Talk:Minor FRED Features

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Revision as of 09:21, 15 March 2011 by TopAce (talk | contribs)
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What is this article doing here when there is a more comprehensive one?

Unless you haven't noticed, features like custom loading screens aren't SEXPs. This has a place, it just needs expansion. - Snail 00:00, 15 March 2011 (UTC)
I noticed, but when I saw Improved Team Loadout on the side of the FRED page, I thought that everything else should have its own page, too. But that might not be a good idea after all. --SypheDMar 08:05, 15 March 2011 (UTC)
  • In its current form, it is useless and outdated. Firstly, if this is meant to be for minor SCP additions for FRED, the title should reflect that. Drawing a line between two icons in the briefing is also a minor FRED feature, yet I suspect this isn't the page that should deal with it. Secondly, define minor. My definition of minor probably conflicts with someone else's. Consequently, the feature that I label as minor may be a substantial, groundbreaking, mind-numbing new addition to someone else. The default beam-free-all in the Missions Spec Editor, in my definition, is minor because it quite simply saves some time for the FREDder. But what about being able to change the name of default player wings? That's a different kind of feature, and I'm not sure I'd call minor, because it's noticeable as soon as you enter the ship loadout screen or glimpse at the wingmen window. - TopAce 09:21, 15 March 2011 (UTC)