needs MoI, easily suto-generated in PCS2. Also lacks icons.tbl to properly integrate a new species without errors.

RLF Tigris

Needs MoI, easily suto-generated in PCS2. Also lacks icons.tbl to properly integrate a new species without errors.

SF Succubus

This ship comes from the OTT Model dump, and therefore has no table file.